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may be shed down upon the members; and that their deliberations and decifions may be directed for most extenfive and lasting good.

With these views and feelings, the Trustees beg leave to report the tranfactions of the last year, and the prefent ftate of the miffions and funds, accompanied with fuch documents as may be neceffary to illuftrate the Report.

A copy of the annual Narrative, lately published, will be transmitted, with this report, to each member of the Society. This contains a general ftatement of the proceedings of the Trustees, of miffionary labors, and of the ftate of the funds, to the clofe of the year 1802.

By the flatements in the Narrative it will appear, that five Miffionaries were employed the whole of the last year ;-viz. Meffrs. Badger and Chapman in New-Connecticut; Meffrs. Bushnell and Woodward in other new fettlements, and Mr. Bacon as a Miffionary to the Indians. Mr. Bushnell revifited the towns and fettlements, in the states of New-York and Vermont, in which he had formerly labored; and vifited and preached at feveral places in which he had never labored be. fore. Mr. Woodward spent part of the year at Black River and the adjacent fettlements. On his return from thofe parts, he was ordained an Evangelift, on the 29th of September, and foon after recommenced his miffionary labors, in the western counties of New-York, and the northern counties of Pennsylvania, in concert with the Rev. Mr. Willifton. The Rev. Mr. Bacon has been employed the whole time, as a Miffionary to the Indians. His prefent refidence is at Michillimackinac, where he has spent a confiderable time in learning the Chippeway language. If encouraged by the Indian Chiefs, with whom he probably had an interview, in the courfe of the last spring, he will this fummer vifit fome of the tribes, and endeavor to instruct them in the first principles of the Chriftian religion.

Befides thefe five Miffionaries which have been employed during the year, the Rev. Mefirs. Seth Williston, Alexander Gillet, Solomon Morgan, John Willard, jun. William F. Miller and Samuel Leonard labored part of the year, in the states of New-York, Vermont, and Pennsylvania.

During the year there have been performed about 30 weeks of miffionary fervice, more than in any preceding year. The whole expense of the Miffionaries' preaching in the new fettlements is about 1600 Dollars. 510 Dolls. have been paid to Mr. Bacon, Miffionary to the Indians, and 200 Dolls. have been appropriated to the purchafing of Books to be diftributed among the inhabitants of the new fettlements. Some fmall accounts, for printing, ftationary and postage, make the whole expenditures of the Society to be 2350 Dolls.

But notwithstanding the expenditures of the laft year have exceeded thofe of former years, yet the Trustees are happy to be able to report, that the funds of the Society are not diminished, but confiderably increased. At the time of the publication of the narrative, the permanent fund was about 4400 Dolls. From the avails of the Connecticut Evangelical Magazine, which have been fince paid by the publishers, and from other donations, that fund is now nearly 7000 Dolls. as appears by the Treafurer's account accompanying this Report.

By reafon of the large collections made in fome of our principal

towns and cities, for the relief of the sufferers by the late conflagra tion of Portfmouth,-the badnefs of the feafon on the day appointed for the contribution,-and fome other circumftances,-it was expected that the contributions in May laft would have fallen much below the fum contributed in former years; but the Trustees are happy to inform the Society that about 2800 Dolls. of faid contribution, have been already received into the Treafury; and from the number of parishes from which no returns have been made, there is reason to expect that the contributions this year will equal if not exceed thofe of any preceding year. A more particular ftatement of the funds is contained in the Treasurer's account, herewith tranfmitted, to which the Truftees beg leave to refer the Society. In addition to the donations specified in that account, Mr. Benjamin Beecher of Cheshire has deeded to the Society a lot of land, eftimated to be worth about 700 Dolls. the profits of which, after his death, are to be appropriated to the purposes for which the Society was inftituted. There have been alfo feveral donations of Books, to be distributed among the inhabitants of the new settlements.

The Trustees have determined to fupport three Miffionaries, the prefent year, in New-Connecticut, if they can be obtained. Mr. Badger has been reappointed to itinerate in that territory; and Mr. Thomas Robbins, a Candidate for the miniftry, is appointed to fucceed Mr. Chapman, who has recently returned from his miffion. Should Mr. Robbins accept the appointment, the North Confociation of Litchfield County will be requested to ordain him as an Evangelift, for that purpose. A third Miffionary will be fent there as foon as a fuitable perfon can be found.

