1930 George Beecher; present address unknown. FM Henry Marvin Belden, Ph.D., Professor of English, University of Missouri; 811 Virginia Ave., Columbia, Mo. SC Harold H. Bender, Ph.D., Professor of Indo-Germanic Philology, Princeton University; 120 Fitz-Randolph Road, Princeton, N. J. 1927 Adolph Burnett Benson, Ph.D., Professor of German and Scandinavian, Yale University; 307 Yale Graduate School, New Haven, Conn. FM Morris Berg, 92 S. 13th St., Newark, N. J.; Romance languages. FM Frank Ringgold Blake, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Oriental Languages, The Johns Hopkins University; 2205 Arden Road, Mt. Washington, Baltimore, Md.; Semitic and Philippine languages, and general linguistics. 1931 Bernard Bloch, Ph.D., on the Editorial Staff of the Linguistic Atlas, Brown University, Providence, R. I.; English and Germanic linguistics, and dialect geography. SC Leonard Bloomfield, Ph.D., Professor of Germanic Philology, University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. SC Franz Boas, Ph.D., Professor of Anthropology, Columbia University, New York City; American Indian languages. FM George Bobrinskoy, Instructor in Sanskrit, University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. SC George Melville Bolling, Ph.D., Professor of Greek, Ohio State University; 854 E. Broad St., Columbus, Ohio; Greek and general linguistics. Life Member, 1927. 1929 Benjamin Parsons Bourland, Ph.D., Professor of Romance Languages, Graduate School of Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio; Old French and Old Provençal. 1926 Johannes Lassen Boysen, Ph.D., Professor of Germanic Languages, University of Texas; Box 1510, University Sta., Austin, Tex.; Germanic syntax. 1929 Lyman R. Bradley, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of German, New York University, 100 Washington Square East, New York City. 1930 Fred Herman Braunlin, Sc.B., 704 Wager St., Columbus, Ohio; Germanic and Indo-European linguistics. 1935 Josephine Pauline Bree, Ph.D., Head of Dept. of Classics, Albertus Magnus College, New Haven, Conn. 1930 Charles Barrett Brown, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Romance Languages, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn. 1930 Thomas Kite Brown Jr., Ph.D., Assistant Professor of German, University of Pennsylvania; 226 Dickinson Ave., Swarthmore, Pa.; English language in America. FM William Norman Brown, Ph.D., Professor of Sanskrit, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. William Frank Bryan, Ph.D., Professor of English and Chair man of Dept., Northwestern University; 1907 Orrington Ave., Evanston, Ill. 1932 Charles D. Buchanan, Ph.D., Associate Professor of German and Head of Dept., Alfred College, Alfred, N. Y. SC Carl Darling Buck, Ph.D., Professor of Comparative Philology, University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. 1926 Ludlow S. Bull, Ph.D., Assistant Curator of the Egyptian Dept., Metropolitan Museum, New York City (also Lecturer on Egyptology and Curator of the Egyptian Section, Yale University); Egyptian and Semitics. 1925 Robert Belle Burke, Ph.D., Professor of Latin, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. 1929 Romanus F. Butin, Ph.D., Professor of Oriental Languages and Curator of the Museum, Catholic University of America, Washington, D. C. 1925 Nathaniel Montier Caffee, Ph.D., Instructor in English, Louisiana State University; Box 453, University, Baton Rouge, La.; linguistic geography. 1931 Morgan Callaway Jr., Ph.D., Professor of English, University of Texas; 1206 Guadalupe St., Austin, Tex.; Germanic syntax. FM Americo Ulysses N. Camera, Ph.D., Professor of Romance Languages and Head of Department, Brooklyn College; 57 Willoughby St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 1927 Harry Caplan, Ph.D., Professor of Classics, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. 1925 Frederick Mason Carey, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Greek and Latin, University of California at Los Angeles; 405 Hilgard Ave., West Los Angeles, Calif. 1931 Alice Carlson, Ph.D., Docent in English Philology, University of Latvia; Reimersa Ielā 1, Dz. 9, Riga, Latvia. 1935 Joseph Médard Carrière, Ph.D., Instructor in Romance Languages, Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill.; French dialects in Canada and Louisiana. 1929 Clive H. Carruthers, Ph.D., Professor of Classical Philology, McGill University, Montreal, Canada. 1931 K. Chattopadhyaya, Professor of Sanskrit, University of Allahabad, Allahabad, India. FM Miss Edith Frances Claflin, Ph.D., teacher of English and History in The Brearley School, New York City; 17 Felton Hall, Cambridge, Mass.; Indo-European comparative linguistics. 1932 Charles Upson Clark, Ph.D., Professor of Languages and Director of the Summer School, City College, New York City. 1925 Walter Eugene Clark, Ph.D., Wales Professor of Sanskrit, Harvard University; 39 Kirkland St., Cambridge, Mass. 1933 David L. Clendenin, B.A., Ardsley-on-Hudson, N. Y.; now pursuing linguistic researches in Leningrad. 1931 William Edward Collinson, Ph.D., Professor of German and Honorary Lecturer in Comparative Philology, University of Liverpool; 9 Bertram Road, Liverpool, England. SC Hermann Collitz, Ph.D., Emeritus Professor of Germanic Philology, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md.; died May 13, 1935. 