Abbildungen der Seite

tricity and Magnetism. By W.-A.-T. 'Emtage, M.A. Crown 8vo,

7s. 6d.

Introduction à la théorie mathématique de l'électricité et du



The Alternate Current Transformer in Theory

and Practice. Vol. II. London, 1892. 8vo. 612 pp.

Le Transformateur de courants alternatifs. Théorie et pratique.

Dynamos, alternateurs et transformateurs.

GRAY (A.).

The Theory and Practice of Absolute Measurements in Electricity and Magnetism. 2 vols. Vol 2 in2 Parts. Cr. 8vo, pp. 1330. Macmillan. 25/.

Théorie et pratique des mesures absolues en électricité et magnétisme.


The Applications of elliptic Functions. Lon

don, 1892. 8vo. 350 pp.

Les Applications des fonctions elliptiques.



Notes on Design of small Dynamo. London, 1892. 8vo, 78 pp.

Notes sur la construction des petites Dynamos.

HATCH (F.-H.). - Text-Book of Petrology: A Description of the Rock-forming Minerals and a Synopsis of the Chief Types of Igneous Rocks. By F.-H. Hatch, Ph.D., F.G.S., of the Geolog. Survey of U.K. With Eighty-six Cuts, 7s. 6d.

Traité de Pétrologie.


1094 pp.

Electrical Papers. 2 vols. London, 1892. 8vo.

Mémoires sur l'électricité.

HOROBIN (J.-C.). - Theoretical Mechanics. Div. I. London, 1892.

8vo. 154 pp.

Mécanique Théorique.

HOSKINS (L.-M.). The Elements of Graphic Statics: A Text-book for Students of Engineering. 8vo, pp. 183. Macmillan, net, 10/. Éléments de statique graphique.

KAPP (Gisbert).

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Dynamos, Alternators and Transformers. By Gisbert Kapp, M.I.C.E. Amply Illustrated. Crow 8vo, price

10s. 6d.

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KENT (W.-G.).
The Water Meter: Its Difficulties, Types and
Applications. A Manual of Reference and Fact in Connection
with the Supply of Water by Meter. 8vo, pp. 126. Spons. 3/6.
Le Compteur d'eau. Difficultés, types et applications.
KILGOUR (Martin-Hamilton). — Electrical Distribution. By Martin-

Hamilton Kilgour. Illustrated. Crown 8vo, price 10s. 6d. This is the first systematic attempt to deal with the various important problems in Electrical Engineering which are met with in distributing electrical energy from a central station. It is shown again and again in this Treatise that the use of a properly designed system of distribution leads to economy, and that the greatest economy is only to be obtained by carefully designing each system for the conditions it has to fulfil. Distribution de l'électricité.

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LE VAN (W.-B.). Safety Valves, their History, Antecedents, etc. London, 1892, 8vo.

Les soupapes de sûreté. Leur histoire, leurs antécédents, etc. LOCKWOOD'S. Dictionary of Terms Used in the Practice of Mechanical Engineering. Edited by a Foreman Pattern Maker. 2nd ed., Revised, with Additions. Cr. 8vo, pp. 436. Crosby Lockwood and Son. 7/6.

Dictionnaire des termes employés dans la pratique des ingenieurs-mécaniciens.

LONEY (S.-L). The Elements of Statics and Dynamics. By S.-L. Loney, M.A., late Fellow of Sidney Sussex College. 7s. 6d. Or in separate parts: Part I. The Elements of Statics. 4s. 6d; Part II. The Elements of Dynamics. 3s. 6d.

Éléments de Statique et de Dynamique.

LOVE (A.-E.-H.). A Treatise on the mathematical Theory of Elasticity. Vol. I. London, 1892. Svo, 366 pp.

Traité de la Théorie mathématique de l'élasticité.

MATTHEWS (G.-B.). Theory of Numbers. Part I. Cambridge,

1892. 8vo.

Théorie des nombres. 1re partie.


Electric Lighting and Power Distribution.

Part I. London, 1892. 12°. 198 pp.

Éclairage et distribution de la force par l'électricité.

MINCHIN (G.-M.). Hydro. atics and elementary Hydrokinetics. London, 1892. 8vo, 420 pp.

Hydrostatique et Hydrokinétique élémentaire.

POYSER (A.-W.). Magnetism and Electricity. London, 1892. 8vo, 372 pp.

Magnétisme et électricité.

RECKENZAUN (A.). – Electric traction on Railways and Tramways. London, 1892. 8vo, 440 pp.

La Traction électrique sur les chemins de fer et les tramways.

