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ably well managed, compact plants, and deservedly received the first prize, His kinds were, Miss Houston, compacta (Gaines), Mab (Kinghorn), Mirabilis (Gaines), Alpha (Gaines), and Enchantress (Gaines). In the amateurs' class, Mr. G. Stanley obtained a prize for some rather long-legged specimens of King John, Mammoth, Monarch, Prince Alfred, Queen of the Fairies, and British Queen.

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The Society only offer prizes this season for single specimens, for which all parties are admitted to equal competition. Messrs. Lane and Son, obtained the first prize (value 25s.) for a compact specimen of their seedling, named Mrs. Lane, a flower remarkable for the richness of its corolla, and of excellent habit.* Mr. Kendal, florist,

Stoke Newington, received the second prize.


But a small number of these were exhibited, and amongst PELARGONIUMS none of the present season were considered by the judges deserving a prize. Mr. Hoyle, of Guernsey, however, showed some very excellent flowers, which if no great improvement upon others already out, certainly would lose nothing by comparison with them. One of his flowers struck us as likely to be a very good one; it was named Governor General, possessing a remarkably smooth and even surface, very round, and the colours clear and well defined. Several prizes were awarded for two year old seedlings. Mr. Hoyle received a prize for Mount Etna, a flower of extraordinary brilliancy and beauty of colour, being a rich bright scarlet crimson, with a distinct dark blotch in the upper petals. Mr. E. Beck received four prizes, 1st, for Competitor, a smooth and good shaped flower, the top petals are covered with an even tint of velvety-maroon, leaving a narrow rim of rosy crimson on the edge. The centre of the flower is light, with lower petals of a bright rose, having a deeper rosecoloured spot in each. 2nd. Bacchus, a very round and fine flower; the upper petals are of a deep maroon, with a narrow border of rose, centre white, rose-coloured under petals, having dark veins and blotches in each. 3rd. Hebe's Lip, a flower with velvety top petals,

* Messrs. Lane also showed a kind named Curiosa, which if not the same, is very similar to Cordifolia.

surrounded with crimson, white centre, with bright rosy pink under petals; and 4th. Patrician, a remarkably smooth and even textured flower, having rosy pink lower petals, with dark top petals, changing to rosy crimson on the edge.


Three prizes were awarded by the judges for these, namely, to Kinghorn's Masterpiece, Gaines's Lord Hardinge, and Green's La Polka, each of them being distinct and desirable varieties.

Some Fuchsias and Cinerarias were shown, but none possessing novelty or striking peculiarities appeared amongst them.



IF our North Country Correspondent who requests information on the cultivation of the Achimenes, will pursue the following directions, he will be amply compensated with fine specimens.

ACHIMENES COCCINEA.-In the beginning of February take the pots that contain the roots of the plants that have flowered the season previous, and carefully take away the surface soil till the small tubers appear. Then fill the pots up with a compost of peat soil, light loam, and leaf soil, and give the whole a gentle watering. Then place the pots in a fruiting pine-stove or hot-bed frame, the temperature of which is kept from 70° to 85° of heat. Give water sparingly for about ten days, but afterwards more freely, so as to effectually moisten the whole of the soil to the bottom of the pots, which will have become very dry from having been kept during the winter without water.

When the shoots have attained the height of about three inches, turn the bulbs out of their pots, and carefully break them till you can divide the young shoots. Then select the strongest, and 'retain all the roots attached to them, and plant singly into sixty-sized pots, in the same compost as recommended for earthing up the pots, with the addition of one-fifth fine clean sand. Grow the plants in a moist heat and in a slight shade, occasionally sprinkling them with a sy

Vol. XIV. No. 161.


ringe or the fine rose of a watering-pan. As they advance in growth and fill their pots with roots, frequently repot them into pots a size larger till finally remove them, the strongest plants into sixteens, and the others into twenty-fours, using the same kind of compost, except for the last shifting, at which time give them pots two sizes larger, and add one-fourth of well-decomposed hotbed manure, using the other part of the compost more turfy and open. Be particular in draining the pots well at each shifting with plenty of broken pots, and to the depth of one inch at least at the last potting. Examine them at each removal, and take away any suckers that may appear about their stems, and also two or three of their lowest side branches; this tends to strengthen the main stem, and encourages them to make fine symmetrical pyramidal heads. After they are well established, and are beginning to produce flowers, place them, some in a cooler stove, and others in the greenhouse, being careful that they enjoy as much light as possible, which materially enhances the brilliancy of their scarlet flowers, and adds much to their general lustre.*

After they have done flowering, gradually withhold water, but do not cut their stems away till they have entirely died down. Keep the dormant roots in the pots, on a shelf in the greenhouse, without any water till they are again wanted to vegetate.

Achimenes Picta blooms far more profusely by the following treatment-the tubers being preserved through winter as the others are directed to be done, must be excited quite early in January, and when the plants can be separated must be done, potting them singly. As soon as they are large enough, cut off the tops at two or three inches long, close under a joint, and strike them in sand; they readily root, pot off as soon as rooted, and treat in all respects afterwards as stated in the particulars relative to Achimenes coccinea.

Plants raised from the tubers grow much more into stem and foliage, but are shy of blooming, whereas those from cuttings, whilst they grow vigorously, bloom profusely. This species, too, can be kept growing through the winter, so that, where convenient, a large plant being kept for the purpose of supplying cuttings early forwards the preparation of plants early in spring. Plants raised from cuttings do not so certainly produce tubers for next year's pushing, as do those

* We have had plants so treated two feet high, and nearly the same in diameter, forming one mass of beauty and brilliancy.

grown from the tuber, so that a plant or two grown from the tuber is desirable even for the certainty of a stock.

