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But in some twilight of calm weather
She glides, by fancy dimly wrought,
A glittering cloud, a darkling beam,
With all the quiet of a thought,

And all the passion of a dream,
Linked in a golden spell together.'


'A Templar kneeled at a friars knee; He was a comely youth to see,

With curling locks, and forehead high,
And flushing cheek, and flashing eye:
And the Monk was as jolly and large a man
As ever laid lip to a convent can

Or called for a contribution,
As ever read at midnight hour
Confessional in lady's bower,
Ordained for a peasant the penance whip,
Or spoke for a noble's venial slip
A venal absolution.

"O Father! in the dim twilight I have sinned a grievous sin to-night; And I feel hot pain e'en now begun For the fearful murder I have done.

"I rent my victim's coat of green,
I pierced his neck with my dagger keen;
The red stream mantled high:

I grasped him, Father, all the while,
With shaking hand, and feverish smile,
And said my jest, and sang my song,
And laughed my laughter, loud and long,
Until his glass was dry!

"Though he was rich, and very old, I did not touch a grain of gold,

But the blood I drank from the bubbling vein Hath left on my lip a purple stain!"

"My son! my son! for this thou hast done, Though the sands of thy life for aye should run,"

The merry Monk did say,

"Though thine eye be bright, and thine heart be light,

Hot spirits shall haunt thee all the night,
Blue devils all the day!"

The thunders of the Church were ended; Back on his way the Templar wended; But the name of him the Templar slew Was more than the Inquisition knew.'


The earth itself is mobile: through the vast
Dim æons of th' immeasurable past

The tropic flamed where now the icy poles
Front sunless space in spectral darkness ghast :
The ocean beds to continents have grown
Like bubbles, slowly verdure-clothed and sown
Through each condition change with forms of life
Progressive, bestial, semi-human souls-
Insect and giant, multiform and rife.
The whale once swam where the Sahara burns,

And generations rest in sightless urns

In cities where the great Atlantic rolls:
The sun projects the planet, and now draws
Back to its centre, by eternal laws,
The orb yet man is Nature's final cause!
-Dublin Magazine.

WHEN IN OUR NURSERY GARDEN. When in our nursery garden falls a blossom, And as we kiss the hand and fold the feet, We can not see the lamb in Abraham's bosom, Nor hear the footfall in the golden street.

When all is silent, neither moan nor cheering, The hush of hope, the end of all our caresAll but that harp above, beyond our hearing,

Then most we need to trouble Him with prayers.

Then most we need the thoughts of Resurrection, Not the life here, 'mid pain, and sin and woe, But ever in the fullness of perfection

To walk with Him in robes as white as snow.

"Hast thou cast us off for ever?"-Psalm lxxiv.
When the tide of bliss is highest,
When we closest clasp the toy
Then the heart feels grief is nighest,
Trembles, looking on her joy;
Singing softly, sighing sadly,

"Joy was never made to last,
Soon the sky shall be o'ercast,
And the voices ringing gladly,
And the pulses leaping madly,

To death's stillness shall have passed."
When the flood of grief is swelling,

Deep is calling unto deep,
Then the soul, in darkness dwelling,
Sits apart to wail and weep;
Wailing always, weeping weary,

Says, "It is perpetual sorrow,
To-day, to-morrow, each to-morrow
Rising on the darkness dreary,
Setting on the evening dreary,

Only grief from time shall borrow."
Soft! a voice is drawing nearer,
"Sweet, my love, why lost in woe?"
Whispering ever, whispering clearer,
"Rise, my dove, and mourn not so;
Smooth again thy ruffled plume

Thou shalt sing a better song,
Gird thy spirit and be strong;
In the life beyond the tomb,
In the light beyond the gloom,
Grief is short, and joy is long."
"I am lord of land and sea,

Hide thee underneath my shield,
All my love is pledged to thee

In summer's sun and harvest field;
And my covenant thou shalt know

Where the loving shall not sever,
Where the storm-cloud darkens never,
Tides will neither ebb nor flow,
Wandering ships will never go,
And rests the shining sea for ever."
-Sunday Magazine.

