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The hope was cherished, that the medical knowledge of Dr. Randall, would be a sufficient safeguard against that exposure, and those intense efforts which almost inevitably destroy those who are encountering the untried influences of a tropical climate. But the objects which presented themselves in Africa, were too numerous and exciting, and the motives for exertion too powerful to allow due weight to the dictates of prudence. His enthusiastic desire to prosecute successfully the enterprise in which he had embarked, was not to be controlled, and he fell a victim to the influence of sentiments which honour humanity, but which, alas! all must regret, had not temporarily been restrained.

We rejoice in the belief that there is a quickening an undying energy in virtue. The noble minded bequeath to after ages, an invaluable and imperishable legacy, the legacy of their example. The fires which consumed the Martyrs, lighted the church to triumph; the sufferings and sacrifices of our fathers, are to their descendants, among the most precious motives to virtuous action, and we trust that the names of those who have fallen in the glorious work of Africa's redemption, will prove as "way-marks" guiding an immense population on the shore where they perished, to knowledge, liberty, and religion.

Washington, June 22d, 1829.

At a meeting of the Board of Managers of the American Colonization Society this day, Dr. THOMAS HENDERSON presented the following preamble and resolutions, which were unanimously adopted:

Inasmuch as it has pleased Almighty God to remove by death on the 19th of April last, from his sphere of usefulness and duty, Dr. RICHARD RANDALL, Colonial Agent at Liberia

Be it resolved, That the Board of Managers hereby express their deep sorrow for the death of their amiable and valued colleague and Agent, and that in remembrance of the deceased they will wear crape for one month on the left arm.

Resolved, That the relations of the deceased be assured of the sympathies of the Members of this Board, the more deeply felt because of their personal knowledge of his worth.

Resolved further, That a Portrait of the late Colonial Agent be obtained and placed in the Room of the Board of Managers of the Colonization Society. Resolved, That a copy of these Resolutions be transmitted to the relatives of Dr. RANDALL, and that they also be published in the papers of this city.

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Necessities of the Society.

These were never so urgent as at present. Large drafts have come upon us from the Colony, and it is all-important that our funds should be greatly increased, and that speedily. Without this no expedition can be sent out the ensuing autumn. We therefore entreat every Auxiliary Society to renew immediately its efforts, and every Minister of Christ to take up a collection for our cause. It is particularly requested that all Clergymen who may take collections would communicate their names, and that of the post office at which they will receive the Repository.

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THE following story is so interesting in the incidents related, and told with such beautiful and affecting simplicity, that we know not how to deny it a place in the Repository. It may also excite curiosity for more information in regard to Missions in South Africa; and we have before us an admirable work on this subject, from which we shall be able to gath er much to gratify and animate the friends of the Redeemer. We propose to commence a Review of this work in our next number.

EARLY in the eighteenth century, at an obscure village in Lu satia, there lived a poor man whose Christian name was George, the humble associate of a few refugees, who, having escaped from Austrian intolerance, after suffering the loss of all things for the testimony of a good conscience, had sought refuge on the estate of a Saxon nobleman. In the midst of a forest they built habitations, and a church, and there supporting themselves by painful labour, they worshipped the God of their fathers, according to the rites which had been transmitted to them through many ages, as descendants from the Hussites. Scarcely, however, had these fugitives found rest for the soles of their feet, than, moved by the greatest principle in operation throughout the universe-the love of God manifesting itself in love to man, there were those among their little company who went forth to the ends of the earth, carrying to the most forlorn of their fel

low-creatures, those good tidings of great joy, which the angel, at the birth of our Saviour, told the shepherds should be unto all people. Among these was the plain and simple-hearted peasant George, before mentioned. He was a man of clear understanding, invincible courage, and most affectionate zeal in the cause of that truth, for which he had already borne six years' cruel imprisonment in his native country, besides his share in the common persecution, that drove him and his companions into banishment. To be a day-labourer, or a menial servant; one who should minister to the convenience, or pander to the voluptuousness of others; eating bread all his days in the sweat of his brow, or rioting on the offals of rich men's tables, was the utmost of what might have been predicted concerning him, from the circumstances of his birth and education. But the grace of God ennobles the meanest subject of its influence, and there was a glory reserved for this exile, before which kings and conquerors, and laurelled bards, might rise up and veil their honours in reverence to it. The wish came into his mind to go and dwell among the Hottentots in South Africa, that he might speak to them, "words whereby they should be saved." He had heard of their ignorance, vice and degradation, and his heart yearned within him over their deplorable enthralment. Under the filth and deformity of the harshest exterior that claims affinity with the brotherhood of man, he could discern an immortal spirit, on its passage through time, to an unchangeable state, of which nothing is known beyond the terms of the last sentence on the righteous and the wicked.

