Language, Band 86,Ausgaben 1-2George Melville Bolling, Bernard Bloch Linguistic Society of America, 2010 |
Im Buch
Ergebnisse 1-3 von 91
Seite 2
... focus projection , which is taken to involve two issues : focus scope and theme / rheme structure . The second is focus status , or how listeners determine whether a prosodically prominent word is a focus . The third is focus ...
... focus projection , which is taken to involve two issues : focus scope and theme / rheme structure . The second is focus status , or how listeners determine whether a prosodically prominent word is a focus . The third is focus ...
Seite 6
... focus ( e.g. if this were a response to the question What did Arun buy ?, cf. 2 ) , then it is still the most prominent word in the sentence . If we allow hierarchical prominence relationships to be defined across phrases , then Porsche ...
... focus ( e.g. if this were a response to the question What did Arun buy ?, cf. 2 ) , then it is still the most prominent word in the sentence . If we allow hierarchical prominence relationships to be defined across phrases , then Porsche ...
Seite 33
... focus ( e.g. Lambrecht 1994 , Lambrecht & Michaelis 1998 , É . Kiss 1998 ) . For example , Lambrecht ( 1994 ) argues that there are three types of focus : argument or identificational focus implies presupposed alternatives ( like our F ...
... focus ( e.g. Lambrecht 1994 , Lambrecht & Michaelis 1998 , É . Kiss 1998 ) . For example , Lambrecht ( 1994 ) argues that there are three types of focus : argument or identificational focus implies presupposed alternatives ( like our F ...
Phonological movement in Classical Greek Brian Agbayani Chris Golston | 133 |
Processing dative constructions in American | 168 |
Reviews see back cover | 214 |
Urheberrecht | |
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Häufige Begriffe und Wortgruppen
addressee affixes agreement alternative Amsterdam analysis anaphor animacy argue argument associative auxiliary Bresnan Cambridge Chomsky clause CM&P cognitive Colloquial French complement complex compound constraints constructions context contrast dative dative constructions definite derived dialects discourse discussion do-support DP subjects dvandvas effect ellipsis English evidence example extraction F-marking first-person focus French subject clitics grammar grammaticalization guage head HPSG hyperbaton Infl inflectional information structure interaction interpretation island John Benjamins language lexeme lexical linguistic locative inversion markedness markers metrical structure morphological morphology movement noun nuclear accent Oxford pattern phonetic phonological phonological word phrase pitch accents plural position postpositive predicted prepositional present processing prominence pronouns properties proposed prosodic reading reference rheme second-person pronouns self-ascription semantic sentence speakers specific speech subject clitics subject doubling subject-auxiliary inversion syntactic syntax theme theme/rheme theory tion typology University Press Vedic verb word