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the fourth chapter of the first book. In this


MR. KAYE, the author of the "History of the chapter Mr. Kaye shows, or at any rate endeavors War in Afghanistan," has issued the first volume to show, that the cardinal error of English policy of a "History of the Sepoy War in India. " To lay in the application of a theory, sound in the us he appears admirably qualified for the task-abstract, but unsuited to the genius and disposiqualified by experience and knowledge-qualified in the systematic obliteration of the landed aristion of the people of India. This policy consisted by sobriety of judgment and enlightened impartiality qualified, finally, by ample command of tocracy. There were two processes by which the material and ability to shape it into narrative vigor- depression of the native gentry was effected-the ously written, clearly arranged, sustainedly inter-process of settlement and the process of resumpesting. Of the value of the resources at his dis- tion. First, the great besom of the settlement reposal an adequate idea may be formed from the duced the proprietary class to ruin, and converted fact, that the executors of Lord Canning have would have made the friends of the State. into bitter enemies those whom a different policy placed in Mr. Kaye's hands the private and demi- der the name of Resumption Mr. Kaye includes official correspondence of the deceased statesman, extending over the whole of his Indian administra- all those operations which ensued on the failure of tion; that Sir John Lawrence and Sir Herbert for forty years to establish their title by genuine freeholders required after undisturbed possession Edwardes have furnished documents for the de- documentary evidence to make good, in this way, scription of the rising in the Punjab; while the their right of proprietorship. These operations are family of the late Colonel Baird Smith, Sir James characterized by Mr. Kaye as wholesale confiscaOutram, Sir Robert Hamilton, Mr. E. A. Reade, tion, involving the fraudulent usurper and the rightand the Secretary of State for India, have all aided ful possessor in one common ruin. Thus, in all good Mr. Kaye in his arduous labors, by furnishing pa- faith and with the most benevolent intentions, we pers, giving personal information, or affording ac- made enemies of a large number of influential percess to official records. Thus a trustworthy and even authoritative account of the Sepoy War is sons-nobles of royal descent, military chiefs with presumably before us, or rather will be before us large bodies of retainers, ancient landholders with when the work shall be completed. The first of Brahmins or priests, "who had been supported by their feudally attached dependents; and lastly, the three volumes, in which the entire narrative the alienated revenue which we resumed, and will be comprised, relates the antecedents of the who turned the power which we exercised over mutiny of the Bengal army, touches on the prin- the minds of others to fatal account in fomenting cipal political events, and describes the social and material progress of the previous ten years; and popular discontent and instilling into the minds of after tracing the history of the Bengal army from the people the poison of religious fear." The anits formation till the retirement of Lord Dalhousie, tagonism of social reforin and positive science to details the incidents of the first year of Lord Can- doo sacerdotalism is forcibly exhibited in pages the cherished fictions and superstitions of Hinning's government, and of the commencement of which reflect or suggest the phenomena of a corthe mutiny up to the period of the outbreak at Meerut and the seizure of Delhi. The first book responding movement in Europe. or division of the volume, which is introductory, and beauty, and the exact sciences of the West, Intellectual progress excited in India a new appetite for truth relates the conquest of the Punjab and Pegu, dis- with their clear demonstrable facts and inevitable cusses the administration of Lord Dalhousie with deductions, were putting to shame the physical special reference to the right of lapse, the annexation of Oude, and what the author calls the pro- ment a larmed the sacerdotal mind, for it threaterrors of Hindooism. The growing enlightengress of Englishism. The rise, progress, and de- ened the ascendancy of men to whom all the accline of the Sepoy army are the topics of the sec- cidents and concerns of life, the revolutions of ond book; the early life and the beginning of the heavenly bodies, birth, sickness, marriage, Lord Canning's Indian administration, the Oude commission, the Persian war, and the growth of death, even a future state, were sources of revethe mutiny till the final bursting of the storm, form nue. It tended to suppress the murder of wothe subject-matter of the third and last book. Of men, infants, the sick, the aged, the unsuspectthe spirit in which the work is conceived we are ing traveler, and thus to diminish the power or the not long kept in doubt. "It was, profit of the priesthood. Female education, reKaye in his preface, "in the over-eager pursuit of marriage of widows, physical science in its practisays Mr. humanity any civilization that Indian statesmen cal manifestations, all menaced the vested inteof the new school were betrayed into the excesses rest of the Brahmins. which have been so grievously visited upon the minical priesthood is not to be doubted. The "That the fire-carriage on the iron road was a heavy blow to the Brahnation. It was the vehement self-assertion of the lightning-post which sent invisible letters through Englishman that produced this conflagration; it the air and brought back answers from incredible was the same vehement self-assertion that enabled distances in less time than an ordinary messenger him, by God's blessing, to trample it out.' he adds, "If I have any predominant theory, it is And could bring them from the next street, was a still this: Because we were too English the great cri- The civilization of the West gave practical proof greater marvel and a still greater disturbance." sis arose; but it was only because we were Eng-of its ability to do what Brahminism had never lish that when it arose it did not utterly overwhelm done, "and from that time the Hindoo hierarchy This theory is excellently illustrated in lost half its power, for the people lost half their One institution, of paramount importance, was threatened by English social innovation-the great institution of Caste. The introduction of the messing system in gaols gave an

