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Soft joys disport on purple plumes unfurled, And love and beauty rule the willing world.


"Yet such the destiny of all on earth:
So flourishes and fades majestic man.
Fair is the bud his vernal morn brings forth,
And fostering gales awhile the nursling fan."

Then let the winds howl on their harmony
Shall henceforth be my music, and the night
The sound shall temper with the owlet's cry,
As I now hear them, in the fading light
Dim o'er the bird of darkness' native site. Byron.

FADGE, v. n. Sax. gerezan; Germ. fugen; from Goth. fugks, fit, accommodated. To suit; fit; succeed. Obsolete.

How will this fadge? my master loves her dearly, And I, poor monster, fond as much on him; And she, mistaken, seems to doat on me.


When they thrived they never fadged, But only by the ears engaged; Like dogs that snarl about a bone, And play together when they've none.


The fox hath a fetch; and when he saw it would not fadge, away goes he presently. L'Estrange. FECES, in medicine. See EXCREMENTS. Alchemists, who searched every where for the secret of making gold, operated greatly on the fæces of men and other animals; but philosophical chemistry has acquired no knowledge from all these alchemical labors. Homberg particularly analysed and examined human faces, to satisfy an alchemical project of one of his friends, who pretended that from this matter a white oil could be obtained, without smell, and capable of fixing mercury into silver. The oil was found, but mercury was not fixed by it. Homberg's labors were not, however, useless, as he has related his experiments in the Memoirs of the Academy of Sciences.

The following is the result of a careful analysis of human fæces by Berzelius in 1806

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It has several fine churches with good paintings and a cathedral standing in a noble square Faenza was ravaged by the Goths in the sixth century, and by the Germans in the thirteenth. It fell afterwards into the hands of the Venetians, the Bolognese, and finally of the pope. Its inhabitants carry on the manufacture of linen extensively. It is twenty miles south-west of Ra


FAERNUS (Gabriel), a native of Cremona in Italy, was an excellent Latin poet and critic of the sixteenth century. He was skilled in all parts of polite literature; and pope Pius IV. particularly patronised him. He was the author of several Latin elegies; of 100 Latin fables, selected from the ancients, written in iambic verse; and of several pieces of criticism, as Censura Emendationum Livianarum, De Metris Comicis, &c. He was remarkably happy in decyphering MSS., and restoring ancient authors to their purity: he took such pains with Terence in partilar, that Bentley has adopted all his notes in the edition he gave of that writer. He died at Rome in 1561. Thuanus charges him with suppressing the then unknown fables of Phædrus, for fear of written in imitation of Esop. M. Perrault, lessening the value of his own Latin fables, however, who translated Faernus's fables into French, has defended him from this imputation, by affirming that the first MS. of Phædrus's fables, found in the dust of an old library, was not discovered till about thirty years after Faernus's death.

FAG, v. n., v. a. & n. s. Lat. fatigo; Goth. fecka, to be weary, or to diminish. To grow weary or tired; to outrival; beat: a fag is a drudge; a school-slave.

Creighton with-held his force 'till the Italian began to fag, and then brought him to the ground.

Mackenzie's Lives.

The duke of Dorset was my fag at Harrow, and I was not a very hard taskmaster.


Lord Byron, quoted by Captain Medwin. FAGAN'S (St.), a small town and parish of Glamorganshire, South Wales, and having tellated mansion built in a comparatively modern style of architecture. Here a sanguinary engagement took place in May 1648, between the royalists and republicans, in which, after a momentary advantage, the former were entirely routed, and left 3000 slain. According to the Welsh chronicle, St. Fagan came from Rome to Britain about the year 180, being sent by pope Eleutherius to convert the inhabitants to Christianity. It is three miles from Cardiff, and 163 from London.

FAGARA, iron-wood, a genus of the monogynia order and tetrandria class of plants; natural order forty-third, dumosæ: CAL. quadrifid: COR. tetrapetalous: CAPS. bivalved and monospermous. Species twelve, all natives of the East Indies and the warm parts of America, rising with woody stems more than twenty feet high. They are propagated by seeds; but in this country must be kept continually in a stove. The chief is F. octandra with pinnate leaves, downy each side. It is a tall tree, abounding in a balsamic glutinous juice, racemed flowers,

with white calyxes and yellow corols. Its balsam resembles the gum tacamaliac.

