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The name of the association is THE UNIVERSITY CLUB.



The officers of the Club shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer.



The President, and in his absence the Vice-President, shall preside at the meetings of the Club and of the Council. In the event of their absence, a meeting of the Club or of the Council may elect its presiding officers. The president shall, with the Secretary, sign all written contracts and obligations of the Club, and shall perform such other duties as the Council or the Club may assign him.



The Treasurer shall collect all entrance fees and all dues, and shall keep the accounts of the Club, and report thereon at each regular meeting of the Council. His accounts shall be audited

by the Auditing Committee semi-annually. He shall pay all bills on the certificate of their correctness by the House Committee. He shall notify persons elected to membership of their election.



The Secretary shall give notice of all meetings of the Club and of the Council, and shall keep minutes of such meetings. He shall conduct the correspondence and keep the records of the Club. He shall furnish to the Treasurer the names of all members elected to membership, and shall advise him of all transfers or changes affecting the said membership. He shall be the keeper of the seal of the Club.



1. The Council shall consist of twenty members, five of whom shall be elected by ballot at each Annual Meeting of the Club, to replace the outgoing class and to take office at the expiration of the term of such outgoing class. They shall hold office for four years, or until the fourth Annual Meeting after their election. The Council shall have general charge of the affairs, funds, and property of the Club. They shall have full power, and it shall be their duty, to carry out the purposes of the Club according to its Charter, Constitution, and By-Laws.

2. The Council shall, as soon as may be after each Annual Meeting, elect from its own body a President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer, who shall hold office until the third Saturday of the succeeding March, and until their successors are elected.

3. The Council shall submit at each Annual Meeting a general report of the affairs of the Club, with an estimate for the ensuing

year, which shall be printed and distributed to members five days before the Annual Meeting, and shall report at other times if required.

4. The Council shall meet once a month, except during the months of July and August, and Special meetings may be called by order of the President or of the House Committee. A majority of its members shall constitute a quorum of the Council.

5. The Council shall prescribe rules for the admission of strangers to the privileges of the Club.

6. The Council may fill any vacancy in its body by election of a member to hold office until the next annual election.

7. The Council shall have power to remit penalties for offenses against the Rules and for unintentional violations of the Constitution.



1. There shall be an Annual Meeting of the Club on the third Saturday of March in each year. At the Annual Meeting, to be held on the second Saturday of May, 1879, twenty members shall be elected by ballot, who shall constitute the Council, and who shall hold office as provided in Article VI. of this Constitution, and thereafter at each Annual Meeting five members shall be elected by ballot as members of the Council (to replace the outgoing class), whose term of office shall be four years. Vacancies in the other classes shall be also filled at such meeting by ballot, and a majority of the votes cast shall be necessary to elect.

2. Officers and members of the Council shall hold office during the term for which they are elected and until their successors are chosen.

3. If any vacancy shall occur in the Council, such vacancy may be supplied by election, by ballot, at a Special Meeting of the Club, to be called by the Council, provided that at least ten days' notice of such election shall have been posted.

4. Upon the written request of twenty-five members, the Council shall call a Special Meeting of the Club, which request, as also the notice of any Special Meeting, shall state the object for which the meeting is called, and at a Special Meeting no subject not so stated shall be considered. Notices of any meeting, whether Annual or Special, shall be posted in the rooms of the Club for one week. Fifty members shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Club.

[blocks in formation]

1. Any person nominated after February 1, 1880, shall be eligible to membership in this Club who shall have received from a University or College a degree, to obtain which, in regular course, at least three years' residence and study are required, or who shall have received an honorary degree from such University or College, or who shall have graduated at the United States Military Academy or at the United States Naval Academy; provided that, in the case of the holder of an honorary degree, the candidate shall be distinguished in Literature, Art, Science, or the Public Service; and provided that, except in the case of the holder of an honorary degree, at least three years shall have elapsed since the conferring of the degree, or since graduation.

2. As to persons nominated before February 1, 1880, the provisions adopted May 10, 1879, shall apply.

3. The Council shall determine what degrees from foreign Universities, and from what foreign Universities, shall qualify the holder for membership; and a list of such degrees shall be posted

in the office of the Club. The holder of any degree named on such list shall be eligible to membership.





1. There shall be a Committee on Admissions, to consist of twenty-one members, seven of whom shall be elected by ballot at each Annual Meeting of the Club, to replace the outgoing class and to take office at the expiration of the term of such outgoing class. The term of office of the members of this Committee shall be three years, or until the third Annual Meeting after their election.

2. A majority of the votes cast shall be necessary to elect; and vacancies in any class shall be filled by the Committee. Eleven members shall constitute a quorum, and two negative votes shall be a rejection of a candidate. No member of the Council shall be a member of this Committee. The names of the Committee shall remain posted in a conspicuous place in the Club rooms. The name, residence, and college or place of instruction of every person proposed for admission, with the names of the members proposing and seconding, shall be exposed in a conspicuous place in the rooms for at least two weeks. The matter shall then be referred to the Committee on Admissions, the proceedings of which Committee shall be secret and confidential. It shall be the duty of the Committee, after careful consideration and examination, to vote upon each name separately and by ballot.

3. No member of this Committee shall propose any candidate for membership of the Club. On the election of each new member the Committee shall forthwith notify the same to the Secretary of the Club.

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