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"A History of the Sepoy War in India, 1857-1858.''
By John William Kaye, Author of the "
War in Afghanistan." In Three Vols. Vol 1. London:
History of the
W. H. Allen and Co. 1864.


rights, and claims thereto belonging, in the hands of the East India Company, "and that the surplus revenues should be at the disposal of the Company." The province, however, declared British territory was, according to this scheme, not to be incorporated with the British do minions. The scheme did not in itself exclude annexation, but "the distinction without a difference" upheld by the Governor-General was verlooked by the Government at home, the Court of Directors, the Board of Control, and the British Cabinet all consenting to the annexation of Oude. The annexation of Oude accordingly took place. It was the last act of Lord Dalhousie's gove "act ment. The processes of settlement and resum he tion now came into operation. The bad feeli g engendered by the appropriation, and which in happier times might have gradually died out, was sustained and invigorated by a combination of maleficent influences. First, there was an impression that our resources were exhausted by the Crimean and by the Persian wars. Then the animosity of the ejected nobles and Brahminical party was inflamed and extended by the cartridge panic, which, in Mr. Kaye's belief, was a real motive, and by the movement under Nana Sahib, whose claim, he thinks, did not receive the con

opening to designing men to misrepresent the policy of the government. At Shahabad, Behar, Patna, and Sarun, there were serious disturbances. Benares itself, the very nursery of Hindooism, was saved only by prudential concessions from becoming the scene of a sanguinary outbreak. All this occurred between 1845 and 1852. Hindoo misconstruction and discontent were reinforced by Mohammedan mendacity and curiosity, for the Moulavee was scarcely less alarmed than the Pundit by the tendency of our educational measures, and many old Mussulman families resented the resumption of the land tenures. To all these elements of discord must be added the predisposition to mutiny of the Sepoy soldier, irritated by the uncertainty which prevailed with respect to pay and allowances, secretly emboldened by concession and unable to reconcile himself to the British theory of annexation. The annexation of Oude, in particular, weakened the attachment of the Sepoy to his colors, till, finding what the revolution had cost him, he was ready to join hands with other sufferers over a common grief." In 1801 the Newab Wuzeer entered into engage ments with the British Government for the good administration of the provinces in question. How these engagements were violated may be learned from page 120 of Mr. Kaye's volume. A succes-sideration to which it was entitled. The account sion of rulers in Oude abandoned themselves to sensual pollution, neglected State affairs, and trafficked in place, honor, and justice; corruption, murder, extortion, outrage, and robbery were the characteristics of their reign. A crisis occurred while Lord Auckland was GovernorGeneral of India. The new king pledged himself to sign a new treaty. This treaty provided, that in case of prolonged misrule the British Government should be entitled to appoint its own functionaries to the management of any part of the province; that there should be a new military force, commanded by British officers, but supported by the Oude Government; but the revenues of the country were not to be applied to any other purpose than that of its maintenance. This treaty, which Mr. Kaye disparages as an abortion, was often cited in later years as the Oude Treaty of 1837. It was, he says, wholly and absolutely disallowed by the Home Government-that is to say, he explains in a note, by the Secret Committee specially empowered by Act of Parliament. If this be so, it is unfortunate that Lord Auckland had too much pride to acknowledge its nulity; unfortunate that-though in 1838 the Home Government in general terms denied the existence of any treaty with the King of Oude, duly ratified and approved-the treaty, years after this date, was still held to be valid, and described as such by Colonel Sleeman in a letter to Sir James Hogg. It is still further unfortunate-if indeed we ought not to substitute throughout a stronger term-that it crept by mistake into a collection of treaties, under the auspices of an Under-Secretary. So matters stood when, in 1852, the misrule in Oude was of so fearful a description that Colonel Sleeman, who was opposed to annexation, advised the new Governor-General, Lord Dalhousie, to assume the administration, but not to grasp the revenues of the country. In defiance of advice and warnings, Lord Dalhousie proposed that the King of Oude should vest all power, jurisdiction,