FAGE (Raimond de la), an ingenious designer and engraver, highly esteemed by Carlo Maratti, was born at Toulouse in 1648. He had no master nor any assistance; but his superior talents supplied the want of them. His perform ances on licentious subjects are the most esteemed. It is reported that he never made use of money, but contracted debts, and when the accounts were brought him, he drew on the back of the bills, and bid the owners sell the drawings to connoisseurs for the amount, by which they were generally great gainers. Several of those drawings are in the cabinets of the curious. He led a loose, depraved life, which his repeated debaucheries put an end to, at the age of forty-two. FAGEL, a Dutch family, which has given to the United Provinces a series of able statesmen and warriors. From 1670 to 1795, the important station of secretary to the states-general was filled by a member of this family, which has constantly been attached to the Orange party, but always from disinterested and irreproachable motives. 1. Gaspar Fagel was born at Haerlem, 1629, and died 1688. He filled the highest offices, and particularly distinguished himself by his spirit and firmness, during the invasion by Louis XIV. With sir William Temple, he laid the foundation of the peace of Nimeguen, 1678. In the negociations with France, he resisted all the intrigues and arts of the French ambassador d'Avaux, and nobly refused a sum of 2,000,000 livres, which d'Avaux offered him, to gain him to his interests. Fagel's great triumph was the elevation of William III. to the English throne. He prepared the proclamation which William issued on this occasion, and arranged all the measures for that enterprise. He died, however, before the intelligence of complete success had arrived. He was never married, and left no property. Concerning his character, the reader should consult Temple, Wicquefort, and Burnet.-2. Francis, nephew of Gaspar, and son of Henry Fagel, was, like them, secretary to the states-general; born 1659, died 1746. This great statesman's biography, by Onno Zwier van Haren, was unfortunately burnt in the manuscript.-3. Francis, born 1740, died 1773, was also secretary of the states. Francis Hemsterhuis composed a fine eulogy upon him.-4. Henry, born 1706, and died 1790. He had a principal part in elevating William IV. to the dignity of stadtholder in 1748.-5. Francis Nicholas, also a nephew of Gaspar, entered the military service in 1672, and died in 1718, general of the infantry in the service of the states-general, and imperial-lieutenant, field-marshal. He distinguished himself in the battle of Fleurus, 1690. The famous defence of Mons, 1691, was directed by him. He also displayed great military talent at the siege of Namur, at the capture of Bonn, and in Portugal, 1703, in Flanders, 1711 and 1712, and at the famous battle of Ramillies and Malplaquet. Henry, a son of Henry (4) has been ambassador of the Netherlands in London. He has distinguished himself by his attachment to the house of Orange; even in periods of the greatest adversity, has filled the most important

stations, and conducted the most important negociations. In 1814 he signed the treaty of peace between Great Britain and the Netherlands. The noble collection of books and MSS. made by this illustrious family, was removed to London in 1794, upon the invasion of the Netherlands by the French, and was purchased by the University of Dublin, who have placed it in a suitable apartment, called from the family "The Fagel Library."

FAGEND. From fag and end, says Dr. Johnson, but more probably from Swed. fogan; Sax. Fegan, to join. The end of a web of cloth, rope, &c.; hence the refuse of any thing.

FAGGOT, or Fagot, v. a. Fr. fagot; Arm. and Welsh fagod; Ital. fagotta; British hagoden; according to Casseneuve from Latin fagus, a beech tree, the old faggots being mostly made of that wood. Others derive it from Lat. fascis; pakɛdog, a bundle of wood. A bundle of sticks or small wood: any one of the pieces in the bundle: hence an individual in a muster or list of soldiers. We only find the verb used by Dryden.

FAGGOT, in times of popery, was a badge worn on the sleeve of the upper garment of such persons as had abjured heresy; being put on after the person had carried a faggot, by way of penance, to some appointed place of solemnity. The leaving off the wear of this badge was sometimes interpreted a sign of apostasy.

