LINGUISTIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA Founded 1924 President, PROFESSOR MAURICE BLOOMFIELD, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. Vice-President, PROFESSOR OLIVER FARRAR EMERSON, Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. Secretary and Treasurer, ROLAND G. KENT, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. Executive Committee, the preceding, and PROFESSOR EDGAR HOWARD STURTEVANT, Yale University, New Haven, Conn. PROFESSOR LEONARD BLOOMFIELD, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Committee on Publications: Chairman and Editor: PROFESSOR GEORGE MELVILLE BOLLING, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Term expiring 1926: PROFESSOR SAMUEL MOORE, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. Term expiring 1927: Professor DANIEL BUSSIER SHUMWAY, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. Term expiring 1928: PROFESSOR AURELIO M. ESPINOSA, Stanford University, California. The Linguistic Society of America was founded in December, 1924, for the advancement of the scientific study of language. The Society plans to promote this aim by bringing students of language together in its meetings, and by publishing the fruits of research. It has established both a quarterly journal and a series of monographs; the latter will appear at irregular intervals, according to the material offered to the Committee on Publications and the funds available for the purpose. Members will receive both in return for the annual dues of Five Dollars. Membership in the Society is not restricted to professed scholars in linguistics. All persons, whether men or women, who are in sympathy with the objects of the Society, are invited to give it their assistance in furthering its work. Application for membership should be made to the Secretary, Professor Roland G. Kent, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. STANFORD UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES |