The Right Fit: The Power of Ergonomics as a Competitive Strategy

Productivity Press, 1996 - 244 Seiten
In his compelling and forward looking book, Gross defines the principles of ergonomic quality (EQ) and the central role of human-based design. He introduces the biomechanical tools in the ergonomics arsenal, and discusses the quality process known as ergonomic best-in-class analysis for the rapid design and development of superior products. Gross also shows how ergonomics is the "right fit" with other quality improvement initiatives (such as concurrent engineering, QFD, and ISO 9000) and makes a compelling case why workplace ergonomics is one of the few cost-effective avenues to help companies reduce cumulative injuries. Gross discusses EQ as the next logical step in TQM and the importance of corporate leadership and vision in a successful ergonomically-focused company. Finally, he asserts that world class ergonomic products can help a company position itself competitively in the global community. Every chapter ends with key points reiterating "what you should know" and "what you should do". Covering a full range of topics and presenting case examples of companies that have succeeded using EQ, The Right Fit makes a complete case for EQ as the next major quality paradigm and any corporation's next competitive advantage.

Im Buch


EQ The Role of the Customer In Product Development

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