of the increasing disaffection occasioned by the greased cartridges and the bone-dust flour, and of the various outbreaks which ensued, carries the narrative down to the insurrection at Meerut, with which critical event Mr. Kaye concludes the first volume of this excellent history. The biographical notices of the Lawrences, Dalhousie, Canning, and other eminent men, in whom Mr. Kaye recognizes the existence of high, sometimes supremely high, moral and intellectual qualities, are clear, discriminating, and vividly written, and much of the expository portion of the book is valuable for its perspicuous statement and philosophical insight. In the two volumes intended to complete the work-the publication of which we shall gladly welcome-the author promises to describe the progress of the mutiny and rebellion in the North-Western provinces, the mutiny in the Punjab, the rebellion in Oude, the rising in Behar, the insurrection in the Southern Mahratta country, the siege and capture of Delhi, and the first relief of Lucknow. The third volume will comprise a narrative of the operations of the army under Sir Colin Campbell, of the recovery of Oude, of the campaign in Central India, and finally of those measures by which Lord Canning sought to restore confidence to the princes and people of India, and general prosperity to the land.—Westminster Review.


Heat.-Professor Tyndall has communicated to the Royal Society the results of his important researches on the invisible heat radiation of theelectric light. The distribution of heat in the spectrum of the electric light was examined by means of a linear thermo-electric pile. The electric spectrum was formed by lenses and prisms of pure rock-salt, its width being equal to the length of the row of elements forming the pile. The latter standing at right angles to the length o




the spectrum was caused to pass through its vari- ' Petroleum. The use of petroleum as steam fuel
ous colors in succession, and to search the spaces in place of coal, is attracting considerable atten-
beyond the region of color in both directions. As tion. Mr. C. J. Richardson is conducting ex-
is in the case of the solar spectrum the heat was periments at Woolwich Dockyard, with the view
found to augment from the violet to the red, to test the capability of petroleum to supersede
while the maximum heating effect was observed coal and other fuel on board ship. Dr. Paul has
beyond the red. The augmentation of tempera-published some calculations, in which he attempts
ture beyond the red in the case of the electric
light sudden and enormous, being much greater
than inat obtained by Professor Müller for the
solar spectrum. Aqueous vapor acts powerfully
upon the invisible rays, and doubtless the action
of this substance in our atmosphere has modified
th tensity of the rays beyond the red. In the
eriments now to be referred to, the rays from
the electric light were converged by a small con-
cave glass mirror silvered at the back. It was
brought so near the electric light as to cast an
image of the coal points five or six inches in ad-
vance of the light. A solution of iodine in bisul-
phide of carbon contained in a rock-salt cell was
then placed in front of the lamp; the whole of
the luminous rays where thereby cut off, the dark
heat rays only coming to a focus.

In this focus of intense heat, in which nothing whatever is visible to the sight, what will take place if a solid body is introduced? Will the body become red or white hot; that is to say, will the long vibrations of the heat rays be exalted in refrangibility and vibrate in a quicker period? We know that ray's can be lowered in refrangibility, but the possibility of rays of low refrangibility being raised higher has been denied by some physicists on theoretical grounds. The experiments of Professor Tyndall have conclusively settled the question, and proved that rays can be transmitted upwards, as well as downwards.