1927 Klara Hechtenberg Collitz (Mrs. Hermann Collitz), Ph.D., 1027 N. Calvert St., Baltimore, Md.; Germanic and Romance languages. FM Roberta Douglas Cornelius, Ph.D., Associate Professor of English, Randolph-Macon Woman's College, Lynchburg, Va.; Old and Middle English, Old French. 1927 Cornelia Catlin Coulter, Ph.D., Professor of Latin, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass. FM Hardin Craig, Ph.D., Professor of English, Stanford University, Calif. 1926 William Alexander Craigie, M.A. (Oxon.), Professor of English, University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill.; English and Scandinavian languages. FM J. P. Wickersham Crawford, Ph.D., Professor of Romanic Languages, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. 1926 Edmund D. Cressman, Ph.D., Professor of Classics, University of Denver; 2287 S. Columbine St., Denver, Colo.; semantics. 1927 Ephraim Cross, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Romance Languages, City College; 1840 Andrews Ave., Bronx, New York City. 1926 George Oliver Curme, Ph.D., Emeritus Professor of Germanic Philology, Northwestern University, and Lecturer on the same, University of Southern California; 359 Twenty-First St., Santa Monica, Calif. 1935 Leonora Frances Curtin, Acequia Madre, Santa Fe, N. M.; Spanish, Arabic phonetics. 1933 A. Henry Dahlstrom, Ph.D., Professor of German, Heidelberg College; 81 Ohio Ave., Tiffin, Ohio. 1929 George O. S. Darby, Ph.D., address unknown. 1933 Henry A. Davidson, M.D., Physician and Psychiatrist; Box 53, Union, N. J.; linguistic psychology and sociology. 1929 Edward P. Davis, Ph.D., Professor of German and Dean of the College of Liberal Arts, Howard University, Washington, D. C. FM Victor de Beaumont, Professor of the French Language and Literature, University of Toronto; 73 Queen's Park, Toronto, Canada. 1934 Harry A. Deferrari, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Romance Languages, Catholic University of America, Washington, D. C. FM Roy Joseph Deferrari, Ph.D., Professor of Latin and Greek and Dean of the Graduate School, Catholic University of America, Washington, D. C. FM Norman W. DeWitt, Ph.D., Professor of Latin Literature and Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Victoria College; Victoria University, Toronto 5, Canada. 1930 William F. Diller, A.M., 317 E. King St., Lancaster, Pa.; Latin. 1933 Charles J. Donahue, Ph.D., Instructor in English, Yale University; 239 West Rock Ave., New Haven, Conn.; English and Celtic. FM Henry Grattan Doyle, A.M., Professor of Romance Languages, The George Washington University, Washington, D. C.; Old French, Old Spanish. 1935 Joseph William Ducibella, Ph.D., Instructor in Italian and Spanish, Mt. St. Joseph College, West Hartford, Conn. 1931 Paul Emile Dumont, Ph.D., Professor of Sanskrit and Indology, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. 1932 Gertrude H. Dunham, 269 Dwight St., New Haven, Conn. FM Joseph Dunn, Ph.D., Professor of Celtic Languages and Lecturer in Romance Languages, Catholic University of America; 47 Vista Terrace, New Haven, Conn. 1934 Isidore Dyen, A.M., 3025 West Berks St., Philadelphia, Pa.; Indo-European linguistics. 1927 Helen S. Eaton, Linguistic Research Assistant of the Inter national Auxiliary Language Association; 44 West Tenth St., New York City; minimum vocabularies and frequency lists in major European languages. 1934 John M. Echols, 511 Seventeenth St., University, Va.; comparative linguistics. SC Franklin Edgerton, Ph.D., Salisbury Professor of Sanskrit and Comparative Philology, Yale University; 174 Blake Road, Hamden, Conn. 1930 Edward C. Ehrensperger, Ph.D., Professor of English and Head of Dept., University of South Dakota; 304 Canby St., Vermillion, S. D. 1928 Arthur G. Eichelberger, A.M., Instructor in Latin, Northeast High School; West Shawmont Ave., Roxborough, Philadelphia, Pa. 1929 Walter T. Eickmann, A.B., Teacher of Latin and English, Memorial High School; 446 Twenty-first St., West New York, N. J. 1930 Stefán Einarsson, Ph.D., Associate in English, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. 1934 Serge Elisséeff, Director of the Harvard-Yenching Institute and Professor of Far Eastern Languages in Harvard University; 17 Boylston Hall, Cambridge, Mass. 1928 Murray B. Emeneau, Ph.D., Fellow of the American Council of Learned Societies for Research in Dravidian Languages; care of Thos. Cook and Son, Bombay, India. 1935 Bert Emsley, Ph.D., Instructor in English, Ohio State University; 306 Derby Hall, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. FM Erwin A. Esper, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology, University of SC Aurelio M. Espinosa, Ph.D., Professor of Romance Languages, FM Boyd Ross Ewing Jr., Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Romance Languages, Washington and Lee University; Box 62, Washington and Lee Univ., Lexington, Va.; Spanish. 1934 Paul-Louis Faye, Ph.D., Associate Professor of French, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colo.; Old French syntax, psychology of language. 1934 Mrs. Eva Fiesel, Ph.D., Research Assistant in Etruscan, Graduate School of Yale University, New Haven, Conn. 1927 Edward Fitch, Ph.D., Professor of Greek, Hamilton College, Clinton, N. Y. |