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a determinative parallel with the i of Gk. Totμηv 'shepherd'. This will enable us to connect with pahs- the curious form palahšaš, which seems to mean 'protection' (see Götze, Hatt. 75), and which reminds one of Skt. pālas 'protector' beside pāti 'he protects'.

The probable reading in KUB 14. 3. 1. 7 is Lutu-uh-kán-ti-in, and the variant writing by the Assyrian word LUTAR.TE.NU in line 9 proves that the meaning is 'commander-in-chief'. I would connect this noun tuhkaš with Lat. dux 'commander', OHG heri-zogo ‘armycommander', and the related words.

If Hrozný and Zimmern-Friedrich are right in translating GIšmahlan (acc.) by 'apple trees', this must be the word that appears in Gk. as unλov, and in Lat. as mālum. It is likely, however, that the three languages have borrowed from the same source or from related sources.

Hittite h appears between vowels in pahhur (earlier pahhuwar) ‘fire', gen. pahhuenas, whose connection with the r/n-stem Gk. Tup, OE fiur, Goth. fōn, gen. funins, was recognized by Friedrich, Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 76. 159 (1922). This stem shows so many analogical forms in the IE languages that it is not easy to trace their relationship with certainty. I will not now try to rearrange the material in the light of the Hittite evidence; but it seems clear that we must start from an ablaut base **peheyor/n, or the like. Hittite pahhuwar may represent **phuór, and pahhur is a contraction of pahhuwar.

Similarly lahuwa- 'pour', lahhuš 'basin', and IE *lou- 'wash' (Gk. λow, Lat. lavo, etc.) must be traced to a PIE ablaut base **loheu-, whence **lóhu-, the source of the Hittite words and perhaps also of IE *lou-.17

Hittite mehur, gen. mehunaš18 occurs frequently in the phrase nekuz mehur, which means 'evening'. The meaning of nekuz is 'of night' (= Lat. noctis), but whether mehur itself means 'time' or 'point of time, moment' is not yet clear. The word may be connected with IE *meu'move' (Lat. moveo, Lith. máuti 'aufstreifen, anstreifen') through **méhu- from an ablaut base **meheu-. The meaning 'moment' would then offer a parallel to Lat. momentum (temporis) from moveo.


There are also a number of Hittite words in which initial h must be

16 Hrozný, Code Hittite 106 f.; Zimmern and Friedrich, Hethitische Gesetze

17 This etymology and the preceding one were briefly presented in LANGUAGE 3. 121 f.

18 See Sommer, BoSt. 7. 32-6.

regarded as an original sound that was lost in IE. The word for 'grandfather' is huhhaš,19 which is to be identified with Latin avus on the basis of PIE **hauhos. Similarly hannaš 'grandmother'19 goes with OHG ano 'grandfather', ana 'grandmother', Lat. anus 'old woman', etc.

The prior element of hantezziyaš, hantezziš 'first' should be *hanta 'forward, before', to harmonize with appa 'back, afterwards' beside appezziyaš, appezziš 'last'. This *hanta must be identified with Gk. ǎvтa 'opposite'. The temporal force which appears in Hittite is familiar in the related Lat. ante 'before' (probably locative, while ǎvra is probably accusative, of a noun meaning 'face'). In another connection I hope soon to discuss the final member of these two Hittite compounds.

I have shown (TAPA 58. 23) that hasduir means 'branches'. Although the formative material at the end of the word is not clear, we must identify hašd- with Gk. ŏços, Gothic asts 'branch'. It follows that sd is the nil-grade of **sed- 'sit', and that Hittite ha- and IE o- both come from PIE **ho-.

Hittite hameshaš, hameshanza20 is certainly a season of the year suitable for military operations. After mentioning the winter the historical texts frequently introduce the account of the next campaign with the words: ma-ah-ha-an-ma ha-me-eš-ha-an-za ki-šá-at, 'but when it became h.' Such a context admits either 'spring' or 'summer'; but KUB 4. 4. 3. 2 ff. (cited by Götze) recommends that the king devote the h. to warfare, and that, of course, must be 'summer'. Ehelolf's attempt, on the basis of a mutilated text, to establish the meaning 'early' for our word does not convince me. On the contrary I should conclude that the AN.TAH.ŠUM festival which Ehelolf is there considering, was a harvest festival. I connect this word with the IE root *mě- 'reap', which appears in OHG mãen, OE máwan with a formative į, and in Lat. meto with a formative t. Gk. åμáw 'reap' and aμáw, åμáoμaι 'cut; gather' present a number of difficulties, 21 but no one

19 See Forrer, 2 Boghazköi-Texte in Umschrift 22*, Forschungen 1. 90; Friedrich, Archiv für Orientforschung 4. 95 (1927).

20 See Hrozný, BoSt. 3. 190.; Sommer, BoSt. 4. 20; Götze, Hatt. 92; Ehelolf, Sitzungsberichte der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Phil. -Hist. Klasse 21.2672 (1925).

21 See especially Bechtel, Lexilogus zu Homer 36 f., and Walde-Pokorny, VWIS 2. 259, and references. I am inclined to agree with Schulze that the long initial syllable of ¿μáw ‘reap' is due to a prefixed å' (properly *àμμáw). It is noteworthy that the syllable is long only where the context favors the meaning of åró, but not, for example, in Il. 3. 359: diáμnσe xiruva eyxos 'the spear pierced the tunic.' I find no reason to distinguish two different verbs, as Bechtel does.

doubts the relationship with the Germanic words. Quite possibly Greek has lost intervocalic s rather than į; and in any case we should probably recognize n as the vowel of the uncontracted theme, as in Sny 'live'. Hittite hameshanza, then, contains the PIE prefix **hoand the root **mē- with formative sh,22 which may have been present also in a prehistoric stage of Gk. åμáw.

The noun happar 'deal, trade' and the verb happara- 'sell'23 go with Gk. érépaσa 'I sold', eπopov 'I gave' and Lat. paro 'buy'; they contain the same prefix that we have been discussing.

Similarly we may connect hulaliya- 'wind, entwine', GIšhulali 'distaff', and hulali 'winding-sheet' (?)24 with IE *uel- 'wind' (Lat. volvo, Gk. eiλów, Skt. vrnoti, etc.), the second l belonging to a suffix. Just so hušk- 'await'25 contains the nil-grade of *ues- 'dwell' (Skt. vasati, OHG wisan, etc.), with iterative-intensive k (cf. halzišk- beside halziš-). Hittite harp- 'place, lay'26 must be connected with Skt. arpayati 'throws, places' and arpanam ‘a throwing, placing'. Either the Hittite verb contains the prefix ha- or Skt. arp- originally had no connection with r- 'go'; for the latter root appears in Hittite without initial h (ari, arai, artari, arnuzzi).27 In either case we have here another word in which Sanskrit causative p was inherited (see LANGUAGE 4. 4).

Hittite hapatiš 'servant, vassal'28 is identical with Homeric oηôós (Doric óradós) 'attendant', except for the stem vowel. The Hittite word disposes of Fick's2 connection of brŋdós with eroμaι, and suggests the PIE prefix **ho-. The Homeric synonym óráwv contains as its second member the participle of the verb which appears in Hittite as pa(i)- 'go'.30 Both the Hittite participle panza 'going' and the second member of oτάwv represent PIE **pāiont-. Homeric orŋdós probably, contains the root of ndáw 'leap', which therefore contains original ā, and must be separated from Tod-, etc. I do not know of any Hititte

22 Formative s is very common in the Hittite as in the IE verb. Friedrich, ZA NF 1. 16 f., called attention to the Hittite causative suffix ah(h). There is also a simpler form of the suffix (nil-grade?), whose meaning is not clear. 23 See Friedrich, Staatsvert. 92 ff.

24 See Sommer and Ehelolf, BoSt. 10. 72.

25 See Ungnad, Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 26. 572 (1923); Friedrich, Staatsvert. 170.

26 See Friedrich, ZA NF 1. 175, (1924).

27 See Friedrich, ZA NF 2. 41–5 (1925); Sturtevant, LANGUAGE 3. 165 f., 220 f.

28 See Götze, Madduwattaš 105 f.

" Vergleichendes Wörterbuch der Indogermanischen Sprachen 14. 141.

30 See most recently Götze, Madd. 597.

word, other than hapatis, which contains a dental extension of pa(i) 'go'.

Medial h appears in a number of personal endings, and here too it is impossible to find a corresponding sound in the IE languages. The endings with h belong to the second or hi-conjugation or to the mediopassive voice, and, with one exception, they designate the first person singular.

Since the hi-conjugation has several points of contact with the IE perfect and several others with the IE aorist, it is reasonable to search among the perfect and secondary endings for analogues to Hittite -hi, -ahhi (first person singular present) and -hun, -ahhun (first person singular preterit) If we carry -ahhi (e.g. šaggahhi 'I know': šakki 'he knows' back to PIE -ahi, IE ought to show -ai, and this is what we find in Skt. tutude 'I have thrust', Lat. tutudī 'I have beaten', Old Slavic vědě 'I know', etc. This is a middle ending in Skt., although Lat. and OSI., like Hittite, make it active. Since IE had another ending for the perfect active (e.g. Skt. veda, Gk. olda, Goth. wait), it probably agreed with Skt. rather than with Lat. and OSI. in this matter. But if Lat. and OSI. could transfer the ending from middle to active, a similar transfer was possible in Hittite or an opposite transfer in primitive IE; and so we need not hesitate to identify a Hittite active ending with an IE medio-passive ending.

In Skt. the primary as well as the perfect middle ending is -e, and there is a good chance that -ai was the primary middle ending in the IE period, at least for non-thematic verbs. Quite possibly, also the Skt. secondary middle ending -i (e.g. akri 'I made': akṛta 'he made') was used in the IE non-thematic verbs. With this we may identify the Hittite ending -hi, as in arhi 'I have arrived'. The preterit endings -hun and -ahhun are apparently the results of contamination of -hi and -ahhi with -un, the preterit ending of the mi-conjugation.

Since it is impossible to consider the medio-passive endings with h apart from the other medio-passive endings, we must examine the system as a whole. It is already well known that Hittite possesses mediopassive endings in r analogous to those of Italo-Celtic and Tocharian; but it is not so widely known that the language has an equivalent set of endings without r. The material is presented in parallel columns in Table I.

Such a variety of equivalent forms is somewhat bewildering; but a

31 For the former, see LANGUAGE 2. 33 f., 3. 161-8, 215-25; for the latter, see ib. 3. 223-5.

little study reveals the fact that the present forms without r form the basis of most of the others. The preterit consists largely of present forms with a suffixed t or ti. Thus kišat 'he became' is an extension of kiša 'he becomes', and the plural kišantat 'they became' adds t to the ending of iyanta 'they come'. There is the same relationship between the end

[blocks in formation]

ings of the second pl., kišdumat 'you became' and pahšduma ‘you protect'. The second singular kištat 'you became' contains a third personal ending, a thing which is common in the preterit active; e.g. pešta 'you gave' and 'he gave'. If in the same way we remove the final t of the first singular, we arrive at basic endings -ha and -haha, which one might expect to find at the head of our first column.

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