to prove that the proposed application of it is
based upon erroneous impressions respecting the
composition and character of petroleum as com-
pared with coal. He starts with the statement
that the oil can be so utilized that one ton is equal
for steam purposes to five tons of coal. Now, the
specific gravitity of coal being about 144, while
that of petroleum is from 0.80 to 0.85, the
weight of a cubic foot of these materials would
be respectively-coal 90lbs., and petroleum 50lbs
to 53lbs. But since petroleum, being liquid, lies
in a more compact manner than coal, in estima-
ting the spaces occupied by these materials an
allowance of one-third should be made for the
interstices or empty spaces between the lumps of
coal; so that the spaces occupied by equal
weights of coal and petroleum are about as 1 is to
1.2 or 1.4. Then the relative heating-power of
equal weights of coal and petroleum, depending
upon their respective chemical composition, are
in the following ratio:-Calorific power-coal,
102, petroleum, 1:50; and the spaces occu-
pied by quantities of petroleum and of coal would
be in the ratio of 1 to 1·16; a difference in favor
of petroleum too small to admit of any advan-
tage being gained in regard to stowage. The
question of price, moreover, must not be left out in
such discussions. Dr. Paul argues that, since the
price of petroleum varies from 157, to 207. per
ton, while that of coal used for steam-vessels
varies from under 17. to 34. 10s., the cost of equal
quantities of heat produced from these materials
would be, under the most favorable circumstances,
as in the ratio of 157, to 47. In addition to this,
the highly inflammable nature of petroleum must
be considered. Its storage on board a ship would
require the use of air-tight vessels, and even then
there might be considerable risk of the production
of explosive mixtures of the petroleum vapor and
air. What, asks Dr. Paul, would be the condi-
tion of a vessel of war provided with petroleum
as fuel if a shot penetrated the vessel containing
the petroleum, and allowed it to escape in prox-
imity to the boiler fires?

With an eight-inch mirror behind the electric light, the opaque solution of iodine in front, and the focus of invisible rays about six inches distant from the electric light, the following effects have been obtained-Wood painted black, when brought into the dark focus, emits copious volwnes of smoke, and is soon kindled at the two spots on which the images of the two coal points fall. A piece of brown paper placed near the focus soon shows a burning surface which spreads over a considerable space, the paper finally bursting into flame. The end of a cigar placed at the dark focus is instantly ignited. A piece of charcoal suspended in a receiver of oxygen is ignited in the dark focus and caused to burn brilliantly. In answer to these objections of Dr. Paul, Mr. A mixture of oxygen and hydrogen is exploded Richardson, the patentee, asserts that the relative in the dark focus by the ignition of its envelope. heating-powers of petroleum and coal, as dependMagnesium wire presented suitably to the focus, ing upon their chemical composition, is not the burns with its intensely luminous flame. In all question; the ability of each to create steam is these cases the effect was due in part to chemical the real matter to be considered. Petroleum, as action; this, however, may be excluded. For steam fuel, can be very nearly fully utilized; instance, pl tinized platinum in thin leaf may be it produces no ash, submits to mechanical manrendered white hot, and on it is depicted an in- agement, and makes little or no smoke; does not candescent image of the coal points. When the require any strong draught or current of air like points are drawn apart or caused to approach coal, which will not burn without it, the conseeach other, their incandescent images conform quence being that a very considerable portion of to their motion. Professor Tyndall proposes that the fuel is lost, as waste heat, in the chimney. the assemblage of phenomena here described, and In careful experiments by Mr. Wye Williams, to others to be referred to in his completed memoirs, ascertain the best form of boiler to obtain the should be expressed by the term "calorescence." greatest amount of heat from coal, he gives the This word involves no hypothesis, and it harmo- temperature of the waste heat in the first experinizes well with the term fluorescence, now uni- ment as 1060°; in the second, 760°; and in the versally employed with reference to the more re-third, 635°. If these are the temperatures, with a frangible end of the spectrum.-Quarterly Jour- consumption of only three-and-a-half cwt. of coal nal of Science.

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in each experiment, what would be the temperature of the waste heat in the chimney of a furnace burning from twenty to thirty tons of coals per day? We know the current is so strong that it often carries up small coal and cinders along with it; that the heated gases often take fire by a spark from the furnace, and burn at the top of the funnel with a fierceness almost equalling the flame from a blast furnace. Is this flame or waste heat employed in creating steam? And how much of the coal is utilized? In practice, Mr. Richardson says, the ratio of the heatingpower of petroleum and coal is about 1-4 to 0-4. The patented grate, which burns petroleum through a porous matter, proves that one ton of petroleum does as much work as five tons of coal. If four tons out of five are saved for freight space, the price of the latter being 7. per ton, the profit on every ton of petroleum would be 147. 15s.--the coal at 15s., the petroleum at 177. per ton. But a ship-owner might not select the American crude oil at 17.; he could take the Flintshire coal oil, which is quite as good for his purpose, and costs only about 10/. per ton. The average price of coal on a long voyage would be low at 21. per ton. Taking the prices and the freight at the reduced sum of 51. per ton in a ship requiring 500 tons of coal, and using instead 100 tons of petroleum, the profit by the exchange would be 2,000l. Respecting the highly dangerous inflammable nature of petroleum, Mr. Richardson considers it to be greatly exaggerated. If the oil were contained in cast-iron cases, securely closed, no vapor could escape; or if the small amount of spirit which produces the inflammable vapor was first extracted, the residue, the burning oil and heavy petroleum, would be no more dangerous than so much lard or spermaceti.-Quarterly Journal of Science.