FAGGOTS, among military men, persons formerly hired by officers, whose companies were not full, to muster and hide the deficiencies of the company; by which means they cheated the king of so much money.

FAGIUS (Paul), alias Buchlin, a learned protestant minister, born at Rheinzabern in Germany in 1504. He was a schoolmaster at Isna; but afterwards became a zealous preacher, and wrote many theological works. During the persecution in Germany, he and Bucer came over to England in 1549, at the invitation of archbishop Cranmer, to perfect a new translation of the Scriptures. Fagius took the Old Testament, and Bucer the New, for their respective parts; but the design was frustrated by the sudden deaths of both. Fagius died in 1550, and Bucer did not live above a year after. Their bodies were dug up and burned in the reign of queen Mary.

FAGONIA, in botany, a genus of the monogynia order and decandria class of plants; natural order fourteenth, gruinales: CAL. pentaphyllous; the petals are five and heart-shaped : CAPS. quinquelocular, ten valved, with the cells monospermous. There are four species; natives of Spain, Crete, Arabia, and Persia.

FÁGRÆA, in botany, a genus of plants of the class pentandria and order monogynia: COR. funnelform, with a very long tube; stigma peltate: BERRY two-celled, fleshy: SEEDS globular: species one only; a shrub of Ceylon; with thick square branches, and large terminal flowers.

FAGUS, the beech tree, a genus of the hexandria order and monacia class of plants; natural order fiftieth, amentaceæ: male CAL. quinquefid and campanulated: COR. none: stamina from five to twelve: female CAL. quinqueden

tated; styles three: CAPS muricated and quadrivalved; the seeds two in number. There are five species, of which the most noted are,

1. F. castanea, the chestnut-tree, has a large upright trunk growing forty or fifty feet high, branching regularly round into a fine spreading head, garnished with large spear-shaped acutely serrated leaves, naked on the under side, having flowers in long amentums, succeeded by round prickly fruit, containing two or more nuts. It is chiefly propagated by seeds. Evelyn says, 'Let the nuts be first spread to sweat, then cover them in sand; a month being past, plunge them in water, and reject the swimmers; being dried for thirty days more, sand them again, and to the water ordeal as before. Being thus treated until the beginning of spring or in November, set them as you would do beans. They need only to be put into the holes with the point upmost. In winter or autumn, inter them in their husks, which, being every way armed, are a good protection against the mouse. Being come up, they thrive best unremoved, making a great stand for at least two years upon every transplanting; if you must alter their station, let it be done against November.' Millar cautions about purchasing foreign nuts that have been kiln-dried, which, he says, is generally done to prevent their sprouting in their passage. He adds, "If they cannot be procured fresh from the tree, it will be better to use those of the growth of England, which are full as good to sow for timber or beauty as any of the foreign nuts, though their fruit is much smaller.' He also recommends preserving them in sand, and proving them in water. In setting these nuts, he says, 'the best way is to make a drill with a hoe, about four inches deep, in which place the nuts about four inches distant, with their eye uppermost; then draw the earth over them with a rake, and make a second drill a foot distance from the former, proceeding as before, allowing three or four rows in each bed. In April these nuts will appear above ground; keep them clear from weeds, especially while young in these beds they may remain for two years, when you should remove them into a nursery at a wider distance. The best time for transplanting these trees is in October, though some prefer the end of February; the distance these should have in the nursery is three feet between, and one foot in the rows. If these trees have a downright tap root, it should be cut off, especially if they are intended to be removed again; this will occasion their putting out lateral shoots, and render them less subject to miscarry when finally removed. The time generally allowed them in the nursery is three or four years, according to their growth; but the younger they are transplanted, the better they will succeed. Young trees of this sort are very apt to have crooked stems; but when they are transplanted out and have room to grow, as they increase in bulk they will grow more upright, and their stems will become straight.' Hanbury recommends that the young plants, a year after they have been planted in the nursery, be cut down to within an inch of the ground; which, he says, 'will cause them to shoot vigorously with one strong and straight stem.' There is one material objection against sowing chestnuts

