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and slavery. I have been much pleased to hear of the project of a colony from Wales to be settled on the line of the Hannibal and St Joseph Railroad, in that State. From the names of the American proprietors, who invite the settlement, and from the credentials of the gentlemen in this city (Messrs J. M. and W. B. Jones, of No. 37 Nassau Street), who have the warm endorsement of men every way reliable, I have sanguine hopes that the enterprise may prove, under the blessing of God, a common and a rich benefit to the country from which the emigrants are to be drawn, and to that also which receives and welcomes them, as well as to the colonists themselves, if exercising but the virtues of energy, thrift, prudence, and patient industry which have distinguished the men of the Principality. Some hardships and inconveniences must, of course, attend the first steps of those leading such an enterprise; but with ordinary resolution, and with the wonted blessings of God's good providence, it may be safely anticipated that the new colony will prove a signal success, and a longenduring blessing.


Pastor of Amity Street Baptist Church,
New York City.


To the Editors of the Liverpool Mercury.

GENTLEMEN,-In Saturday's Mercury there is a

letter signed "Wm. R. Williams, Pastor of Amity Street Baptist Church, New York City," who is introduced as "one of the most eminent divines in America," designed to attach importance to his communication on the "New Welsh Colony in Northern Missouri," and to bespeak the favourable notice of the public to the same. Now, when it is known that the Rev. W. R. Williams, D.D., has been for a quarter of a century one of the revisers of publications for the Old Tract Society, New York, and that his mission was to expunge every sentiment of liberty from works written by celebrated European authors, in order to prepare them for circulation in America-a work which he faithfully discharged up to the period of the disruption between the North and South-when this is known and duly considered, the public will attach little importance to his communication, deem his references to liberty as a mockery, delusion, snare, and regard his descent from a minister of the gospel who emigrated from Wales as being no more an honour to the principality than the Rev. Henry Ward Beecher having for his "great-great-grandmother a full-blooded Welshwoman." Our American war brings out many revelations and revolutions; but of things revealed in American history, no fact is more capable of demonstration than this-that the Revs. Dr. Williams and Henry Ward Beecher, holding as they do liberty subordinate to the Union, just as they have held it in the one case subordinate to the Old Tract Society, and in the other to the American


Board of Missions, neither could have acquired any moral power to overturn American slavery until they had repented of their sins, and abandoned their evil One would naturally have supposed that the admirers of the principality of Wales would not seek to give it such a prominence in connection with such a wayward progeny, any more than the avowed friends of the Rev. Hugh Stowell Brown who covet for him a niche in the temple of immortality by calling him the "Beecher of Liverpool "-an honour which Mr. Brown has estimated at its proper value, if the report be true that is in circulation that he put his emphatic "No, never" to the application which was made for his so-called prototype to preach in his chapel during his recent visit to Liverpool. No lustre is shed on the principality of Wales by such men as Williams and Beecher, or on Stowell Brown by calling him the "Beecher of Liverpool," as shown in one of the Dissenting journals published in London recently. One of your Manchester correspondents, I see, is very fearful lest one "Joseph Parker," an able writer in your columns, should be confounded with the Rev. Dr. Joseph Parker. I should have thought that plain "Joseph Parker" was deep and broad enough in its distinction from "Dr. Joseph Parker;" but if he thinks that plain Joseph Parker has got less sense because he is not a "war Christian," or member of the "Union and Emancipation Society," and that Dr. Joseph Parker has got more sense because he is both, it is quite evident that he is no more a proper judge

of the relative value of that precious commodity any more than he is capable of dealing with the suppressio veri of the North in its relationships to slavery which he charges upon plain Joseph Parker falsely in regard to the south.-Yours, for truth as well as liberty,


56 Islington, Nov. 7, 1863.


To the Editors of the Liverpool Mercury.

GENTLEMEN,-Nothing can be more apparent than the above, both in regard to the usurpation of despotic power in America, and also the relationships which civil governments bear to that country, and the duties arising therefrom. Let us look at the facts of the case before us.

In consequence of taxation without representation your American colonies threw off their allegiance to this country, and formed themselves into independent states, with governors, senators, legislators, judges, militia, and all the apparatus and authority necessary for their governance and guidance as independent nations.

From motives of prudence and economy the people and government of these states entered into a league, or federation of States, to protect each other from common danger, obviate the necessity of keeping up a standing army and navy in, or sending ambassadors from each separate state to foreign courts. When this league or federation was entered into, provision was made for the appointment of a president or manager of our federal concern, in whom executive power was to be vested; and also for the creation of a Congress,

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