Electricity. The adaptation of electricity to the production of motive force is attracting considerable attention in France just now. MM. Bellet and Rouve are exhibiting at Versailles a small locomotive driven by electricity. This certainly merits some attention since the inventors do not seem to claim any extraordinary powers for their machine. They only propose it for carrying light weights, such as letters by an underground railway. The driving-wheel of the engine is made of copper, through which at equidistant intervals pass a series of horse-shoe electro-magnets-twenty in the whole circumference. The current is made to pass successively through these magnets, contact being made and broken by means of two discs at the axis of the wheel, the iron rail attracting these magnets causes the rotation of the wheel, and in the absence of great weight the vehicle progresses at an extraordinary speed; locomotives on this plan being asserted to be able to travel with ease on existing railways at a rapidity of 120 miles an hour. The batteries are placed at the termini to save the weight and the carriage, and the current is conveyed by insulated wires running between the rails and over a roller in the locomotive. With respect to this plan an American paper enters into some curious calculations as to what such an engine would do in the way of jumping. The velocity is 181-825 feet per

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second; the square of th of which is 516:55, which is the height to which a body moving upward at this speed would rise. Were this electrical horse to make a turn upwards at an angle of 45°, he would describe a parabola 258 feet high and 1,032 feet long.

In connection with this subject we may mention an electric brake which has been recently under experiment on the Strasburg Railway. A system of brakes attached to any number of carriages in a train is brought into operation by interrupting an electric current by means of a little apparatus attached to the tender, and thus under the control of the driver. When contact is made, and the current is established again, the brakes cease to act. Connected with this is an arrangement by which the guard and even the passengers can communicate with the enginedriver. The experiments made showed that all the contrivances were perfectly effective, trains going at great speed being brought to rest in a distance of 250 to 300 metres, instead of from 1,200 to 1,500 as by the usual system of brakes.

With an improved method of pointing pins and needles, we will conclude our chronicles of physics for this quarter. It is known that if the two electrodes of copper, iron, or steel, are set vertically in acidulated water, and reaching nearly to each other, the positive very quickly becomes pointed. The experiment can of course be made by making the positive pole of a number of wires, and carefully regulating the negative pole. Two or three Bunsen's cells only are required to do the work. Considering the diseases which arise from pointing pins and needles in the usual way, this method, which is a discovery of M. Cauderay, certainly deserves attention, although some supplementary polishing would seem to be inevitably required.—Ibid.

Royal and Imperial Honors.-The author of the fine Epic poem, "Pelayo,' of the "Olden Moorish Times," Mrs. E. T. Porter Beach, of New York, received from the Empress of France, a gold Medal of rare beauty and value, a year since, and quite recently, as we learn, has received from the Queen of Spain a golden Bracelet, massive, elaborately wrought, richly enameled, gemed with a large Oriental topaz of rare lustre and value, on the centre of which is the cipher of her Majesty set in diamonds-at the top of this stone, a crown of diamonds, on either side and at its base pure pearls of great size. The bracelet contains sixty-three diamonds, and was accompanied by complimentry letters from the Spanish Minister, and the American Charge d' Affairs, who expressed his special gratification for the royal honor paid to his gifted country woman. As the Empress and Queen of Spain are both natives of that country, they both express their high gratification on the perusal of this fine poem so rich in its historic allusions to Spanish scenes and incidents, in Moorish annals. The private Secretary of her Majesty was commanded by the Queen to express in her royal name her great pleasure in "Pelayo," as descriptive of her people and country. The poem is beautifully published by the Appletons.

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