Electric Traction. By A. Reckenzaun. M.I.E.E. With over 150 Illustrations. Crown 8vo, price 10s. 6d. This is the first serious attempt to consolidate and systematise the information on an important subject. Mr. Reckenzaun's experience is of the longest and widest, and this book deals not only with the scientific and practical problems met with in traction work, but enters somewhat into the financial aspect of the question. Traction électrique.

ROUTH (E.-J.).

Treatise on Analytical Statics. Vol. 2. 8vo,

pp. 236. Cambridge University Press. 10/.

Traité de Statique analytique.

SPRAGUE (J.-T.). - Electricity : Its Theory, Sources and Applications. 3rd ed., Thoroughly Revised and Extended. Cr. 8vo, pp. 658. Spons. 15/.

L'Électricité. Théorie, sources et applications.


An Elementary Treatise on Heat. With numerous Woodcuts and Diagrams. By Balfour Stewart, LL.D., F.R.S. Fifth Edition. Extra fcap. 8vo, 7s. 6d.

Traité élémentaire de la chaleur.

Toothed Gearing: A Practical Handbook for Office and Workshop. By A Foreman Pattern Maker, Author of "Pattern Making," etc. In the press.

Roues d'engrenage.

URQUHART (John-W.). — Electric Light: Its Production and Use. By John-W. Urquhart, Electrician. Fifth Edition, Revised, with further Additions. Just published. Crown 8vo, 430 pp., with 153 Illustrations, 7s. 6d. cloth.

Lumière électrique. Production et emploi.


AUSSANT CARA prof. (P.). Applicazione della teoria del potenziale allo studio di alcune notevoli proprietà delle masse gassose isolate nello spazio: cenno. Firenze, tip. di Salvadore Landi, 1892. 4°. p. iiij, 61.

Applications de la théorie du potentiel à l'étude de quelques propriétés remarquables des masses gazeuses isolées dans l'espace.

BATTELLI ANG. Sulle proprietà termiche del vapore: memoria. Parte IV (Studio del vapor d' acqua rispetto alle leggi di Boyle e di Gay-Lussac). Torino, Carlo Clausen edit. (stab. tip. Vin

cenzo Bona), 1892. 8°, p. 36, con due tavole. (Estr. dalle Memorie della r. accademia delle scienze di Torino, serie 2, tomo XLIII.)

Sur les propriétés thermiques des vapeurs.

DAVOGLIO (G.). Nuovi principii die cinematica. Bergamo, 1892, 8°, 129 pp. Còn 5 tay.

Nouveaux principes de cinématique.

FINZI (G). Trattato elementare de elettricità e magnetismo. Milano, 1892, 8°, 496 pp. Con, 183 incis.

Traité élémentaire d'électricité et de magnétisme.

JADANZA prof. NICODEMO. Un nuovo apparato per misurare basi topografiche. Torino, Carlo Clausen edit. (stamp. reale deila ditta G. B. Paravia e C.), 1892. 8° fig., p. 14. (Estr. dagli Atti della r. accademia delle scienze di Torino, vol. XXVII, adunanza del 29 maggio 1892.

Nouvel appareil pour mesurer les bases topographiques. MARCHESINI-COLLEONI prof. Lu. Sulla forma generale delle equazioni delle linee di forza: memoria. Pavia, stab. tip. succ. Bizzoni, 1892, 16°, p. 9.

Sur la forme générale des équations des lignes de force. MEI dott. (Ern.). — Di alcune applicazioni dell' elettricità: lettura tenuta nell' accademia La Nuova Fenice. Orvieto, tip. di E. Tosini, 1892. 8°, p. 26.

Quelques applications de l'électricité.

MONTESANO (Dom.). Su una congruenza di rette di secondo ordine e di quarta classe: nota. Torino, Carlo Clausen edit. (stamp. reale della ditta G. B. Paravia e C.), 1892. 8°. p. 19. (Estr. dagli Atti della r. accademia delle scienze di Torino, vol. XXVII, adunanza del 19 giugno 1892).

Sur une congruence de droites du second ordre et de quatrième classe.

PACI prof. (P.). – Sopra la derivate terze della funzione poten ziale di una superficie: comunicazione. Genova, tip. Sordomuti, 1892. 8°. p. 7. (Estr. dagli Atti della r. università di


Sur la dérivée troisième de la fonction potentielle d'une


N° 5








Par M. MUSSY, ingénieur en chef des mines.


Diverses mesures ont été prises par le service du matériel fixe des chemins de fer pour aider à la circulation en grande vitesse.

La longueur des rails a été doublée, portée de 5,50 à 11 mètres dans les voies Vignole, de 6 à 12 mètres dans les voies à DC; le profil des rails a été modifié pour en accroître notablement le poids par mètre et le moment d'inertie.

Au P.-L.-M., le rail de 39 kg. a fait place à celui de 47 kg. Voie Vignole.

[blocks in formation]
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