of the Society's publications Mr. Hanley's Linguistic Records and other scientifically prepared linguistic records. On motion, the remaining actions of the Executive Committee were approved. Prof. G. M. Bolling, Editor of the Publications of the Society and Chairman of the Committee on Publications, presented the following report, which was ordered to be received and filed: For the Committee on Publications I have the honor to report that the Society has issued the following Regular Publications in the year 1935: LANGUAGE, Volume 11, 4 issues, 368 pages; including an Index to Volumes 6-10, prepared by Maria Wilkins Smith. Language Monograph No. 16: W. Freeman Twaddell, On Defining the Phoneme, 62 pages. Language Dissertation No. 19: Luise Haessler, Old High German biteilen and biskerien, 105 pages; University of Chicago Dissertation. Language Dissertation No. 20: Ethel G. Aginsky, A Grammar of the Mende Language, 111 pages; Columbia University Dissertation. The following Special Publication was issued: Edgar H. Sturtevant and George Bechtel, A Hittite Chrestomathy, 230 pages (William Dwight Whitney Linguistic Series of Yale University). Attention is called to the changes in the schedule for LANGUAGE, which is effective with the beginning of 1936. The Chairman takes pleasure in expressing his thanks to members of the Society, other than those on the Committee, for assistance rendered. Above all, he is grateful to Professor Roland G. Kent, who has been even for him unusually helpful. Prof. E. H. Sturtevant, for the Standing Committee on Research (E. H. Sturtevant, Chairman, term expiring Feb. 1, 1937; G. M. Bolling, term expiring Feb. 1, 1936; F. Edgerton, term expiring Feb. 1, 1938) presented the following report, which was ordered to be received and filed: Your Committee has to report that the one application which it presented to the American Council of Learned Societies in 1924 (see Lang. 11.62) was not granted. During 1935 such projects as were laid before the Committee have been considered, but no recommendations have been made. Prof. E. H. Sturtevant, for the Committee on the Linguistic Institute (C. C. Fries, Chairman; R. G. Kent, E. H. Sturtevant, N. L. Willey, W. H. Worrell), called attention to the paragraph about the Linguistic Institute in the report of the Executive Committee, and moved that the Executive Committee be authorized to arrange a session of the Linguistic Institute in 1937. The motion was seconded and carried. Prof. E. H. Sturtevant, for the Delegates to the American Council of Learned Societies (E. H. Sturtevant, E. Prokosch), presented the following report, which was ordered to be received and filed: The annual meeting of the American Council of Learned Societies was held in Boston, February 1-2, 1935. The Linguistic Society of America was represented by its two delegates, Eduard Prokosch and E. H. Sturtevant, and by its secretary. During the year the following projects of importance to linguistic science were supported by the Council: The Linguistic Atlas of the United States and Canada, a project of the Council; research in American Indian languages, a project of the Council; the Middle English Dictionary, a project of the University of Michigan; a Descriptive Grammar of English, a project of Yale University; study of the non-Aryan languages of India, a project of Yale University. The Council is prepared to extend aid to the publication of books in the field of the humanities, including linguistic science. Applications must be presented to the Council by March 1, 1935. If application is made by the Linguistic Society, the manuscript should be in the hands of the Committee on Research not later than February 1. For the Delegates (H. Kurath, M. B. Emeneau) to the Second International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, held at London, July 22-26 1935, Prof. Kurath reported that his detailed report would be printed in the Miscellanea of LANGUAGE XII, No. 1; and the Secretary presented the report sent in by Dr. Emeneau, and handed it to the Editor, for publication in the same place. For the Delegates (W. F. Albright, N. J. Reich) to the International Congress of Orientalists, held at Rome, September 23-29, 1935, the Secretary presented Prof. Reich's report, as follows: Both delegates attended the sessions and the receptions of the XIXth International Congress of Orientalists at Rome, Sept. 23-8, 1935, and both presented papers in their respective fields. Several other American scholars also were in attendance. The Congress was mostly conducted in specialized sections, which prevented any one scholar from hearing a great percentage of the papers. Many of the papers dealt with linguistic problems, of great interest, and will be accessible in full or in abstract in the published Proceedings. The President announced that at an earlier date he had appointed as Committee to Nominate Officers for 1936 the following: Edwin B. Williams, Chairman; Edward P. Davis, J. Whatmough. Prof. Davis informally presented the report of the Committee on Nominations, and the President