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" II. Classification of Steel Ships. III. Considerations in making choice of Type of Vessel. — Framing of Ships. IV. Strains experienced by Ships. — Methods of Computing and Comparing Strengths of Ships. V. Construction of Ships. — Alternative Modes... "
A text-book of engineering drawing and design - Seite 38
von Sidney Herbert Wells - 1905
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A Manual of Machinery and Millwork

William John Macquorn Rankine - 1893 - 692 Seiten
...Classification of Steel Ships. III. Considerations in making choice of Type of Vessel. — Framing of Ships. IV. Strains experienced by Ships. — Methods...of Ships. V. Construction of Ships. — Alternative Model of Construction. — Types of Vessels. — Turret, Self Trimming and Trunk Steamers, &c. —...
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Engineering Drawing and Design (A Text-book Of): Including Practical ...

Sidney Herbert Wells - 1900 - 228 Seiten
...Classification of Steel Ships. III. Considerations in making choice of Type of Vessel. — Framing of Ships. IV. Strains experienced by Ships. — Methods...of Ships. V. Construction of Ships. —Alternative Modet of Construction. — Types of Vessels. — Turret, Self Trimming, and Trunk Steamers. &c. —...
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The Metallurgy of Lead & Silver: Lead

Henry Francis Collins - 1899 - 464 Seiten
...M odes of Construction. — Types of Vessels.— Turret, Self Trimming, and Trunk Steamers, to. — Rivets and Rivetting, Workmanship. VI. Pumping Arrangements....Deterioration in the Hulls of Ships.— Cement, Paint, &c.— IXDBX. I So thorough and well written is every chapter in the book that it h di .iicnlt to select any...
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Engineering Drawing and Design (A Text-book Of): Including Practical ...

Sidney Herbert Wells - 1900 - 202 Seiten
...Classification of Steel Ships. III. Considerations in making choice of Type of Vessel. — Framing of Ships. IV. Strains experienced by Ships. — Methods...Maintenance. — Prevention of Deterioration in the Hulla of Ships. — Cement, Paint, &c. — INDEX. *' So thoront h and weil written i- every chapter...
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Road Making and Maintenance: A Practical Treatise for Engineers, Surveyors ...

Thomas Aitken - 1900 - 570 Seiten
...Framing ef Ships. IV. Strains experienced by Ships. — Methods of Computing and ( 'ompariny Stren^'ths of Ships. V. Construction of Ships. — Alternative...Vessels. — Turret, Self Trimming, and Trunk Steamers, <fcc.— Rivets and Kivetting, \Vorkmanship. VI. Pumping Arrangements. VII. Maintenance. — Prevention...
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Central Electrical Stations: Their Design, Organisation, and Management

Charles Henry Wordingham - 1901 - 622 Seiten
...Classification of Steel Ships. III. Considerations in making choice of Type of Vessel. — Framing of Ships. IV. Strains experienced by Ships. — Methods...Rivetting, Workmanship. VI. Pumping Arrangements. VI 1. Maintenance.— Prevention of Deterioration in the Hulls of ijhips.— Cement, Paint, &c. —...
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Handbook on Petroleum for Inspectors Under the Petroleum Acts: And for Those ...

J. H. Thomson, Sir Boverton Redwood - 1901 - 398 Seiten
...Classification of Steel Ships, lil. Considerations in making choice of Type of Vessel. — Framing of Ships. IV. Strains experienced by Ships.- Methods...Ships. V. Construction of Ships —Alternative Modes til Construction. — Types of Vessels. Turret, Self Trimum]),'. and Trunk .Steamers, &c. — Rivets...
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Central Electrical Stations: Their Design, Organisation, and Management

Charles Henry Wordingham - 1901 - 598 Seiten
...Construction. Tvpi^ of Vessels. -Turret, Self Trimming, alid Trunk Steamer?, <£c.— Rivets ami Kivi'tthiK, Workmanship. VI. Pumping Arrangements. VII. Maintenance.—...Deterioration In the Hulls of Ships.— Cement, Paint, tc. SECOND EDITION, Cloth, 8s. 6d. Leather, for the Pocket, 8s. 6d. GRIFFIN'S ELECTRICAL PRICE-BOOK....
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Trades Waste: Its Treatment and Utilisation. With Special Reference to the ...

William Naylor - 1902 - 464 Seiten
...Classification of Steel Ships. III. Considerations in making choice of Type of Vessel. — Framing of Ships. IV. Strains experienced by Ships. —Methods...Vessels. — Turret, Self Trimming, and Trunk Steamers, ftc. — Rivets and Rivetting, Workmanship. VI. Pumping Arrangements. VII. Maintenance. — Prevention...
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Valves and Valve-gearing: A Practical Text-book for the Use of Engineers ...

Charles Hurst - 1902 - 254 Seiten
...Classification of Steel Ships. III. Considerations in making choice of Type of Vessel. — Framing Steamers. &c. — Rivets and Rivetting, Workmanship....Deterioration in the Hulls of Ships.— Cement, Paint, &e.— INDEX. '• So thorough and well written is every chapter in the book that it i- di.ficult to...
Vollansicht - Über dieses Buch

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