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in the most intelligent assembly of the universe, and in the face of the most formidable host of opponents which ever marshalled itself against a minister of state; might, we think, have served even for Mr. Irving's higher themes. He might have been well satisfied to adopt their style, without the attempt to revive that of a preceding century; an attempt which has issued in producing only a mongrel dialect, in which the beauties of the English language are not seldom sacrificed to quaintness and meretriciousness and bombast. If this be questioned, let any man, who is a judge of good writing, compare a few pages of Mr. Irving's book with a few pages in any one of fifty authors whom we could name, and he will at once see our criticism decisively illustrated. Let him take, for instance, the ORATIONS of Lord Grenville on the French Slave Trade in 1814, or on the EastIndia's Company's Charter in 1813, or that Nobleman's Preface to Lord Chatham's Letters; or let him take the Rev. Robert Hall's ARGUMENT against infidelity, or his funeral tribute to the Princess Charlotte, or any other of the writings of that distinguished Christian minister; and he will at once see what a wide departure from the purity of the English language may justly be laid to the charge of Mr. Irving.

We admit that specimens of eloquence of a very lofty kind are to be found in various parts of his work; but there hangs over many, even of these, a degree of obscurity, which is at all times unpleasant, and which renders the author's meaning abundantly open to misconstruction. Mr. Irving most assuredly may be as clear in his enunciation as he is vigorous in his conceptions; but, either through carelessness, or vicious imitation, or, as we suspect, from the joint influence of both, he frequently does injustice to himself, and leaves his reader in the dark as to his meaning. We do not here speak of such

passages as the following: "In this inquiry into the experience of the disembodied soul, we follow the method which the mathematicians do in their higher calculations; from certain partial changes which are given in one state of the variable quantity, we ascertain the amount of the change in another state of the variable quantity, and present the latter in a function of the former" (p.301): for, although this is mere Heathen Greek to us, it may be clear as daylight to the disciples of evanescent quantities. We speak of paragraphs which have nothing particularly technical about them; but in which the sense is sometimes so buried under a covering of words, and there is such an involution of phraseology, as to render the precise meaning of the author very difficult indeed to be ascertained. And if we should go to the consideration of particular words and expressions; if we were to speak of the "merry-making" at the creation (p. 185); of the good-luck of mankind, as implied in the word fortunately (p. 178), in having no conditions of salvation laid upon them;-if we were to descend to the coarse or uncouth terms which so frequently surprise us, such as threnes, rede, wis, open up, aye, sweating and sweltering, God bandying it, &c. &c. &c.; Mr. Irving would himself be astonished how little in some of these particulars he has attended to the common rules of good taste and respectable society. In a new edition, we hope that he will be at the pains to expunge these, and many other deformities which might be pointed out.

But we are afraid, that, with all its acknowledged merits, the volume before us is not exempt from the liability to still more serious objections. We doubt not Mr. Irving's profound reverence for the Deity we believe this to be the deep feeling of his heart: but we are constrained to say, that he has sometimes adopted a phraseology

which such reverential feeling will scarcely warrant or allow. We could have well spared the form of asseveration, "By the spirit of our fathers," &c. But what we particularly object to, are passages like the following: "Having already taken his [the Almighty's] constitution of government to task, it remains that we take TO TASK the judgment and the award which is [are] to pass thereon." (p. 326.) "To task" has not, in common parlance, the same force as to inquire into, to examine. Again: "If Christ had done no more than promulgate the code detailed above,....I should have shut up this argument of Judgment to come. ......I should have advised to pre'serve it for its good qualities......but as an instrument to JUDGE upon, I should have been altogether dumb in its defence." (p. 174.) Again: "Now if God did withdraw your footsteps from such high walks of virtue, I should hesitate once or twice whether it was better to listen to him or not." (p.368.) The hypotheses on which these remarks are founded, ought not to be framed: it should never, even for argument's sake, be assumed to be possible that God can act in any way inconsistent with his holy attributes.