The Rev. Meffrs. Willifton and Woodward are appointed to intinerate in the fame fettlements, in New-York and Pennfylvania, in which they labored the last year. The Rev. Aaron Kinne is appointed to go on a miffion to the fettlements on the Ofwegotchee, for fix months; and Mr. Hovey, a Candidate for the miniftry, to Black river and parts adjacent for four months. The Truftees have alfo voted that a Miffionary be fent for fix months to the counties of Otfego and Delaware. The Rev. Meffrs. Bushnell and Leonard are itinerating as Miffionaries, one half of the time, in the northern part of Vermont. The Rev. Job Swift is appointed to a miffion of fixteen weeks, to the fettlements weft of lake Champlain, and the northwef tern part of Vermont; and the Rev. John Willard, jun. to the northeastern part of Vermont, for four months. Should any of these Miffionaries fail, the Committee of miffions are directed to fupply their places with others; and as the funds of the Society increase, and the miffionary field grows more extenfive, the Trustees will employ a proportionably greater number of Miffionaries. They view the truft committed to them to be important, and afk the prayers of the Society that they may be faithful in difcharging its duties.

Tho' nothing effectual has been yet done among the American Indians, Mr. Bacon will be continued, for the preient, in their vicinity, that he may tender the gospel to them, whenever a door fhall be opened. In addition to its being one object of the miffionary inftituti to propagate the gofpel among the heathen on our borders, the T

tees are induced to continue their exertions to this effect, from the confideration that Mr. Solomon Goodell of Jamaica, Vermont, has generously given 1000 Dollars to be appropriated particularly to this object. Towards 500 Dollars of this fum have already been paid; and the refidue Mr. Goodell has promised to fend as foon as he can collect it, without diftreffing his debtors.

From the information which the Truftees have received, in confequence of their miffionary correfpondence, it appears that the miffionary fpirit and exertions, in Europe and America, are ftill prevailing; that miffions are forming; the number of Miffionaries increasing; and the profpects of fuccefs are conftantly brightening. New, unexpected and extenfive fields are opening for the diffufion of Christian knowledge, and the enlargement of the kingdom of the divine Redeemer.

From the communications of the London Miffionary Society, to the Board of Trustees, which have been published and tranfmitted to the minifters of this ftate, it appears that a door is opening in France and Italy, for the introduction and fpread of true religion in those extenfive countries; and that the faid Society are making attempts to fpread the New-Teftament, and an Effay on its divine original, through their various dominions. For this purpose, they have ordered an impreffion of 9000 Teftaments, that the inhabitants of those countries may enjoy the fcriptures in their native languages. Thousands of the Effay are also ordered to be printed; in the French language, and to be fpread among the people. The London Society are also adopting meafures to introduce a number of zealous, proteftant preachers into Paris, and other parts of the French dominions. A correfpondence, it feems, is opening with the Proteftants, in every part of France, with a defign to organize the whole body, and to call into exertion their combined influence and energies, for the revival and extension of the interefts of true religion.

Befides increafing the number of their Miffionaries at the Cape of Good Hope, in the Islands of the South Sea, and in other parts, the London Society are about to fend Miffionaries to the Island of Ceylon. The inhabitants are very numerous, and it is computed that not less than 150,000 who profefs the Chriftian faith, are spread through Jaffnapatam and fome other districts of that Ifland. Here a happy foundation is laid, and a wide door opened to fpread among the Ceylonefe heathen the unfearchable riches of Chrift.

The established Church of England have formed a Society, for the exprefs purpose of employing Miffionaries in Africa and the Eaft. Proteftants in almoft every part of Europe appear to be uniting their counfels, exertions and prayers, for the more extenfive promulgation of the glorious gofpel of Chrift. By means of their Miffionary Societies, of various denominations, the Gospel is perhaps more extenfively and zealously preached than it has been in any other period, fince the primitive ages of Chriftianity. At the fame time, the divine fmiles appear very generally to attend their labors and exertions. In New-England and the ftate of New York, there are not less than feven or eight Societies, formed for the exprefs purpose of diffu

Christian knowledge, in the new fettlements and among the hea

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then within the limits of the United States. Their funds, their influence and happy effects are increafing, and becoming more and more important and vifible.

