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mean to say corn," and therefore the proper pronunciation of words is of little consequence. He believed it to be of consequence, and therefore sought to be as correct as possible. I well remember with what feelings he showed me Walker's Critical Pronouncing Dictionary. It was a pocket edition, which he highly prized, and constantly read. I do not think that many public speakers were more correct than he was, after a time, in the pronunciation of words. This set him off to advantage whenever he spoke on any subject.

At times he would sit down, and pen his thoughts on different subjects, by way of exercising his mental powers. This he told me he found an excellent means of improvement. Occasionally, he would show me some of these efforts; he also gave me copies of some which I desired. I regarded them as clever for a youth of his age, when his powers were not fully developed. They gave promise of the man. They showed that a good foundation was laid for future greatness. He had a fine taste for natural objects and scenery. This he cultivated. He often expressed pity and almost contempt for the low and sensual pursuits of the worldling and voluptuary. The meandering of a brook, the flowing of a river, or the dashing of a cataract, had great charms for him. A walk by the side of some lake, or through some woodvocal with the songs of birds from a thousand throats,—with a companion of kindred feelings, was such refined enjoyment as he sought. The conversation would turn on men, books, and things, ancient and modern; in a word, on everything calculated to afford instruction and enjoyment. Astronomy had great charms for him. He had a tolerable knowledge of that sublime' science. Some of Dr. Dick's works, and Dr. Chalmer's Astronomical Discourses, had fired his youthful imagination with an enthusiastic love of Astronomy. A walk on a star-light evening with him was a treat. The planets, the signs in the Zodiac, and the principal stars, he knew well. He would converse about the distances of the heavenly bodies from each other, and from the earth, the causes of eclipses of the sun and moon, the influence of the latter on the tides, the amazing magnitudes of some of the heavenly bodies, and of the laws influencing them. He could give

the names of the principal comets, the times they appeared, and when they might be again expected. Thus it appeared he had not read in vain. His mind was indeed well stored. And said I to myself, this all comes of sobriety, learning, and industry. This is the result of reading and reflection. Why should there not be more John Thoughtfuls? I resolved to sit down and write an account of my young friend John; perhaps some one else will go and do likewise.


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A FRENCH paper says: Lucille Romee, a pretty little girl, with blue eyes and fair hair, poorly but neatly clothed, was brought before the Sixth Court of Correction, under a charge of vagrancy. “Does any one claim you?” said the magistrate. "Ah, my good sir," she replied, "I have no longer any friends; my father and mother are dead. I have only my brother James, but he is as young as I am. O, dear, what could he do for me?" "The court must send you to the house of correction." "Here I am, sister; here I am; do not fear!" cried a childish voice from the other end of the court. And at the same instant a little boy, with a sprightly countenance, started forth from the midst of the crowd, and stood before the magistrate. "Who are you?" said he. James Romee, the brother of this poor little girl." "Your age?" "Thirteen." "And what do you want?" "I come to claim Lucille." "But have you, then, the means of providing for her?" "Yesterday I had not, but now I have. Don't be afraid, Lucille. Lucille: "O! how good you are James!" Magistrate, to James: "But let us see, my boy; the court is disposed to do all it can for your sister. However you must give us some explanation." James: "Just a fortnight ago my mother died of a bad cough, for it was very cold at home. We were in great trouble. Then I said to myself, I will become an artizan, and when I know a good trade, I will support my sister. I went an apprentice to a brush-maker. Every day I used to carry her half my dinner, and at night I took her secretly to my room, and she slept in my bed while I slept on the

floor, wrapped up in my blouse. But it appeared the little thing had not enough to eat, for one day she unfortunately begged on the Boulevard. When I heard she was taken up, I said to myself, Come, my boy, things cannot last so; you must find something better. I very much wished to become an artizan, but at last I decided to look for a place; and I have found a very good one, where I am lodged, fed, and clothed, and have twenty francs a month. I have also found a good woman, who for these twenty francs will take care of Lucille, and teach her needle-work; I claim my sister." Lucille, clasping. her hands: "O, how good you are, James?" Magistrate to James: "My boy, your conduct is very honourable. The court encourages you to persevere in this course, and you will prosper." The court then decided to render up Lucille to James, and she was going from the bar to join her brother, when the magistrate, smiling, said: "You cannot be set at liberty till to-morrow." James: "Never mind, Lucille, I will come and fetch you early to-morrow." To the magistrate: "I may kiss her, may I not sir?" He then threw himself into the arms of his sister, and both wept warm tears of affection.-Sailor's Magazine.


