Mr. Alfred Fred Manus and Mr. Harold Dickinson sworn and examined. Clause 166 (Provisions as to certain vehicles let for hire). Mr. Lionel Everitt sworn and examined. The Chairman stated that the Committee desired to call a representative garage owner from Liverpool. Mr. William Douglas Quayle sworn and examined. Other Clauses considered, amended, and agreed to. Mr. Frederick Walter Purse and Mr. Percy Priestley sworn and examined. [Adjourned till Monday next at 2 o'clock. Liverpool Corporation Bill [Lords] (continued). Clauses further considered, amended, and agreed to. Sir Max Muspratt and Mr. Lionel Ashton Piers Warner, C.B.E., sworn and examined. Mr. Lionel Everitt recalled and further examined. [Adjourned till To-morrow at 11 o'clock. TUESDAY, 5th JULY, 1927. Members Present: Sir THOMAS ROBINSON in the Chair. Mr. Christie. Colonel England. Mr. Lowth. Sir Robert Newman. Mr. Robert Richardson. Liverpool Corporation Bill [Lords] (continued). Clauses further considered, amended, and agreed to. Part III further considered. Room cleared. The Committee deliberated. Question, That so much of the Preamble as relates to Part III of the Bill is proved, put, and agreed to. Parties called in and informed of the decision of the Committee. The Chairman stated that the Committee desired an undertaking, that in putting Part III of the Bill into operation, the Corporation of Liverpool would act justly towards any owner of property sanitary in itself, but situated in insanitary surroundings, and would in every case give the owner of such property the benefit of the doubt. This undertaking was given. Other Clauses considered, amended, and agreed to. Clause 201 (Power to borrow and repayment of borrowed moneys), Section (4). Mr. Thomas Pierson Frank recalled and further examined. The Committee agreed to Section (4) of Clause 201, notwithstanding the provisions of Standing Order No. 173a (c) in view of the permanent nature of the work proposed, and of the granting of the same period of 80 years in the parallel case of the Mersey Tunnel. Other Clauses considered, amended, and agreed to. Mr. Lionel Everitt, Dr. Arthur Augustus Mussen, Mr. William Henry Legh-Smith, and Mr. Walter Moon recalled and further examined. New Clauses brought up, amended, and agreed to. Preamble read a second time. Question, That the Preamble is proved, put, and agreed to. Fleetwood Urban District Council Bill [Lords]. Counsel: Mr. F. N. Keen. Agents: Messrs. Lees and Co. Preamble read the first time. Reports from the Ministry of Health, the Home Office, and the Ministry of Transport were read. Mr. F. N. Keen called evidence in support of the Preamble of the Bill. Mr. Albert Cottam sworn and examined. Further consideration of the Preamble postponed. Mr. F. N. Keen was heard in support of the Clauses of the Bill, and called evidence. Mr. George Murray Robertson and Mr. Sidney Cooke Lewis sworn and examined. Mr. Albert Cottam recalled and further examined. Mr. Allen Furness, Mr. Walter Peacock Lilwall, Mr. William Melville, and Mr. George Pilkington sworn and examined. Mr. William Melville recalled and further examined. Mr. Harold Smith sworn and examined. Mr. William Melville recalled and further examined. Clauses considered, amended, and agreed to. New Clauses brought up, amended, and agreed to. Preamble read a second time. Question, That the Preamble is proved, put and agreed to. Report read and agreed to. Ordered, To Report. [Adjourned till Tuesday next at 11 o'clock. Reports from the Ministry of Health, the Home Office, and the Ministry of Transport were read. Mr. F. N. Keen called evidence in support of the Preamble of the Bill. Mr. Henry Craven sworn and examined. Further consideration of the Preamble postponed. Mr. F. N. Keen was heard in support of the Clauses of the Bill. Clauses considered, amended, and agreed to. Mr. George New, Mr. Frank Nicholson, Mr. Frederick Humble, Mr. John Strachan, and Sir Walter Raine, a Member of the House, sworn and examined. Mr. Frederick Humble recalled and further examined. Mr. Richard Stephenson Middleton sworn and examined. [Adjourned till To-morrow at 11 o'clock. WEDNESDAY, 13th JULY, 1927. Members Present: Sir THOMAS ROBINSON in the Chair. Mr. Christie. 