Abbildungen der Seite
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Shindler (Rev. Robert), President Gar-
field, 236-244

Shipping, British merchant, 611-612
Siberia, gold production of, 465
Silkworm disease, 541

Simon (Mr,), on the vivisection question,

Sioux Indians, 688, 693

Slave-owners, West Indian, the grant
of compensation to, 110
Small-pox, relation between cow-pox
and, 547-550

Smerwick Castle, the massacre at, 362-

Smith (Professor Goldwin), The Jewish
Question, 494-515

reply to, 813-829
Smith (Sydney), letter of, 416
Socrates, his conclusion concerning the
visible universe, 102

- his view of the moral obligations and
future destiny of man, 145


on the causes of human action, 158-

Sonnet, the, 766-708


Spain, senate of, 56


former persecutions of the Jews in,
506, 842

Speaker, power of the, 327-328
Speculation, commercial, 532-533
Spencer (Herbert), optimist doctrines
of, 580-587

Spenser, friendship of, with Ralegh, 678
Spider, trap-door, habits of the, 154
Spinoza, argument of, against miracles,

Stanley (Dean) as a Spiritual Teacher
and Theologian, 869-885

Stanley (Hon. E. Lyulph), Industrial
Schools and the Home Office, 913-919
Star-fish, thread-rayed brittle, 137
Steeple-chasing, 409

Sterling (John), letter of, to Carlyle,


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PAINE (M.), his history of the French
Revolution, 786-791

Taverner (Richard), his translations of
Erasmus, 86

Taylor (Sir Henry), Four Centuries of
English Letters, 405-422

Tenants, Irish, how affected by the Land
Act, 478-480

Tennyson (Alfred), Despair, 629-640
Thiele (Dr.), experiments of, with
small-pox virus, 550-551

Thoms (W. J.), Gossip of an Old Book-
worm, 63-79, 886-900

Ticknor (George) on international copy-
right, 728-729

Trade, British, with foreign countries
and the colonies, compared, 44-45
depression of, 193–195, 198
Tripoli, French designs upon, 452-453
Troubadours, poetry of the, 769
Tuberculosis, artificial induction of, 554
Tulloch (Principal), Dean Stanley as a
Spiritual Teacher and Theologian,

Tunis, doings of the French in, 448-


Turton (Dean), 887-888

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