Perhaps some of these expressions are to be traced to the "ingenium perfervidum Scotorum," to the warmth and energy with which a native of Caledonia prosecutes his cause and hence, too, may be explained the apparent want of caution with which points of doctrine are sometimes propounded in this work. We hinted at this subject in our former Number; and Mr. Irving must not be surprised if he should be quoted as an advocate for the most opposite views in religion. One will charge him with preaching unconditional salvation, and will quote his express sentiment (p. 177) that "the boon of forgive ness is unconditional". a statement which he repeats in the following pages; and yet he may be cited

as suspending our salvation upon the condition of repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ. We are far from meaning to say that he does, in fact, contradict himself; but has he guarded with sufficient caution against the hazard of mistake?

We do not, for our own parts, very much object to this fervid temper, nor to that spirit of manly independence with which it is generally associated; but it would have been as well if the consciousness of it had been less obtrusively brought forward in this volume. Doubtless Mr. Irving does occasionally (see in particular the last chapter) use, with respect to himself, disqualifying phrases, which ought not to be overlooked: but the more prevailing tone is that of authority, and superiority, and self-confidence; of a spirit which brooks not submission and almost claims infallibility, and which looks down from too high an elevation upon the world beneath him. Sometimes it seems to take a tinge of Radicalism-pp. 245; 258; 286; 329-yet Mr. Irving is a loyal subject. Sometimes it appears to set him up as the enlightener and reformer of mankind: the Preface is, in this respect, particularly unhappy: yet we fairly acquit him of any such intended assumption. But most frequently it contents itself with lamentations over the stupidity and degeneracy of the age he lives in. There is something in these wailings which has often forced from us an involuntary smile. We cannot be angry, although it is necessarily our misfortune to belong to this degenerate species. "Why should it have fallen," as Mr. Irving indignantly exclaims, "why should it have fallen to my lot to rebuke such a generation?" (p. 447.) We really cannot tell why: we only hope that he may improve them by his rebukes. We do not, however, think quite so ill of the intellect and talents of mankind as Mr. Irving seems to do. We have to boast of

Christian poets, even in these later days; and great divines; and eminent statesmen; and orators inferior to few whom the world has seen. Enterprises of humanity have never been more zealously undertaken, or conducted to more glorious results; and discoveries have been made in every region of art and nature, and are still daily advancing, in a way unknown to our fathers. We are persuaded, therefore, that there is no lack of talent in the land; and we hope that Mr. Irving will not be induced to despair of us too soon. He may. do the world a great deal of good; and he has our best wishes for his success.

It is not difficult for men to bear censure when attacked in the mass; but, in the warmth of his zeal and indignation, our author has been more special and pointed in his animadversions than quite befits the pulpit. Wordsworth, indeed, is a "prodigious" favourite; but Southey, Lord Byron, and Moore, have fallen successively under his lash. Leaving Byron and Moore to his tender mercies, we cannot but express our strong disapprobation at his treatment of Southey. The "Vision of Judgment" may be as unworthy of the subject as Mr. Irving represents it: but Mr. Southey is not the enemy of his country's religion: he is not a man who would esteem blasphemy a virtue, when it makes for loyalty: he is not a member of that school which, in the preface to the very work condemned by Mr. Irving, he describes as "the Satanic school:" no man is more hated by the writers of this school than he is: and whatever censure Mr. Irving might choose to pass upon the VISION OF JUDGMENT, the writer of it is eminently entitled to most respectful consideration.

We will not stop to extract what Mr. Irving says of our public amusements in town; or of the sickly sentimentality of our rural pursuits; or of the sensual enchantments of the school of Byron and of Moore

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those "high-priests of the senses, and ministers of the Cyprian goddess," who "bewitch the intellectual and moral and spiritual being " of our 'young men and women"-for we have no substantial difference with him on these points. But, to go a step higher: what thinks Mr. Irving of our universities?

