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monials of his progress under various persons in the languages and theology.

3. Dom. Frelinghuysen and other ministers of the Cœtus deemed him fit, and spoke in praise of his acceptable gifts for preaching.

4. Dom. Frelinghuysen had already written to the Rev. Classis for him, in the hope and belief that the Cœtus would do the same, which has now happened, before we received the letter of the Rev. Classis, in which they show their disinclination that hereafter the Cœtus should make such requests. On account of both, then, the Cœtus requests, in the most friendly way, that this request may be granted.

In the name of the Cœtus,



To the Rev. G. Du Bois, J. Ritzema, Rein. Erickson, A. Curtenius, J. Frelinghuysen, and U. Van Sinderen, Preachers in and around New York.


From the letter of your Rev. Body, dated New York, May 21, 1747, we perceive with much satisfaction the safe arrival of Dom. Van Sinderen, and your successful endeavor finally to consummate the work of establishing a Cotus for the real advantage of the congregations in your land. It is cause of joy to us that for this purpose you already met on the 20th of May last, for the first time, in the way of a Cœtus, or at least of a preparation for a Cœtus, and that you determined to meet again, each with an elder, on the second Tuesday of September, and to invite by circular the more distant ministers in the country to meet with you. In like manner, we rejoice to see that Dom. Haaghoort has expressed to you by letter his inclination for the commencement of the Coetus.

We also flatter ourselves with the hope that the letter sent through the Rev. Consistory of New York has had a desirable influence to this end with many, if not with all; and it will be eminently agreeable to us to learn in due time that such was really the case. Meanwhile, as we, not without reason, fear that some, on account of age, and others for other reasons, will draw back from this good and useful work, we are of opinion that you should begin to hold the Cœtus with those who, seeing its uses, have already agreed to it, since in all probability others, now not yet decided on the matter, will from time to time join you. And we, on our side, shall not fail, according to our ability, to co-operate for this end, in the use of such means as shall seem fit.

It was also very agreeable to us to learn from your letter that Dom. Erickson had not only communicated to you the letter of the Classis to himself and Dom. Haaghoort concerning the case of B. Van Der Linde, but had also expressed his contentment with the epistle, for

that can serve to promote good order and edification. Further, we pray that God, in his gracious providence, may guide this undertaking to a good end, and that he may bestow the best of his blessings upon your persons, families, and official duties, to the establishment of his honor and your joy. We remain, with brotherly love, and greet you with great respect,

Your humble servants and fellow-laborers,

The Classis of Amsterdam,

In the name of all,

G. KULENKAMP, Dep. Cl. p. t. Præses.

BEN. BROUWER, Eccl. Ams. Dep. Cl. p. t. Scriba. AMSTERDAM, October 2, 1747.

P. S.—This letter, although prepared in the Classis on the day mentioned, has been a little delayed, partly because there was no opportunity of sending it, and partly because we waited for the Acts of the Synod of North Holland hujus anni; which, however, are not yet ready, nor is it certain whether they can be sent with this. Meanwhile, we may mention that we have written, concerning the case of Dom. Goetschius, to Dom. Ritzema, to the ministers and elders constituting the Consistory of New York, to the congregations of Queens County, and to Dom. Goetschius himself, all under date of the 9th of January, 1747; which letters we hope have come to hand, intending, however, if, contrary to expectation, we learn that they have miscarried, to have copies sent by the next opportunity. Finally, we suggest for consideration, whether it does not belong to the duties of the Cœtus to take good heed that no persons destitute of a lawful commission preach in your congregations-a thing which, we are sorry to. learn, has now and then occurred.



Since the Rev. Classis of Amsterdam has transmitted to its subordinate Cœtus in the town of New York, in America, assembled in the Consistory Chamber of the Low Dutch Reformed congregation there, and consisting of different ministers and elders from various congregations of the Low Dutch Reformed Church in these provinces, full and express authority to examine in their name the student N. N. in the Hebrew and Greek languages and in the chief points of Holy Theology, and, if they found him qualified, to declare him a candidate for the ministry, and to admit him to the public preaching of the Gospel in the Low Dutch Reformed Church:


The above mentioned N. N. has appeared this our assembly, as a Cœtus subordinate to the Classis of Amsterdam, and, after showing his ecclesiastical and other credible testimonials of his progress in the knowledge of divinity, has given satisfactory proof of his gifts in an exercise upon an assigned text; and thereupon being

admitted to a further inquiry into his knowledge of the Hebrew and Greek languages, and of the principal heads of holy theology, has shown himself so furnished, and the Cœtus have taken such satisfaction in his learning and ability, that they, in the name of the Classis of Amsterdam, unanimously declare him a candidate for the ministry, and as such to be admitted to the public preaching of the Word, and to the exhibition of his gifts in the Low Dutch Reformed Church, whenever and wherever it may be requested of him. Whereto we now, in the name of the Classis of Amsterdam, authorize and admit N. N., after previous signing of the formulas of unity and promises of adherence to the Cœtus, as subordinate to the Classis of Amsterdam. Meanwhile, we request all to whom this certificate may come to recognize him as a candidate for the ministry, and to offer him a helping hand in his pious purpose; not doubting that whenever the Lord of Hosts may call him to the service of the Gospel, he will apply himself to be approved of God as a workman who needeth not to be ashamed, doing the work of an evangelist and whatever service the congregation shall require. Whereto we, from the heart, desire for him the rich and gracious blessing of the Most High. Given in our ecclesiastical assembly, as a subordinate Cœtus of the Rev. Classis of Amsterdam. At New York, this in the year

G. DU BOIS, p. t. Clerk.


The Cœtus, subordinate to the Classis of Amsterdam, and recognized and approved by it for this purpose, being gathered, after invocation of God's name, at New York, this 27th of September, anno 1748:

At this time Henry Fisher and ruling elders of the congregations of New Brunswick and Six Mile Run, came before us with a call from both these congregations upon John Leydt, a candidate for the ministry, to be their minister, in order that the Rev. Assembly might inspect the same, and, finding it in due form, might approve it; and that the said John Ledyt might be admitted to the final examination by the Cœtus, which is specially authorized to do this by the Rev. Classis of Amsterdam, and if found qualified, be approved by the Cœtus as the lawfully called minister of New Brunswick and Six Mile Run, and be declared as such by written testimonials to all whom it may concern.


The Assembly, having examined the aforesaid call and found it in due form, have taken the said John Leydt, presenting himself for final examination, into trial of his gifts, upon John 5: 25, which had been previously assigned to him, and have been fully satisfied. in the inquiry into his knowledge of the principal parts of holy theology, he has shown himself so skilled, and so ready in removing the subterfuges and difficulties of them that are without, that the Rev. Assembly have found him mighty to convince by


sound doctrine and to overthrow the gainsayers. Wherefore Rev. Assembly hold and recognize the godly and learned John Le after he has subscribed both the Low Dutch Confession, the Chris Catechism, and the Canons of the National Synod of Dort, and the rules of the Coetus as subordinate to the Rev. Classis of Ams dam, by this their written declaration, to be the lawfully called pas and teacher of the Low Dutch Reformed congregations of New Br wick and Six Mile Run, and thus fully authorized to preach the G pel, to administer the Sacraments, and wisely and prudently to gove according to the Word of God, the congregations of which the H Ghost has made him, along with the elders thereof, an overse While we earnestly exhort him, when he shall be publicly confirm and installed in his congregations, habitually to watch over the sa in doctrine and life, with all love, and peace, and harmony, we will doubt that he will apply himself to become, in every respect, approv of God as a workman who needs not to be ashamed, doing the wo of an evangelist and of whatever service his congregations shall quire.

Wherefore we none the less entreat his congregations who have hi for their pastor and teacher, to hold him in honor as such, for h work's sake; and in everything to help him, so that he may accor plish his important ministry in the Gospel, unhindered and with joy.

The Almighty God, who has called him to this excellent work i his Church, enrich him more and more with all necessary gifts of h Holy Spirit, and bless his abundant labors to the magnifying of hi most holy name, and the conversion and salvation of many souls. An when the Chief Shepherd shall appear, may He give him the unfac ing crown of eternal greatness.

Done in our ecclesiastical assembly, subordinate to the Rev. Classi of Amsterdam, this day, at New York, the 28th September, 1748.

In the name and by the order of all,


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The Elders, H. Fisher, C. Kuyper, P. Post.

Dom. Haaghoort, the President of the last meeting, opened the Assembly with prayer, after which Dom. Van Santvoord was chosen President, Dom. Erickson, Secundus, and Dom. Haaghoort, Clerk.

1. Committees to Report to the Catus.-The committee on the matter of Tappan, having reported that they had been recognized by Dom. Mutzelius not as a committee of the Cœtus, but as neighboring ministers according to the Church Order, the President proposed the following inquiry: "Whether it should not be provided for the future that all the ministers belonging to this Cœtus, when they act as consulenten for neighboring places, should be required to make report thereof to the Cœtus, before writing to the Rev. Classis, in order that the Cœtus itself may inform the Rev. Classis, and seek their advice; and in case the time for the ordinary meeting of the Cœtus were too far distant, that the congregation should have the right to request and appoint an extraordinary meeting; and that the Rev. Classis should be advised with how to proceed herein in the future?" By a majority vote this proposal was agreed to.


1. Opening. The Assembly was opened with prayer, and Dom. Leydt, of Raritan, made his appearance.

2. Mr. De Wint's Request.-Peter De Wint, at his own request, appeared in the Assembly, and, upon presentation of his testimonials from the Church and the Classis, was recognized as a candidate. At his request, the Cœtus promised to seek from the Rev. Classis authority to admit him to the final examination, &c., if he should receive a call here or elsewhere; provided that a copy of his Classical testimonial should be furnished by him, and sent on to the Rev. Classis.


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