invited nominations from the floor; there being none, the report was filed for action at the Saturday morning session. The President announced the Committee to report on Phonetics Courses: M. L. Hanley, Chairman; R. H. Stetson, J. S. Kenyon. The President appointed as Committee on Resolutions J. Whatmough and Miss L. Haessler. Dr. Swadesh called attention to the need for cooperation in bibliographies, especially in linguistic bibliographies, so as to cover the field completely, and also to eliminate needless bibliographies and those of poor quality. There being no further business, the reading of papers was commenced: Prof. Edwin C. Roedder, of City College (New York City): Gothic gasaihwan, a study in Germanic synonyms. Discussion by Mr. Porterfield. Prof. Albrecht Götze, of Yale University: The t-Form of the Akkadian Verb. Discussion by Messrs. Ward, Speiser, Rice, Faye. Prof. Edward H. Sehrt, of George Washington University: The Old High German Verbal Ending -mês. (Presented by title only, in the absence of the author.) Prof. C. C. Rice, of Catawba College (Salisbury, N. C.): Hispanic Etymologies. Discussion by Mr. Bolling. Prof. Luise Haessler, of Brooklyn College: Middle High German houbetstat. Prof. Ephraim Cross, of City College (New York City): Some Obscure Romance Etymologies explained by contamination or analogy. Discussion by Mr. Olli. Prof. Charles Barrett Brown, of Vanderbilt University: Homo as an Indeterminate Pronoun. Discussion by Messrs. Rice, Cross, Miss Hahn, Messrs. Roedder, Trager. Prof. E. A. Speiser, of the University of Pennsylvania: The Name Polvikes. Discussion by Messrs. Whorf, Kent, Whatmough, Faye. Adjournment was taken at 12.45 P.M. The Fourth Session of the Linguistic Society was held on the afternoon of Friday, December 27, in the College Hall of the Hotel Astor. President Bloomfield called the meeting to order at 2.23 P.M. About 100 persons were present at the session. The reading of papers was at once begun: Mr. John Phelps, of Baltimore: Indo-European Initial sl. Discussion by Messrs. Buck, Scherer, Raymond, Paschall. Prof. Kemp Malone, of The Johns Hopkins University: Phonemes and Phonemic Correlations in Current English. Discussion by Messrs. Swadesh, Bloch. Prof. Franklin Egerton, of Yale University: Notes on the Inflections of Buddhistic Hybrid Sanskrit. Discussion by Messrs. Cross, Kurath. Dr. Bernard Bloch, of Brown University: On the Interpretation of the Dr. Ruth E. Moore Bechtel, of Chicago: The Messapic klaohizis Formula. Discussion by Messrs. Edgerton, Sturtevant, Whatmough, Gray, Buck. Adjournment was taken at 5.00 P.M. A joint dinner of the Linguistic Society of America, the American Philological Association, and the Archaeological Institute of America, was held at half-past seven o'clock on the evening of Friday, December 27, in the North Ballroom of the Hotel Astor. About 400 persons were present. President Ullman of the Philological Association presided and introduced the speakers: Prof. Wilbert L. Carr, of Columbia University, for the Local Committee. Prof. Miles L. Hanley, of the University of Wisconsin, for the Linguistic Society. Prof. Arthur S. Pease, of Harvard University, for the Philological Association. Prof. George H. Chase, of Harvard University, for the Archaeological Institute. Prof. Carl W. Blegen, of the University of Cincinnati, the main speaker of the evening, on The University of Cincinnati Excavations at Troy. The Fifth Session of the Linguistic Society was held on the morning of Saturday, December 28, in the College Hall of the Hotel Astor. The Secretary called the meeting to order at 9.35 A.M. Prof. L. C. Barret, of the Executive Committee, presided during the first paper, and President Bloomfield presided during the remainder of the session. About 80 persons were present at the meeting. The reading of papers was at once begun: Mr. B. L. Whorf, of Wethersfield, Conn.: The Punctual and Segmentative Aspects of Verbs in Hopi. Discussion by Messrs. Kent, Senn, Trager, Cross, Kerns. Prof. George S. Lane, of the Catholic University of America: A Ques- Prof. E. H. Sturtevant, of Yale University: Some Hittite Etymologies. Prof. E. Adelaide Hahn, of Hunter College: The Origin of the Conjunctions Greek (örı), Latin quod, Hittite kwit. Discussion by Mr. Kellogg. Dr. Eva Fiesel, of Yale University: The Interpretation of an Etruscan Inscription. The following papers were presented by title only: Prof. Frank R. Blake, of The Johns Hopkins University: A Scientific Synthesis of Individual Languages. Prof. Frank R. Blake, of The Johns Hopkins University: The Necessity for a new Comparative Grammar of the Semitic Languages. Dr. Stanley S. Newman, of Yale University: A Description of Stress Accents in Modern English. Prof. Harold D. Rose, of Bowling Green State University (Ohio): Wanted, A Semantic 'Alphabet'. Prof. Carl Selmer, of Hunter College: The Pobleto Catalan Ms. (16th Century), a translation of the lost Latin Narbonne Ms. of the Regula S. Benedicti. Prof. Frederick H. Wilkens, of New York University: The Stimmsprung of Sievers's Schallanalyse. |