Miss M. A. Saleski, B. Schwartz, K. Scott, C. Selmer, W. T. Semple, A. Senn, R. L. Ward, Miss E. C. Weinberg, B. L. Whorf, J. Whatmough, H. R. Wolf. Total, 114. The Pierpont Morgan Library, 29 East 36th Street, had a special exhibition of illuminated manuscripts and drawings illustrating the Christmas festival, and the Metropolitan Museum of Art had special exhibitions on view. Both Museums invited members of the Societies to visit these exhibitions. Mr. George A. Plimpton invited members to view his collection of rare books in his library, on Friday after noon. The Local Committee, acting for the three societies, consisted of W. L. Carr, Chairman; Allan P. Ball, Dorothy M. Bell, Francis P. Donnelly, Patrick J. Downing, Anna P. MacVay, Edward T. Newell, George A. Plimpton, Ernst Riess, Floyd A. Spencer, La Rue Van Hook, Eleanor D. Whitehead, Herbert E. Wenlock; of these, Messrs. Ball and Riess represented the Linguistic Society. The First Session of the Linguistic Society was held in the College Hall of the Hotel Astor, on the afternoon of Thursday, December 26. President Bloomfield called the meeting to order at 2.05 P.M. About 75 persons were present at the session. The reading of papers was at once begun: Prof. Max A. Luria, of Brooklyn College: The Pronunciation of Siegat Dr. Morris Swadesh, of Yale University: Pattern in the Phonemic Dr. John B. Olli, of City College (New York City): Finnic Consonant Gradation. Discussion by Messrs. Swadesh, Kent, Cross, Faye, Edgerton, Paschall, Manning. Adjournment was taken at 4.15 P.M. A dinner was held under the auspices of The Friends of Horace, an informal organization, at 6.30 P.M., on Thursday, December 26, in the East Ballroom of the Hotel Astor. Special tables were reserved for the members and friends of the Linguistic Society. The Second Session of the Linguistic Society was held on the evening of Thursday, December 26, jointly with the American Philological Association and the Archaeological Institute of America, in the North Ballroom of the Hotel Astor. The meeting was called to order at 8.35 P.M. by President Louis E. Lord, of the Archaeological Institute, who presided, and introduced Professor Berthold Louis Ullman, of the University of Chicago, President of the American Philological Association, as the speaker of the evening. His presidential address was upon Horace and the Philologians. At the conclusion of the address a social gathering and smoker was held in the same room. The Third Session of the Linguistic Society was held on the morning of Friday, December 27, in the College Hall of the Hotel Astor. President Bloomfield called the meeting to order at 9.25 A.M. About 90 persons were present at the session. The business of the Society occupied the first part of the Session. By motion, the reading of the minutes of the last meeting was dispensed with, as they had already been printed in LANGUAGE 11.53-66. The Secretary, Prof. R. G. Kent, presented the following report, which was ordered to be received and filed: For the year 1935 the membership statistics are as follows: For the year 1934 there were 441 members (apart from Honorary Members), of whom 9 died during the year: D. S. Blondheim, R. B. Dixon, J. Hatheway, R. T. Holbrook, H. R. Lang, B. Laufer, C. W. E. Miller, S. Moore, S. L. M. Rosenberg; 24 (H. S. Alexander, N. D. Blair, R. Brandstetter, H. W. Comfort, R. W. Cope, H. G. Creel, R. E. Dengler, H. B. Dunkel, F. J. Feinler, M. C. Fitzpatrick, A. I. Hallowell, J. W. Holt, A. V. W. Jackson, D. B. Kaufman, E. Y. Lindsay, M. F. Martin, M. K. Mason, E. H. Mensel, A. I. Miller, J. R. Oliver, G. A. Plimpton, L. J. Rosenwald, E. J. Spencer, H. B. Van Deventer) presented their resignations, effective at the end of 1934; and 9 were dropped from the membership list, as directed by the Constitution of the Society in the case of those who have failed for two years to pay the membership dues. The net membership with which the Society started 1935 was, therefore, 399; the new members for 1935 are 46. The total membership for 1935, in addition to the 23 Honorary Members, is accordingly 445; of these, 11 are unpaid for 1934-5 and subject to being dropped from the rolls at this time, and 39 are unpaid for 1935. We regretfully record the death of seven active members in 1935: L. Allen, E. B. Babcock, H. Collitz, J. P. Hoskins, A. T. Jenkins, M. Parry, W. P. Woodman; and of two Honorary Members: E. Setälä, K. Luick. J. Kepke, by the payment of the statutory sum, has become our fourth Life Member, and his Life Membership fee has been added to the principal of the Endowment Fund. His example is one which deserves to be followed. The library subscriptions have increased from 141 to 146, by the loss of 4 and the addition of 9. Of the 147, there are 59 foreign subscriptions. The exchanges and copies for review have decreased from 77 to 76, by the discontinuance of two and the addition of one. The number of foreign scholars now receiving the publications of the Society gratuitously is 117. It is a pleasure to put on record that the serious loss in membership suffered in 1933 and 1934 has been checked, and that there is for the year 1935 a net gain of 4 members, quite apart from the increase of 5 library subscriptions. This happy outcome is attributable, in part, to a decrease in the number of resignations, which apparently reflects a somewhat improved financial condition in the country, but is even more to be attributed to the activity of members in securing the adherence of others who had previously not been drawn within our membership. The number of new members in 1935 actually exceeds by two the number of new members in 1933 and 1934 taken together. The continued activity of our members along these lines should ensure further advance during the coming year. It will be noted that the estimated net balance of current funds at the end of 1935 is set at $2702.71, while it was actually $2931.57 at the end of 1934 and $3448.08 at the end of 1933. This shrinkage may be attributed to several causes: the decrease in the membership, now happily brought to a halt; the printing of the Index to LANGUAGE VI-X, which was properly a charge to be distributed over the years 1930-34, during which these volumes were printed; and the increased allowance to the Secretary-Treasurer and to the Editor, for personal services, clerical help, etc. The Treasurer will make a special effort to see that no further decrease is suffered in the resources of the Society. As Treasurer, Prof. Kent presented the following report: |