At length, almost as poorly provided as the first Apostles, he set out from Holland, with the prayers and benedictions of his fellow Christians. He went alone, yet not unaccompanied, for He who called Amos from gathering sycamore fruit to be a prophet through all generations, had appointed him to his task, and never forsook him in the performance of it. On his arrival at Cape-Town, having obtained permission of the governor to settle in the interior, he began his pilgrimage with a staff and scrip, hands to labour, and the means of procuring a few implements of husbandry. In simplicity of purpose, he wandered forth in quest of outcasts whom he had never seen, and of whom he had heard nothing but evil; he went to speak comfortably to

them; he went to do them good. How beautiful then on the mountains were the feet of him who came to publish peace!Yet, like his meek and lowly Master, wherever he turned, he was despised and rejected by them. The Dutch boors (the farmers on insulated plots of cultivation throughout the colony,) were as incapable of comprehending the object of his mission, as the barbarians themselves; for it appeared, that at the sacrifice of home, country, and friends, all that is dear and desirable in life, this solitary stranger had traversed land and ocean to fix his abode where neither wealth was to be accumulated, pleasure pursued, nor honour won: and where, amidst toil, poverty and contempt, he was about to spend his affections on creatures as insensible as the bushes, and to waste his intellect on minds as barren as the sands. Yet none of these things moved him; and, if the work was to be done, which he meditated towards Caffraria, at all, he was the man to do it.

In the progress of his journey, he arrived at a lonely glen, with a lively stream running through it, the declivities on either side abounding with timber for building and fuel. Here then, when nothing lay within the range of the eye, save the works of God as they came from his hand, our Christian adventurer determined to erect his dwelling. On this spot, therefore, to which Providence had directed him, he bowed his face to the ground, and consecrated the place to that Being, who had never before been named or acknowledged there. And He, who seeth in secret, made his divine presence so to be felt amidst appalling solitude, that when the worshipper rose from prostration, he could say with one of old, who had slept in the wilderness with a stone for his pillow, and saw in his dream a ladder that reached the sky, with angels ascending and descending thereon,-"This is none other than the house of God, and the gate of heaven." Forthwith the new settler fell to work, and with his own hands, or such casual help as he could obtain from the boors and the natives, he built himself a cottage, enclosed a garden, planted trees, and cultivated grain, flowers, and fruit for provision, convenience, and delight. Slowly, but regularly, his circumstances improved; his flocks and herds, though never numerous, were soon sufficient to supply his few wants; and, out of his abundance, he had ever something to spare for the wretched Hottentots, who flocked to

him from all quarters, when either their own improvidence, or adverse seasons, reduced them to temporary distress.

In this retirement he lived nearly seven years, while, under his reforming hand, the waste round his habitation grew greener and lovelier every year. "The desert and the solitary place were glad for him, and blossomed as the rose. Here too, the good man walked with God, his home was a temple, and from the altar of his heart the morning and evening incense of prayer and thanksgiving arose, and was accepted, while amidst the silence of nature, the voice of song might be heard by the passing traveller, where heretofore, save the breeze and the rill, no sounds had been known but the howling of the wild beasts, or the clamor of wilder men in the pursuit of them, or in conflict with them.

Yet had he society, human society, the lowest in truth that could be entitled to the name, or to be endured without loathing. He repined not, for this was the very society of all the tribes of mankind he had chosen; the society for which he had forsaken all that he loved best, and most lamented in the world. Thinly scattered through interminable tracts of desolate country, with here and there an appearance of cultivation, were descried the kraals of the Hottentots, like circles of bee-hives, in sunny and sheltered spots on the margins of streams; or occasionally the lonely tents of the Bushmen, roving from place to place, wheresoever they could find game and plunder. But as colonization had spread, great numbers of the former, in the capacity of servants, earned a pittance, enough to keep them from starvation, by lazy drudgery for the farmers, or by tending the cattle which range far and near in search of their pasture. Peter Kolben, and others of the elder travellers in this excommunicated country, have minutely if not faithfully, described the uncouth manners, detestable habits, and atrocious practices of the native population at the time of which this history treats. Our unassuming visitor went not to Africa to spy out the nakedness of the land, nor to expose its rude inhabitants to the abhorrence of polished Europeans. His was another errand. He condescended to their low estate, that he might help them to rise above it; he regarded their wickedness, and abominations, only that he might show them the way by which they might be delivered from both. As for religion, he found not any thing worthy to be called by that name. A certain winged

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