AN American paper states, that the crew of a British vessel had killed, on the Labrador coast, an enormous White Polar Bear, which was conveyed to Halifax, America, and there stuffed. That his bearship had arrived in the city of Boston, his captors designing to exhibit or sell the monster, as might best conduce to their profit. The paper also states as follow

We learn from Mr. David Dixon, one of the chief actors in the battle with his Polar Majesty, the following particulars of the fight.

The vessel to which the crew in question belonged, was the Lord Exmouth, of Halifax. The scene was the verge of Labrador, near Greenland. Two of the crew of the Lord Exmouth were cruising in a boat, when they discovered the bear upon an island. They immediately returned to the vessel, took in six others of the crew, and eight muskets,

with which they returned to the vicinity of the island. Upon approaching within gun-shot, the bear perceived and came towards them. The first discharge wounded him in several places, but did not in the least check his approach. Finally, however, after receiving quite a number of balls in his body, he turned and slowly retreated, making his attackers shudder by the fierceness of his howling.

It was then proposed by Dixon that they should land upon the island, in order to consummate the victory. To this the majority of the crew demurred from fear. Three of the crew, however, including Dixon, landed, having armed themselves with two loaded guns a-piece. The bear, as he saw them upon land, turned about and began to approach, when six more balls were put in his body, without apparently checking his approach; before however, he got near enough to harm them, Mr. Dixon succeeded in loading another gun. At this moment the bear presented his side, which he had not before done, and a bullet was lodged in his throat, which caused the animal to fall. It was more than half an hour, however, before they dared approach, as every minute the bear would, by a desperate effort get upon his feet with the intention of reaching them. After it was deemed safe they ventured near and found him to be dead. He was with considerable labour taken to the vessel, and found to be sixteen feet long, and to weigh 2,220 pounds. Five hundred pounds of fat were taken from him at Halifax, and it was found that sixteen balls had lodged in his body. The contest lasted for an hour and a half, and the roars of the infuriated animal might have been heard for many miles.



"God is no respecter of persons; but in every nation be that feareth bim, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him."Acts x. 34, 35.

LLEWELLYN CUPIDO MICHELS, was born in the neighbourhood of Hankey, one of the Stations of the London Mis

sionary Society, in South Africa. He was a descendant of David Stuurman, a celebrated Hottentot chief. His parents, Cupido and Hester Michels, were respectable Hottentots: his father, who died when Cupido was about five years old, is said to have embraced Christianity; he was greatly respected, and his death was much lamented. When quite young, Cupido was sent to Hankey, in order that he might attend the school there; he was a quick and promising little boy; but his mother finding it difficult to provide him with food whilst residing at such a distance from him, he returned home.

In the latter part of 1838, Edward Williams, the missionary then resident at Hankey, first saw Cupido; he was struck with the appearance of intelligence in the child, who at that time was assisting to tend the cattle of a neighbouring boor, clothed in a sheep-skin kaross. A deep interest in the native tribes, and a desire to promote their civilization, induced Edward Williams to take six of their children into his own family, in order that he might attend to their instruction himself, with a view to their being ultimately placed as teachers in the native schools; and with the consent of his mother, Cupido, soon after their first interview, became one of those pupils, and by his amiable and gentle disposition, he gained the affections of the family. In this guarded situation, his mind appears to have been early impressed with the necessity of secking the Lord, and he frequently resorted to his "praying spot in the bush," a practice common with the native converts in South Africa. He was considered at that period a hopeful character, but the moving from place to place, to which he was afterwards subjected, appears for a time to have been detrimental to his religious growth.

In the spring of 1843, the declining health of the missionary induced him to return with his family to his native land, and he determined to bring the young Hottentot with him, in the hope of obtaining for him a liberal education, and thus fitting him for the sphere of usefulness, which he fondly hoped he might one day occupy. After spending a few months with his kind protector in Wales, Cupido was placed at the mission-school at Walthamstow ;

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