"Oh! that the spirit of the antients would rise again and ashame these modern men, who go dreaming in universities over a philosophy which hath no kernel of nourishing food, a philosophy of mind they call it, but it is a mind without a heart,-who go wearying the dull ear of senates with talk about law, and jargon about the moral government of men; while in all their researches after wisdom and government, they see no form nor comeliness in the institutes of God, and hear no music to enchant them in the gospel of Christ, though it poureth the full diapason of harmony into the heart of man:-which their deafness to the voice divine doth interpret the platonic notion of the music of the spheres,-most ravishinaudible from the noise and bustle in the ing melody ever sounding in our ears, yet midst of which we have our abodes. Methinks the quiet groves of Pythagoras, where they would have five years of silent meditation with their own thoughts and study of the divine oracles; or the school of Socrates, that chastiser of haughty sophists; or the oratory of Paul, who con

verted members of the renowned Areo

pagus, and shook monarchs upon their royal seats; or something equally powerful were needed to move this age and generation of learned men, who look to Christ as if he were a fanatic, above whose ignoble sphere they stand most highly exalted." pp. 206, 207.

"I cannot find in my heart to speak against intellect, and, thanks be to God, I am not called by my Christian calling to speak against it. It is a handmaiden of at its hands. But must I speak the truth, religion, and religion loveth to be adorned

that it is often a handmaiden of other mistresses with whom religion hath no fellowship; of vanity, of power, of carnal pleasure, and of filthy lucre. Go to the seats of learning, which intellect decked for herself with chaste and simple ornaments, where she dwelt in retirement from noise and folly, wooing meditation under the cool shade, or forcing her to yield her hidden secrets to midnight research and mortification, what find you generally but

Pomp parading it under vain apparel, sense
rejoicing over feast and frolic, youth doting
upon outward distinctions, and age doting
on idle and luxurious ease.
Such are a
sort of sacrilegious ministers in the temple
of intellect. They profane its show-bread
to pamper the palate, its 'everlasting lamp
they use to light unholy fires within their
breast, and show them the way to the
sensual chambers of sense and worldli-
ness. This is the intellectual life against
which I proclaim that it will not stand
before the throne of Judgment." pp.
414, 445.

In some instances, all this may possibly apply if intended to be generally descriptive, we pronounce it to be altogether unjust.

To go yet one step farther: what thinks he of the persons usually stigmatized as "Evangelical?" We have to complain here, as in the cases just adduced, of great want of discrimination. The persons styled Evangelical are frequently mentioned by him, and sometimes in terms of affectionate respect; but, on other occasions, most assuredly they are grievously and unaccountably misrepresented. Let us hear Mr. Irving.

"The evangelical preachers therefore are right in referring all past progress, and deriving all hope of future progress from free unmerited grace, from the influence

and power of the Spirit of God; and the moral preachers who uphold man's power

to aid and abet the work, and man's right to share in the glory, are doubtless in the wrong, inasmuch as human nature, in her most gifted forms and in her most favourable moods and conditions, did never win any way towards the Divinity, till the Divinity himself gave the knowledge to inform her, the impulse to move her, and the motives to carry her on. But the evangelical preachers, as they are called, though right in the main drift of their discoursing, are defective, it seems to me, in the wisdom of their details; and herein, as I think, is their chief defect, in giving too little weight to the word of God, which they hold to be a dead inefficient letter until the Spirit of God put meaning into its passages. This is at once to lock up the great storehouse of truth, which God hath in every part accommodated to the wants and faculties

of man, and to leave the world in as starving a state as cver. We are out at


once more, and have no star to guide our way. I, as a preacher, cannot move a step with an unregenerate man, if so be that we cannot come into contact upon the word of God. 1 must shut up the prophecy and seal the testimony, if so be that to his understanding it is a blank and unmeaning legend; and we must go a cruising over the handy works and providence of God, if so be that his word is dark to us as darkest midnight. Now I do not wish to go to war with the evangelical preachers, I love them so well; but I cannot help challenging them, why they preach, as they wisely do, the truths of Christ crucified to the unregenerate, if so be the unregenerate can by no means lay hand upon any of these truths? All their practice confutes their theory, that the word of God is a riddle unresolvable, a mystery un searchable, which cannot be found out by the understandings of men." pp. 464, 465.