in drills, that they serve as guides to the fieldmouse, who will run from one end to the other of a drill without leaving a single nut we rather recommend setting them with a dibble, either promiscuously, or a quincunx, at about six inches distance. Evelyn says, that coppices of chesnuts may be thickened by layering the tender young shoots: but adds that such as spring from the nuts and marrons are best of all.' There is a striped-leaved variegation which is continued by budding; and the French are said to graft chestnuts for their fruit; but Miller says, such grafted trees are unfit for timber. The chesnut-tree will thrive almost upon any soil which lies out of the water's way; but disaffects wet moorish land. It sometimes grows to an immense size. The largest in the known world are those which grow upon Mount Etna in Sicily. At Tortworth in Gloucestershire, is a chestnut-tree fifty-two feet round. It is proved to have stood there ever since 1150, and was then so remarkable that it was called the 'great chesnut of Tortworth.' It fixes the boundary of the manor, and is probably near 1000 years old. As an ornamental, the chestnut is well worthy the gardener's attention. Its uses have been highly extolled. As a substitute for the oak, it is preferable to the elm: for door-jambs, window-frames, and some other purposes, it is nearly equal to oak itself; but there is a deceitful brittleness in it which renders it unsafe to be used in beams, or in any other situation where an uncertain load is required to be borne. It is excellent for liquor casks; not being liable to shrink, nor to change the color of the liquor: it is also recommended as an underwood for hop-poles, stakes, &c. Its fruit too is valuable: not only for swine and deer, but as a human food: bread is said to have been made of it.

2. F. pumila, the dwarf chestnut tree, or chinkapin, rises eight or ten feet high, with a branching shrubby stem, and oval spear-shaped and acutely serrated leaves, hoary on the under side. It is propagated from seeds, brought from America. These should be planted in drills, as soon as they arrive, in a moist bed of rich garden mould. If good, they will come up pretty soon in the spring. After they appear, they require no trouble, except keeping them clean from weeds, and watering them in dry weather. They may stand in the seed-bed two years, and be afterwards planted in the nursery-ground, a foot asunder, and two feet between the rows. When strong, they are fit for any purpose.

3. F. sylvatica, the beech tree, rises sixty or seventy feet high, and has a proportionable thickness, branching upward into a fine regular head, garnished with oval serrated leaves, with flowers in globular catkins, succeeded by angular fruit called mast. It is very easily raised from the mast or seed. For woods,' says Evelyn, 'the beech must be governed as the oak: in nurseries, as the ash; sowing the mast in autumn, or later, even after January, or rather nearer the spring, to preserve them from vermin. They are likewise to be planted of young seedlings to be drawn out of the places where the fruitful trees abound. Millar says, 'the season for sowing the mast is any time from October to February, only


