Abbildungen der Seite

ference being had in how far the honour and interests of the British nation may be involved thereby. To such a system it is incumbent on me to oppose the rights and duties of the British government; and it is to be hoped, that when the character and interests of both nations are duly considered and deliberated upon by higher authorities, such a liberal policy will be resolved, as will at once put an end to the confusion and irregularities which must continue, and even increase to an alarming extent, while the present system is allowed to be persevered in.

Done by me, the lieutenant-gov. of Fort Marlborough and its dependencies, at the CourtHouse at Marlborough, this 12th day of August, 1818. (Signed)

T. S. RAFFfles. (Registered)

W. R. JENNINGS, Secretary to Government, and Registrar.

The following documents, received since the signature of the above protest, are annexed, as connected with the very extraordinary proceeding at Palembang, and from which it would appear that the Sultan Achmed Nujemudin has been actually deposed, and his brother raised to the throne in his place, by the Dutch commissioners at Palembang. Translation of a Letter from Sultan Achmed Nujemudin, of Palembang, to the Lieutenant-Governor of Bencoolen.

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an interview with the Sultan, when he presented to him a letter, and a flag that accompanied it, from the hon. the lieutenantgovernor of Fort Marlborough, which were received with the greatest joy and with every mark of respect. The flag was then ordered to be hoisted, and a letter sent by captain Salmond to Mr. Muntinghe. It is not known what may have been the nature of the communication thus made, but Mr. Muntinghe sent to call capt. Salmond, and to order him to pull down the British flag which had been hoisted by the Sultan. Captain Salmond replied, that he dared not to pull it down; and after this, not to enter into details, there came a party of Dutch soldiers, together with a party of Palembang people favourable to the interest of the ex-Sultan, and also of Siaks, to the number of at least 700 in all, by the two latter of whom the residence of the young Sultan was surrounded by order of the Dutch, so as to prevent all communication with him. -At sunset the flag, according to custom, was ordered by the Sultan to be lowered and taken in. He himself was then confined by the Dutch, and no egress or ingress on any account permitted, and early the following morning the flag-staff was cut down by the Dutch.-The Sultan's place of confinement was a small apartment on the eastern side of the

new fort, which did not admit of more persons being accommodated there than ten petty officers, who were all that were with him, the rest of his people being obliged to remain outside. Captain Salmond and those with him.


were taken by Mr. Muntinghe, at four o'clock in the morning, and have now been sent off direct to Batavia in a small vessel. The persons who were deputed by the Sultan to meet and receive captain Salmond on his arrival at Palembang, viz. three Pangerangs, a Tummungung, a Ranga, and a Demang, were all seized and placed under arrest within the Dutch entrenchment.-The Sultan still continues a close prisoner, and no communication is permitted between him and any one outside. The only persons allowed to pass in or out of the place where he is confined are some women, who are employed to fetch water and buy provisions for him, and it is only at stated times that this indulgence is granted, and for a very limited period that they are allowed to be absent. Such is the inconceivable state of misery and distress to which the Sultan has been reduced. Trusting, however, to the benevolence and compassion of the British authority at Bencoolen, and firmly relying on assistance from thence, he has peaceably borne with and submitted to all that has befallen him. Night and day he anxiously hopes that the honourable the lieutenant-governor will afford him speedy relief; for so great is the misery and the shame he now feels, that he cannot keep his eyes dry."

Deposition of Ki Baha Sanghing and Pali Jenah, taken at Fort Marlborough on the 1st August,


The deponents state as follows: -The letter this day brought by

them to Fort Marlborough, from
the Sultan at Palembang, and
presented to the hon. the lieut.
governor was smuggled out of
the place where the Sultan is at
present confined, within the pre-
cincts of the New Fort, by one
of his female attendants, who are
employed to fetch water and pro-
visions, and on that account alone
are the only persons permitted to
pass in and out, and that only at
stated times, and for
periods. The strict manner in
very limited
which these women are searched
by the Dutch guard placed over
the Sultan, every time they go in
finement, and the circumstance of
or come out of his place of con-
one of them, on whose person a
letter from the Pangeran Depati
to his wife, merely respecting
being nearly flogged to death,
some domestic affairs, was found,
rendered much precaution neces-
sary, and the letter in question
naked thigh, and thus escaped?
was accordingly bound on to her
detection. Similar precaution was
necessary to enable the deponents
and their followers to get safely
out of Palembang, guards and
spies being stationed above the
town to stop and examine all per-
sons passing up and down; and
for this purpose they withdrew
one by one to an appointed place
of rendezvous in the woods, and
thence departing together, tra-
velled by stealth across the coun-
try, and by a difficult and cir-
cuitous route reached Fort Marl-

borough in twenty-one days. The
writing, appears to them to have
letter, which, from the hand-
himself or his brother the Pange-
been written either by the Sultan
ran Depati, who was in confine-