In conformity with these views, they are in subsequent pages represented as maintaining that the Bible is a sealed book, unintelligible to men in their natural state; and that a stroke of the Spirit is necessary before the word can be perused: they cast mist and mystery upon its intelligent face, &c. &c. In short, they strip the word of God of all intrinsic efficacy. Such is the sum of the charges brought forward against them in the eighth part of this work; and they are entitled to serious consideration. Either they are true, and the persons thus arraigned throw discredit upon the volume of inspiration; or they are unfounded, and Mr. Irving should have informed himself better before he ventured to make them.

Now, we should be glad to ask Mr. Irving to what persons he attaches the name of Evangelical men who Preachers? Is it to preach the same great truths of the Gospel which, in the midst of much extraneous matter, he himself sets forth in this volume? We presume that it is: he doubtless applies the term as the world around him, which loves this species of invective, generally applies it. If so, we meet the charge at once by a clear and positive and distinct denial.

It is no secret, and no man with

of the Scriptures to be quite sufficient for life and salvation? The niated individuals are assailed by fact is indisputable. These calumcharges so opposite and so flicting, as abundantly to prove the absurdity and unjustness of them in each case. "They maintain," says the pretended lover of the Church,


his eyes open can have failed to perceive, that the persons usually stigmatized as Evangelical, are those who lend their aid to Bible and Missionary societies. This is a summary process for bringing home the accusation; and the inquisitorial black-book, of which we have heard so much as including the names of the Evangelical Clergy" that the reading of the Scriptures (since we must per force use that alone is sufficient to salvation!"term), was probably compiled from the documents furnished by these in"they maintain," says our author, stitutions. It is a test conclusive. To sealed book; unintelligible from "that it is of no possible service; a promote the circulation of the Scrip- the beginning to the end!" We tures through the medium of these reply, they hold neither the one detested societies, is as certain an opinion nor the other: the charge evidence of "Evangelical tenden- in both cases is pure fiction: and cies" as if men carried the name imprinted and burnt in their fore- vised than to publish such unwarboth parties ought to be better adheads. We ask then, are these the rantable and unfounded statements. persons who disparage the word of We allow, indeed, that, in opposing God by declaring it to be unintel- the natural pride and self-sufficiency ligible? Are these the men who of man, what are called the Evanaffirm, while preaching, as they gelical Clergy insist strongly-and wisely do, the truths of Christ cru- would not Mr. Irving do so?-on cified to the unregenerate, that the the necessity, so often declared in unregenerate can by no means lay Scripture, of a Divine influence to hold on any of these truths? We render the word of God effectual ask, further, Do not they in fact ho- for the purposes of repentance, faith, nour the word of God, by asserting holiness, and salvation; but do not its power to make men wise unto those who teach this, teach also salvation, through faith in Christ that the Holy Spirit is promised to Jesus; and concur, in general, with all who seek him? the views stated by Mr. Irving inculcate the diligent reading of the Do they not himself in the very pages which profess to be written in confutation Scriptures, as an appointed means of of their errors? obtaining this Divine instruction? We ask, whether the men who hold the sentiments that if they understand not the And do they not tell their hearers, here so unaccountably ascribed to leading truths of the Bible, or are ❝evangelical preachers," are not in fact their opponents? These because they suffer their minds to be not suitably affected by them, it is men notoriously deny the utility of blinded, and their hearts hardened, circulating the Holy Scriptures, by the deceitfulness of sin; and because of the supposed inefficiency because they have not looked up in of the simple word of God; because humility and sincerity to God to even-we blush to speak it—of its instruct them? often mischievous tendency; al- thing in this that is unscriptural; or But is there any leging continually, that of itself it that makes either man a mere macan produce no manner of benefit. chine, or the word of God a mere We ask, whether the enemies of the useless "beggarly element?" We Bible Society, some of whom have say not, indeed we know not, what since been awarded to high places, some three or four individuals in did not urge it as an argument the United Kingdom-if so many against the friends of that institu- there be-may teach; but we are tion, that they held the mere reading very sure that the body of what are

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