The Screenwriter's Bible: A Complete Guide to Writing, Formatting, and Selling Your ScriptSilman-James Press, 1998 - 314 Seiten "The Screenwriter's Bible is six books in one. Book 1 -- A screenwriting primer that provides a concise presentation of screenwriting basics. Book 2 -- A workbook that walks the writer through the writing process, from nascent ideas through revisions. Book 3 -- A formatting guide that presents correct formats for both screenplays and TV scripts. Book 4 -- A spec writing guide that demonstrates today's spec style through sample scenes and analysis. Book 5 -- A sales and marketing guide that presents proven strategies to help you create a laser-sharp marketing plan. Book 6 -- A resource guide that provides addresses and contacts for industry organizations, schools, publications, support groups, services, contests, etc. Among its wealth of practical information are sample query letters, useful worksheets and checklists, hundreds of examples, sample scenes, and straightforward explanations of screenwriting fundamentals." - product description. |
How stories work | 3 |
Situation conflict and resolutionthe flow of the story | 10 |
The low down on high concept | 18 |
Urheberrecht | |
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The Screenwriter's Bible: A Complete Guide to Writing, Formatting, and ... David Trottier Keine Leseprobe verfügbar - 1998 |
Häufige Begriffe und Wortgruppen
action agent audience backstory Bandit beginning BEST FRIEND'S WEDDING Big Event Book break Calcutta camera Catalyst central character character's CHECKPOINT CLASSROOM Coast Guard Officer comedy concept conflict contests create creative Crisis David Trottier Deadline dialogue dramatic emotional Entry fee example film FLASHBACK flaw formatting Frankie genre give Glodina goal going Harrison Ford helicopter Here's Hollywood ideas INTERCUT Jake Jake's JERRY MAGUIRE Keep in mind logline look Marilyn master scene heading MATCH CUT meeting Michael Douglas MONTAGE motivation movie opposition paragraph person pitch plot producer professor query letter reader realizes screen screenplay screenwriter script consultant Seebee shot Showdown sitcom someone spec screenplay spec script story subtext swagger stick television tell THELMA & LOUISE thing visual Wardle William Froug WIZARD OF OZ words Writers Guild writing