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vi-dence. Be-cause she is to dig her cell in the earth, her paws serve for a pick-axe and spade. Her eye is sunk in-to its sock-et, that it may not be hurt by the rug-ged state in which she is lo-ca-ted. And as it needs very lit-tle light, she has no rea-son to com-plain of her dark a-bode. So that her un-der-ground dwell-ing, which some might call a dun-geon, af-fords her all the safe-ty of a strong-ly guard-ed cas-tle, and all the de-lights of a well a-dorn-ed grot.

The fair-est di-a-monds are rough till they are pol-ish-ed, and the pur-est gold must be run and wash-ed, and sift-ed in the ore. We are untaught by na-ture; and the fi-nest qual-i-ties will grow wild and be-come of less va-lue, if the mind is not form-ed by dis-ci-pline, and nur-tur-ed with an ear-ly care. In some per-sons, who have run up to men with-out be-ing pro-per-ly instruct-ed, we may ob-serve ma-ny great qual-ities dark-en-ed and e-clips-ed; their minds are crust-ed o-ver like di-a-monds in the rock, they flash out some-times in-to a con-fu-sed great-ness of thought, and be-tray in their ac-tions an ungui-ded force; some-thing ve-ry great and ve-ry no-ble may be dis-cern-ed, but it looks cum-bersome and awk-ward, and is a-lone, of all things, the worse for be-ing na-tu-ral. Na-ture is, with

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out doubt, the best mis-tress and apt-est schol-ar; but na-ture her-self must be tu-tor-ed, or she will look sav-age, as she ap-pears in the In-di-an prin-ces, who are vest-ed with a na-tive ma-jes-ty, and a sur-pri-sing great-ness of soul, but discov-er what we al-ways re-gret, fine parts, and ex-cel-lent na-tu-ral en-dow-ments with-out improve-ment.

One of the most beau-ti-ful in-stan-ces of mod-es-ty, with which I am ac-quaint-ed, is that re-cord-ed of the young prince whose fa-ther, be-ing a king un-der the pow-er of the Ro-mans, had sev-er-al com-plaints laid a-gainst him be-fore the se-nate, as a ty-rant and op-pres-sor of his sub-jects. The prince went to Rome to de-fend his fa-ther, but com-ing in-to the se-nate, and hear-ing a mul-ti-tude of crimes pro-ved a-gainst him, was so op-press-ed when it came to his turn to speak, that he was un-a-ble to ut-ter a word. The fa-thers were more af-fect-ed at this in-stance of mod-es-ty, than they could have been by the most pa-the-tic ad-dress: and, in short, pardon-ed the guil-ty fa-ther, for this ear-ly pro-mise of vir-tue in the son.

Flies, wasps, bees, and ma-ny oth-er in-sects, when they come out of the egg, are no more

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en-dorse-ment gi-gan-tic


en-du-rance gri-mal-kin in-dig-nant

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