Achimenes pedunculata and hirsuta also bloom more freely, when raised from cuttings, but they become more dwarf than when produced from the tuber.

Achimenes longiflora and grandiflora flourish admirably when treated as a coccinea, if fine specimens be the object; but dwarfer ones are readily obtained by having a proportionate poor compost. They will do well, and produce a pretty effect, if grown in baskets, and be suspended, as is done with many of the Orchidea; the stems hang over the sides, and bloom very freely.

The Achimenes rosea requires in all respects the treatment given to Achimenes coccinea. Allowing of the tubers to push stems before separating and potting them in spring, is much more successful than first separating the tubers before pushing; this is applicable especially with A. coccinea, rosea, grandiflora, pedunculata, hirsuta, and longiflora. The entire management is very simple, and easily accomplished, and the reward a most ample display of lovely flowers.





New or Rare Plants.

ANSELLIA AFRICANA. AFRICAN ANSELLIA. (Bot. Reg. 30.) Orchidaceæ. Gynandria Monandria. When Mr. Ansell was ill from the effects of the Niger Expedition at Fernando Po, he found growing on the stems of the oil palm an epiphyte with a slender jointed stem about two feet long, and long three-ribbed leaves, having a terminal panicle of numerous flowers, of a pale green ground colour, beautifully spotted with dark purple. It has bloomed in the collection of Messrs. Loddiges's, and very splendidly in the collection of the Rev. John Clowes, at Broughton. The panicle bears from 30 to 40 flowers. Each blossom is about two inches across. It is a most beautiful species, and deserves to be in every collection.

BEAUMONTIA GRANDIFLORA. GREAT-FLOWERED. (Pax. Mag. Bot.) Аросуnaceæ. Pentandria Monogynia. An evergreen hothouse climber, a vigorous growing plant, but now found to bloom freely when coiled round a trellis. The flower is nearly as large as Magnolia grandiflora, large tube, and a magnificent fine spreading limb; white, with a dark throat. It is a noble flowering plant, and having been found to bloom well, treated as above named, it will form a fine

addition to this class of plants, well suited to exhibit at the shows. It is an old plant, and may be obtained cheap.

EUSTOMA EXALTATUM. THE TALI (Pax. Mag. Bot.) Gentianaceæ. Pentandria Monogynia. (Synonym Lisianthus exaltatus.) A very suitable companion to Lisianthus Russellianus. It is an annual. The flowers are of a lilacblue, with a five parted white centre, and a dark shade round the white margin. ODONTOGLOSSUM MEMBRANACEUM. MEMBRANE SHEATHED. (Bot. Reg. 31.) Orchidacea. Gynandria Monandria. From Mexico. It has bloomed with Messrs. Loddiges. The flowers are white, transversely lined around the centre with bright red. Each blossom is about two inches across. The flower scape bears from two to four blussoms. Very neat.

The following are figured, but of little interest, or have been previously noticed by us:-Cypripedium macranthum, Bell. Eschinanthus purpurescens. Cirrhopetalum Thouarsii. Calliandria Harrisii. In the Bot. Keg., Primula involucrata, Bouvardia flava, Saxifraga thysanodes. In Pax. Mag. of Bot., Fuchsia macranthan, Epidendrum verrucosum.


CHIRITI SINENSIS. The flowers are of the labiate order, produced in spikes about nine inches high, lilac, having the inside marked with bright orange, as well as the upper lip being so marked. This may now be had at most nurseries, and well deserves a place in the greenhouse.

CUPHEA MINIATA. A new species, having fine brilliant crimson flowers, with rich purple woolly tufts around the stamens and anthers, producing a pretty contrast. It is in bloom at Messrs. Rollissons', of Tooting.


JASMINIUM DIANTHIFOLIA. A new and singular looking species, with small white, but very highly fragrant flowers, also at Messrs. Rollissons'. Very desirable for the greenhouse. At Tooting Nursery.

ACHIMENES LONGIFLORA, VARIETY. It is a dwarf variety, and the flowers are of a much deeper colour than the species, also more circular. It is a pretty addition to this lovely family. In the Tooting Nursery.

CUPHEA PLATYCENTRE. This very beautiful species produces flowers of a rich orange colour, and like the other is highly ornamental. A handsome specimen of it was exhibited at the Regent's Park show by Mr. Smith, gardener to J. Anderson, Esq., of Regent's Park, London.

TROPEOLUM MINUS. The flowers are double, of a beautiful orange-scarlet, and are produced in great profusion. This plaut may be had cheap at the London nurseries. It is a very pretty thing for planting in beds, or on rockwork. M སྨཱ ཝོ.ཐཱ

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TETRATHECA VERTICILLATA. This very beautiful blue flowering plant merits a place in every greenhouse.

RUELLIA MACROPHYLLA. This noble species with its brilliant scarlet flowers is highly ornamental for the stove, or during summer for the greenhouse.

LONDON HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY, June 2.-Among subjects of exhibition produced on this occasion was a charming collection of hardy hybrid Azaleas, from the Earl of Carnarvon's gardens at Highclere. Some of them were the result of a cross between A. pontica and A. rubescens, and a beautiful display of various coloured flowers has been produced. This has also been the case in another group of hybrids obtained from A. sinensis, which had the glaucous foliage and inflorescence of that species modified by the various tints of crimson, producing a striking effect. Auother new hybrid is also well worth notice, adding to the colour of the broad-leaved Kalmia the habit of Rhododendron fragraus; this had been effected by a cross between the Azalea rubescens and

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