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[blocks in formation]

4 AB, BC, CA, A, B, C the 2 AC × CB : ACq+CBq the three sides. threeangles. - ABq:: R: CoS, C. If ACq+CBq be greater than ABq. FIG. 16. 2 AC × CB: ABq-ACq -CBq:: R: CoS, C. If ABq be greater than ACq +CBq. FIG. 17. (4.)

[blocks in formation]

g. 28:



[blocks in formation]




A Trigonometrical Canon is a Table, which, beginning from one second or one minute, orderly expresses the lengths that every sine, tangent, and secant have, in respect of the radius, which is supposed unity; and is conceived to be divided into 10000000 or more decimal parts. And so the sine, tangent, or secant of an arc, may be had by the help of this table; and, contrariwise, a sine, tangent, or secant being given, we may find the arc it expresses. Take notice that in the following tract, R signifies the radius, S a sine, Cos. a cosine, T a tangent, and Cot. a cotangent; also ACq signifies the square of the right line AC; and the marks or characters, +, -, =,:, ::, and √, are severally used to signify addition, subtraction, equality, proportionality, and the extraction of the square root. Again, when a line is drawn over the sum or difference of two quantities, then that sum or difference is to be considered as one quantity.

Constructions of the Trigonometrical Canon.


The two sides of any right angled triangle being given, Fig. 28:

the other side is also given.

For (by 47. 1.) ACq=ABq+BCq, and ACq-BCq = ABq, and interchangeably ACq-ABq = BCq. Whence, by the extraction of the square root, there is given AC=ABq+BCq; and AB = ACq-BCq; and BC= ACq-ABq.

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