In thefe events and profpects, the Trustees are animated, and exceedingly rejoice. They feel themfelves particularly happy in the fuccefs of the Millionary Society of Connecticut; in the abundant labors, fidelity and fuccefs of Miffionaries; and the grateful acknowledgments of the pious people in various parts of the new fettlements. While they believe the univerfal dominion of Jehovah, that of him and through him are all things, they defire to give all the glory of the Miffionary Inftitution, of all its fuccefs and happy confequences, entirely to him. While they behold with gratitude, wonder and joy, the fpirit which he hath poured out upon fo great a part of Europe and America; that union in counfel, in charity, in exertion and prayer for the enlargement of the kingdom of the Redeemer, and the means which he is ufing, they cannot but perfuade themselves that he is about to bestow fignal favors upon Zion; that he will caufe her to enlarge the place of her tent, and to ftretch forth the curtains of her habitations ;-to break forth on the right hand and on the left; and her feed to inherit the Gentiles, and make the defolate cities to be inhabited. He is wife in heart and wonderful in counfel. He doth nothing in vain.. Mut he not therefore have fome glorious work in view, equal to the means which he is employing? Though the progrefs may be flow, at firft, and the effects almott imperceptible, yet may not the present spirit and meafures be leading fteps to that glorious era, when a nation shall be born in a day? May they not be as morfels of leaven, which fhall operate until they affect the whole mafs"; and the earth fhall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the fea? May not millions in the millennium rife up and bless the Lord, and blefs the Milionary Society, for the meafures we are adopting, as introductory to the purity and joys of that bieffed day? In the mean time, how much more extenfively may the goipel be preached, and the fabbath be made known and fanctified? How many thoufauds of faints may be ftrengthened, comforted, and prepared for their everlasting reft? How many may be born again, in confequence of cur chanty and exertions? How may the number and the joys of the faved be increafed, and the Saviour exalted and glorified? How bleed and honorable muft those be, who, in the love of God and men, are ferving to thefe happy purposes? May this be the honor and blessednes of the Miffionary Society of Connecticut, and all the charitable and good people who, by their liberality and prayers, are countenancing it; and administering to its fupport! And may they finally enjoy the happ nefs of meeting thoufands in the kingdom of glory, of whefe falvation they have been inftrumental, to brighten their crowns and fwell their joys, in the prefence of God and the Lamb, forever and ever !

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This Report was accompanied with documents respecting the contributions and the prefent amount of the funds.

On motion, Voted,

That the thanks of the Miffionary Society be returned to the board of Trustees, and also, to their Treasurer and Auditor, for their faithful and difinterefted fervices in behalf of the Society; accompanied with an affurance to the board, that they participate with them, in the high fatisfaction they exprefs in the fuccefs of their exertions.

The account, alfo, of the Treafurer and Auditor of this Affociation was exhibited examined and approved.

A queftion refpecting the difmiffion of a Minifter, by a Confociation, without his confent, was laid in by one of the members. Whereupon, it was propofed and agreed to defer the confideration of faid queftion, till three o'clock afternoon.

A vote was paffed, on motion from the Affociation in the eastern district in New-Haven county, that the feveral particular affociations be requested to make annual returns to this body, of the number of communicants in their respective churches; together with the annual additions to their communion.

The proceedings of the Convention in Vermont, at their laft feffion, as reported by our delegates to that body, were read. Whereupon, Voted, That this Affociation receive with pleasure, their accounts, generally favorable to the cause of Zion: and exprefs their fatisfaction in the friendship and union, which fubfifts between this and that -refpectable body.

The Affociation proceeded to an inquiry, refpecting the state of religion in the various parts of this State, and also of our fifter states.

From enquiry it appeared, That there is a more general attendance on public worship, and other divine inftitutions, in many places, than hath been usual: and, in fome, a confiderable attention to religion; efpecially within the limits of the General Affembly of the Prefbyterian Church. Very favorable and animating accounts were given by the delegates from that body, of the operations of divine grace, in the fouthern States. These accounts, we are confident, must give peculiar joy to the friends of Zion.

Adjourned till 2 o'clock P. M.

Met according to adjournment.

The extracts from the minutes of the General Affembly of the Prefbyterian Church, prefented to this Affociation, were received: for which grateful acknowledgments to the donors are returned: and it was ordered that faid extracts be lodged with the Register of this Affociation.

The question referred for confideration, at 3 o'clock this afternoon was called for; which is as followeth, viz.

Is a Confociation invefted with a juft right, to diffolve the relation between a minifter and his people, without the confent of the minifter; when no difqualifying or cenfurable allegations are fupported against him, or any provifion made for his compenfation, for damages he might thereby fuftain: when at the fame time, the minifter confents to fuch diffolution, provided the people will make him a reasonable compenfation, according to the judgment of indifferent men mutually

chofen ?

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