1 Sir Robert Newman. Sunderland Corporation Bill [Lords], (continued). Dr. Arthur Stuart Hebblethwaite sworn and examined. Mr. John Strachan, Mr. Thomas Peel Collinge, and Mr. George New recalled and further examined. Mr. Thomas Peel Collinge recalled and further examined. Mr. Arthur Collins sworn and examined. [Adjourned till To-morrow at 11 o'clock. Sunderland Corporation Bill [Lords], (continued). The following Petitions against the Bill were read:— (1) National Association of Local Government Officers and National Poor Law Officers' Association. Counsel: Mr. W. J. Jeeves, K.C. (Against Alterations.) Agents Messrs. J. M. M'Donnell and Jackson. (2) Sunderland Rural District Council: Counsel: Mr. W. J. Jeeves, K.C. Agents: Messrs. Lees and Co. (Against Alterations. Clauses further considered, amended, and agreed to. Mr. Luke Thomson, a Member of the House, sworn and examined. Mr. Keen was heard in support of the Clause. The Chairman stated, That the Committee were agreed that a man who had never been a servant of the Council should not be eligible for compensation. Mr. W. J. Jeeves, K.C., was heard in support of the Petition of the National Association of Local Government Officers' and the National Poor Law Officers' Association against alterations in the Bill. Room cleared. The Committee deliberated. Question, That Clause 50, as amended, stand part of the Bill, put and agreed to. Parties called in and informed of the decision of the Committee. Mr. W. J. Jeeves, K.C., was heard in support of the Petition of the Sunderland Rural District Council against alterations in the Bill. Clause 48 amended and agreed to. Other Clauses considered, amended, and agreed to. Question, That the Preamble, as amended, is proved, put, and agreed to. Consideration of Report adjourned till Tuesday next. [Adjourned till Monday next at 11 o'clock. Wallasey Corporation Bill [Lords]. Counsel: Sir Lynden Macassey, K.C., Hon. Evan Charteris, K.C., and Mr. F. N. Keen. Agents: Messrs. Sharpe, Pritchard and Co. Preamble read the first time. Reports from the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, the AttorneyGeneral, the Ministry of Health, the Home Office, and the Ministry of Transport; also Supplementary Reports from the Ministry of Health and the Home Office, and a Second Supplementary Report from the Ministry of Health were read. The following Petitions against the Bill were read: (1)Hoylake and West Kirby Urban District Council: Counsel: Reserved. Agents: Messrs. Torr, Durnford and Co. (2) Cheshire County Council: : Counsel: Mr. Rowand Harker, K.C., and Mr. Arthur Moon. (3) Wirral Guardians: Counsel: Mr. F. G. Thomas, K.C. Agents: Messrs. Rees and Freres. (4) Wirral Rural District Council: Counsel: Mr. Craig Henderson, K.C., and Mr. Maurice Fitzgerald. Agents: Messrs. Rees and Freres. (5) National Association of Local Government Officers and National Poor Law Officers' Association. Counsel: Reserved. (Against Alterations.) Agents: Messrs. J. M. McDonnell and Jackson. (6) Guardians of the Poor of Birkenhead Union. Counsel: Mr. Harold Beveridge. (Against Alterations.) Agents: Messrs. J. M. McDonnell and Jackson. Sir Lynden Macassey, K.C., called evidence in support of the Preamble of the Bill. Mr. George Livsey sworn and examined. Further consideration of the Preamble postponed. Clauses considered, amended, and agreed to. Mr. Lionel St. George Wilkinson, Sir Cyril Kirkpatrick, Dr. Thomas William Naylor Barlow, and Mr. Arthur Collins sworn and examined. Mr. Lionel St. George Wilkinson recalled and further examined. Mr. Herbert Harold Lincoln and Mr. Edward Geoffrey Parkinson sworn and examined. Mr. Lionel St. George Wilkinson recalled and further examined. Further consideration of this Bill adjourned until To-morrow. West Cheshire Water Board Bill [Lords]. Counsel: Reserved. Agents: Messrs. Lees and Co. Preamble read the first time. A report from the Ministry of Health was read. |