observing to secure the seeds from vermin when early sowed. The sooner they are sown the better, after they are fully ripe.' Hanbury orders a sufficient quantity of mast to be gathered about the middle of September, when they begin to fall; these are to be spread upon a mat in an airy place six days to dry; and after that you may either sow them immediately, or put them up in bags to sow them nearer the spring; which method, says he, I would rather advise, as they will keep very well, and there will be less danger of having them destroyed by mice or other vermin.' They must be sown in beds properly prepared, about an inch deep. In the first spring many of the young plants will appear, whilst others will not come up till the spring following. Having stood two years in the seminary, they should be removed to the nursery, where they may remain till wanted. In stateliness and grandeur the beech vies with the oak. Its foliage is peculiarly soft and pleasing; its branches are numerous and spreading; and its stem waxes to a great size. The bark is remarkably smooth, and of a silvery cast; which, added to the splendor and smoothness of its foliage' gives a striking delicacy to its general appearThe beech, therefore, standing singly, and suffered to form its own natural head, is highly ornamental; and its leaves, varying their hue as the autumn approaches, render it still more desirable. In point of use the beech follows next to the oak and the ash; it is almost as necessary to the cabinet-makers and turners, as the oak is to the ship-builder, or the ash to the plough and cart-wright. Evelyn, however, observes that, where it lies dry, or wet and dry, it is exceedingly obnoxious to the worm, but being put ten days in water, it will resist the worm. The natural soil of the beech is upon dry, chalky, or limestone heights. It grows to a great size upon the hills of Surrey and Kent; upon the declivities of the Cotswold and Stroudwater hills of Gloucestershire, and upon the bleak banks of the Wye, in Hereford and Monmouth shires; where it is much used in making charcoal. The mast, or seeds, yield a good oil for lamps; and are a very agreeable food to squirrels, mice, and swine. The fat of swine fed with them, however, is soft, and boils away, unless hardened by some other food. The leaves gathered in autumn, before they are injured by the frosts, make much better mattrasses than straw or chaff; and last for seven or eight years. The nuts occasion giddiness and headache; but when well dried and powdered, they make wholesome bread. They are sometimes roasted and substituted for coffee. The poor in Silesia use the expressed oil instead of butter. The purple beech,' says Mr. Nicholls, 'is a fine ornamental variety, and even premises to become fit for the decoration of the park, although it has hitherto been chiefly confined to the pleasure-ground. A tree of the purple variety in the gardens of Messrs. Telfords, within the walls of the city of York, and another in the pleasure-ground at Enville, have assumed such tree-like forms, each being fully thirty feet high, that such an expectation may reasonably be entertained; and the more especially, as we know of several even in Scotland

from twenty to thirty feet high. It must, however, be observed, that the purple beech plants are most proper for the park or the lawn, or indeed for any situation where it is required that they grow to a great size, are such as are grafted or budded on the common sort. Those raised by layers grow more dwarf; and therefore should be planted in situations where dwarf trees, or ashes, are required.

It is

FAHLUN, a mining town of Sweden, the capital of the province of Dalecarlia. Sometimes the whole province is called by the name of Fahlun. It stands in a small plain, is surrounded by hills, and consists of several paralle streets, crossing others at right angles. chiefly built of wood, and the population has diminished from above 7000 to a little above 4000, the copper mines of the vicinity having become less productive. They still yield an annual supply of ochre and vitriol, together with small portions of silver and gold. It is 110 miles N. N. W. of Stockholm.

FAHRENHEIT, a celebrated experimental philosopher, born at Hamburgh in 1686. He improved the thermometer, by making use of mercury instead of spirit of wine, and formed a new scale for the instrument, grounded upon the most accurate experiments. This scale has been generally adopted by the English, but the French prefer that of Reaumur. Fahrenheit wrote a dissertation on thermometers. He died in 1736. See THERMOMETER.

FAIENCE, imitation porcelain; a kind of fine pottery, superior to the common pottery in its glazing, beauty of form, and richness of painting. It derived its name from the town of Faenza, in Romagna, where it is said to have been invented in 1299. A fine sort of pottery was manufactured there at that period, which the Italians called Maiolica, probably from its inventor. Some pieces were painted by the great artists of the period, Raphael, Giulio Romano, Titian, and others, which are highly valued, as monuments of early art. The Maiolica reached its highest perfection between 1530 and 1560. The king of Würtemburg possesses a rich collection of it. The modern Faïence appears to have been invented, about the middle of the sixteenth century, at Faenza, and obtained its name in France, where a man from Faenza, having discovered a similar kind of clay at Nevers, had introduced the manufacture of it. Towards the end of the seventeenth century, the city of Delft in Holland, became famous for the manufacture of Faïence, which was called also Delft-ware. It does not, however, resist fire well. The English stone ware, made of powdered flint, has some resemblance to the Faïence, but is, in reality, entirely different.

FAIFO, or HAIFO, an old town of Cochin China, situated on a navigable river falling into the bay of Turon, about ten miles from the sea. It was formerly of considerable size, the streets were regular, and the houses built of brick; but it was destroyed during the late wars, and is now but slowly regaining its importance. FAIL, v. n., v. a. & n. s. FAILING, n. s. FAILURE.

Fr. faillir; Teut. fehlen ;Wel.faeln; Belg. faalen, from

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My ps will be fain when I sing unto thee, and s will my son whom thou hast delivered.

