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the Lord to the contrary, that I may know what his Pleasure and Counsel is concerning me, on whom I wait therefore, for he is my Life, and the length of my Days; and as I said before, I came at his Command, and go at his Command.


[Bishop's New England judged by the Spirit of the

Lord, 311.]


William Dyer's petition to Governor Endicott for mercy to his wife.

"Honord S

"It is no little greif of mind, and sadness of hart that I am necessitated to be so bould as to supplicate yo' Honord self wth the Honble Assembly of yo' Generall Courte to extend yo' mercy & favoure once agen to me & my children. Little did I dream that ever I shuld have had occasion to petiton you in a matter of this nature, but so it is that throu the devine providence and yo' benignity my sonn obtayned so much pitty and mercy att yo' hands as to

enjoy the life of his mother, now my supplication to yo" Hono" is to begg affectionately, the life of my deare wife. Tis true I have not seen her above this half yeare & therefore cannot tell how in the frame of her spiritt she was moved thus againe to runn so great a Hazard to herself, and perplexity to me & mine & all her freinds & well wishers: so itt is from Shelter Iland about by Pequid Narragansett & to the Towne of Providence she secrettly & speedyly journyed, & as secrettly from thence came to yo2 jurisdiction, unhappy journy may I say, & woe to that generation say I that gives occasion thus of greif & troble (to thos that desire to be quiett) by helping one another (as I may say) to Hazard their lives for I know not whatt end or to what purpose: If her zeale be so greatt as thus to adventure, oh Lett yo' favoure & Pitty surmount itt & save her life. Lett not yo' forwonted compassion bee conquered by

her inconsiderate madness, & how greatly will yo' renowne be spread if by so conquering you become victorious. What shall I say more. I know you are all sensible of my condition, and lett the reflect bee, and you will see whatt my petiton is and what will give me & mine peace, oh Lett mercies wings once more sore above justice ballance, & then whilst I live shall I exalt yo' goodness butt other wayes twill be a languishing sorrow, yea so great that I shuld gladly suffer the blow att once much rather: I shall forbeare to troble youre Hon' wth words neyther am I in a capacity to expatiat myself att present: I only say that yo selves have been & are or may bee husbands to wife or wives, so am I, yea to one most dearely beloved: oh do not deprive me of her, but I pray give her me once agen & I shall bee so much obliged for ever, that I shall endeavo1 continually to utter my thankes & render yo' Love

& Hon' most renowned: pitty mee, I begg

itt wth teares, and rest yo'

"most humbly suppliant


"Portsm° 27th of 3a: 1660

"Most Honed Sr Lett these lines by yo' favo bee my Petiton to yo' Honble Generall Court: at present Sitting

"sd W D"

[From Mass. Archives, X. p. 266 (MSS.).]


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