Abbildungen der Seite

XXXVII. From the fame on the fame fubjects, and con-
cerning economy; his fentiments on the
times, and his manner of life-

of the
love of fame and diftinétion. His friend-
Ship for Mr Pope.

XXXVIII. From the fame. His condition: The flate
Ireland: Character of Mrs Pope: Reflec-

tions on Mr Pope's and Mr Gay's circum-

XXXIX. Mr Pope's anfwer: His fituation and con-
tentment: An account of his other friends.
XL. Lord Bolingbroke to Dr Swift: A review
of his life, his thoughts of economy, and con-
cerning fame.

XLI. Dr Swift's anfwer. The misfortunes at-
tending great talents: Concerning fame,
and the defire of it.

XLII. Dr Swift to Mr Pope.

Concerning the

Dunciad, and of his fituation of life.

XLIII. From Lord B. That the fenfe of friendship
increafes with increase of years. Concern-

ing a hiflory of his own times, and Mr P's
moral poem.

XLIV. Of the ftyle of his letters, of his condition of
life, his paft friendships, dislike of party-
Spirit, and thoughts of pensions and prefer-


XLV. Of Mr Weftley's dillertations on Job.
Poftfcript by Lord B. on the pleasure we take
in reading letters.

XLVI. From Lord B. to Dr Swift. Inviting him
to England, and concerning reformation of
manners by writing.

[merged small][ocr errors]

VLXII. From the fame. The temper proper to men

in years: An account of his own. The cha-

racter of his lady.---Pofifcript by Mr P.

on his mother, and the effects of the tender


XLVIII. From the fame. Of his ftudies, particular-
ly a metaphyfical work. Of retirement and
exercife.---Poffcript by Mr P. His wifh
that their ftudies were united in some work
ufeful to manners, and his distaste of all


LII. In the fame ftyle, to Mr Gay and the Du-

LIII. A frange end of a law-fuit. His way of
life, &c. Poffcript to the Duchefs.

LIV. Two new pieces of the Dean's: Answer to

his invitation into England.
Advice to

LXI. From Dr Swift to Mr Pope.

An account

of feveral little pieces or tracts published as
his: which were, or were not genuine?

LXII. From Mr Pope and Dr Arbuthnot to Dr
Swift: On the fudden death of Mr Gay.

LXIII. From Dr Swift. On the fame fubject. Of

Mr Pope's epiftles, and particularly that on

the use of riches.

LXIV. From Mr Pope, on Mr Gay: His care of his
memory and writings; concerning the Dean's
and his own; and of feveral other things.
LXV. More of Mr Gay, his papers and epitaph. Of
the fate of his own writings, and the purpoje
of them. Invitation of the Dean to England.
LXVI. From Dr Swift. Of the paper called, The
life and character of Dr Swift. Of Mr Gay,
and the care of his papers. Of a libel against
Mr Pope. Of the edition of the Dean's works
in Ireland, how printed.

LXVI. Of the Dean's Verfes, called a libel on Dr
D. the fpurious character of him: Lord B's
writings: The indolence of great men in years.

LXVIII. From Dr Swift. On Mrs Pope's death. In-
vitation to Dublin. His own fituation there,
and temper.

LXIX. Anfwer to the former.
fince his mother's death.

His temper of mind

The union of fenti-

ments in all his acquaintance.

LXX. Concern for his abfence. Of a libel against
him. Reflections on the behaviour of a.
worthless man.

LXXI. Melancholy circumstances of the Separation
of friends. Impertinence of falfe pretenders to
their friendship. Publishers of flight papers.
Of the Effay on Man, and of the collection of
the Dean's works.--Poftfcript by Lord B.
concerning his metaphyfical work.

LXXII. From Dr Swift. The answer. Of his own.
amufements, the Effay on Man, and Lord
B's writings.

LXXIII. Of the pleafures of his converfation: Of Dr.
Arbuthnot's decay of health: Of the nature
of moral and philofophical writings.

LXXIV. From Dr Swift. On the death of friends.
LXXV. From the fame. On the offence taken at their
writings. Of Mr Pope's Letters. Character
of Dr Rundle, Bishop of Derry.

LXXVI. Concerning the Earl of Peterborow, and his
death at Lisbon. Charities of Dr Swift.
LXXVII From Dr Swift. Cf writing letters: Seve
ral of the ancients writ them to publish. Of
his own letters. The care he shall take of
Mr Fope's, to prevent their being printed.

LXXVIII. From Dr Swift. On the death of friends.
What fort of popularity he has in Ireland.
Against the general corruption.

LXXIX. From the fame. His kindness for Mr P.
and his own infirm condition.

LXXX. Mr Pope to Dr Swift. His plan for the
fecond book of Ethic Epiflles, of the extent
and limits of human reafon and Science;
and what retarded the execution of it.

Of Lord B's writings. New invitations to

LXXXI. From Dr Swift. His refolution to preferve
Mr Pope's Letters, and leave them to his
difpofal after his death. His defire to be
mentioned in the Ethic Epiftles. Of the lofs
of friends, and decays of age.

LXXXII. What fort of letters he now writes, and the
contraction of his correfpondence. Of the
human failings of great genius's, and the
allowance to be made them. His high opi-
nion of Lord Bolingbroke and Dr Swift as


LXXXIII. From Dr Swift. Of old age, and death of
friends. More of the Ethic Epiftles.

LXXXIV. Of the complaints of friends.---One of the
beft comforts of old age.---Some of his Let-
ters copied in Ireland, and printed.---Of
Lord Bolingbroke's retirement. Of Some
new friends, and of what fort they are.
LXXXV. The prefent circumstances of his life and
his companions. Wishes that the last part
of their days might be paffed together.

LXXXVI. From Dr Swift. Reasons that obstruct his
coming to England. Defires to be remem
bered in Mr Pope's Epifties. Many of Nir
Pope's letters to him loft, and by what means.

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