Psalm Ixxi.

Got file; Lat fallo; Gr. onλiw, to deceive. To and the adverbial use has followed these signi beg or deficient; to cease; sink; be borne bows; decay; miss; not succeed; die. As an active vers, to desert; forsake; omit duty; disabond; deceive. As a substantive it signifies, 11 warriage; non-success; omission; want: and feng and failure are used in these last senses. Ja diffention of state, the true reason of faungwepying eyes. gests from failings in the administration. Where the credit and money fail, barter alone Locke.

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He presumes upon his parts that they will not fail han at time of need, and so thinks it superfluous laId. our to make any provision before-hand.

He, that being subject to an apoplexy, used still to arry his remedy about him; but upon a time shifting heathes, and not taking that with him, chanced on that very day to be surprised with a fit; he owed has death to a mere accident, to a little inadvertency and fature of memory.


For Titan, by the mighty loss dismayed, Among the heavens the' immortal fact displayed, Lest the remembrance of his grief should fail. Addison.

Men who have been busied in the pursuit of the philosopher's stone, have failed in their design. Id. There must have been an universal failure and want of springs and rivers all the summer season. Woodward.

Endeavour to fulal God's commands, to repent as oten as you fail of it, and to hope for pardon of him. Wake.

Even good men have many temptations to subdue, many conflicts with those enemies which war against the soul, and many failings and lapses to lament and Rogers.


He does not remember whether every grain came up or not; but he thinks that very few failed. Mortimer's Husbandry.

To failings mild, but zealous for desert; The clearest head and the sincerest heart. Pope. He (the clerk) used a sort of ivory knife with a blunt edge to divide a sheet of paper, which never failed to cut it even, only requiring a steady hand.

Swift. Books, like friends, should be few and well chosen. Like friends, too, we should return to them again and again-for, like true friends, they will never fail us— never cease to instruct--never cloy.

Joineriana, 1772.

It is more disgraceful never to try to speak (in publicy than to try it, and fail; as it is more disgraceful not to fight, than to fight and be beaten. Johnson.

Canst thou be too well fortified against the terrors of that day? And art thou sure that the props which Mason. sapport thee now will not fail thee then?

Timidity and irresolution were his predominant failings; the one occasioned by his natural constitufion, and the other arising from a consciousness that bis atilities were not equal to his station.


Robertson's History of Scotland, They never fail who die In a great cause: the block may soak their gore; Their heads may sodden in the sun; their limbs Be strung to city gates, and castle wallsBut still their spirit walks abroad. FAIN, v. n., adv. & adj. Į Sax. Fægn; Goth. FAINLY, adv. faginon, or fagn; Swed, fagna; Icel. feigin, to be glad. To desire; wish. As an adjective, the old sense is fond; glad; desirous; afterwards it was used fo: desirous of one evil in preference to a greater:

Alas alas bowe dull and deffe he the cares of cruel death vnto men in misery that would fayne dye: and yet refusythe to come and shutte vp theyr carefull With bym traly,

Fayne speake would I,

Sir quod she by my fay,
He is so sike,

Ye be not lyke,

To speake with hym to day.

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Sir T. More.
And in her hand she held a mirrour bright,
Wherein her face she often viewed fain.
Faerie Queene

And this fair couple eke to shroud themselves were
Every weight to shroud it did constrain,

Fairer than fairest, in his faining eye,
Whose sole aspect he counts felicity.

Id. on Love. Whosoever will hear, he shall find God; whosoever will study to know, shall be also fain to believe.


I was fain to forswear it; they would else have married me to the rotten medlar. Shakspeare.

When Hildebrand had accursed Henry IV. there were none so hardy as to defend their lord; wherefore he was fain to humble himself before Hildebrand. Raleigh's Essays.

There cannot be conceived an honour less worth

emulation, than this principality of Israel; a people
that could give nothing;-a people whom their leader
was fain to feed with bread and water.
Bp. Hall's Contemplations.
The learned Castalio was fain to make trenchers at
Baste, to keep himself from starving.

Why wouldest thou urge me to confess a flame
I long have stified, and would fain conceal.


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