ment with him, was delivered to
them by the female already men-
tioned, with injunctions from the
Sultan to convey it without de-
lay to the lieut.-governor of Fort
Marlborough, and on no account
to let it fall into the hands of the
Dutch, or any of the ex-Sultan's
people. It was well understood
that Mr. Muntinghe first of all
endeavoured to obtain the con-
sent of the Sultan to arrange-
ments that were favourable to the
interests of the ex-Sultan, and
prejudicial to his own, but of
which they do not know more of
the particulars than that the Sul-
tan was to have a monthly al-
lowance of one thousand dollars,
five coyangs of rice, and 100 gant-
angs of salt, and be paid the gross
sum of 25,000 dollars, to repair
and improve the old palace for
his accommodation. That the
Sultan positively refused to enter
into any such agreement, on which
Mr. Muntinghe acted as he has
done, in opposition to the wishes,
and notwithstanding the remon-
strances of the Sultan; that they
are perfectly sure the Sultan never
put his hand or seal to any treaty
or written document whatever
connected with the measure lately
adopted at Palembang: on the
contrary, he invariably told Mr.
Muntinghe that he could not, and
would not accede to any arrange-
ments proposed by him; that he
had not the power to resist his
acts, and could not prevent him
from doing whatever he pleased
with himself and the country, but
that he would not voluntarily re-
sign any of his rights or authority.
-He refused to move out of the
palace, although pressed in the
most urgent manner to do so, and Fort Marlboro', Aug. 15, 1818.

it was not till after the Dutch
frigate and other vessels were
placed opposite to it, and he
was told that it would positively
be battered down about his ears,
and preparations were apparently
making to carry the threat into
effect, that he agreed to move into
that part of it where he is now a
prisoner, still refusing to quit it
altogether.-The Regalia were
not got from him till after the
departure of captain Salmond for
Batavia, and many threats had
been used on the part of Mr.
Muntinghe, to take him by force
and send him to Batavia.-The
ex-Sultan, in consideration of
being again placed upon the
throne by Muntinghe, agreed to
make over to the Dutch the
whole of the interior of the coun-
try, and to pay down the sum of
five lacs of dollars in cash and
valuables; the sum of four lacs
was received by Mr. Muntinghe,
and shipped by him; the payment
of the remaining lac was to be
made after Mr. Muntinghe's re-
turn from the interior, and his
effecting the expulsion of all the
British troops from the territory of
Palembang.-The warlike equip-
ment which Mr. Muntinghe fit-
ted for this purpose, consisted of
about 100 troops, Europeans and
natives, 100 Siaks, and 1,000 Pa-
lembang people, armed in various
'ways, and who were conveyed in
1,804 boats, in which were mount.
ed eight large guns, and about
100 small ones.-When they left
Palembang the Dutch had a ship
of war of 22 guns, and a large
military force there.


Sir Stamford Raffles has been meritoriously occupied in the task of exploring the interior of Sumatra, never before penetrated by Europeans, with the purpose of extending British influence over that large and valuable island. In three journies he entered the country in as many dif ferent directions; proceeding inland from Manua, in the South, he reached the provinces occupied by a people called the Pas summahs;-from Bencoolen he crossed the island to Palembang, and in the north he penetrated to

Menancabon, the celebrated capital of the Malay empire. The result has been the discovery of a magnificent country, highly cultivated, abounding in the precious metals, and thickly inhabited by a fine race of men, whose friendship appears to have been effectually conciliated. Sir Stamford Raffles was successful in forming treaties with many of the native princes, in virtue of which a new, and apparently rich field has been opened to British enterprise and British commerce.




Refusal of the United States to admit Consuls from the Republics of South America.-Negotiations with Spain respecting the Cession of Florida. Decision of Congress on the Seminole War-Negro Conspiracy in Georgia.-Discussions on Slavery in Missouri.Number of Slaves in the United States.-Commercial embarrass. ments.Address of the President on returning to Washington. European Emigrants.-Official Letter respecting them.

HE TH government of the United States has been occupied during this year with several objects of deep interest, some of them connected with its foreign relations, others with its domestic polity. Soon after the return of the commissioner sent from the United States in the year 1818, to examine and report upon the situation of the new republics of South America, application was made by General don Leno de Clementi to be recognised as minister plenipotentiary from the republic of Venezuela: an official refusal to this demand was returned by authority of the president, on the ground, that the name of Clementi had been "avowedly affixed to a paper drawn up within the United States, purporting to be a commission to a foreign officer for undertaking and executing an expedition in violation of the laws of the United States," and also to another paper avowing that act and otherwise insulting to the government. Mr. Deforest who demanded to be recognised as consul general from Buenos

Ayres, also met with a repulse, because the United States could not receive him in that capacity without an acknowledgment of the independence of the government of which Puerreydon was the supreme director. Subsequently, the President laid before Congress a report by the secretary of state concerning persons desiring to be accredited as consuls on behalf of the independent governments of South America, in which it was admitted, that consuls were received by the government of the United States from acknowledged sovereign powers with whom they had no treaty-it was added however, on the authority of Vattel, that the appointment could not be carried fully into effect without recognising the authority of the sovereign from whom it proceeded. In these facts, the determination of the United States to stand neutral in the great contest between Spain and her colonies till success shall decide it, may clearly be discerned.

The negotiations with Spain respecting

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