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The report of the Trustees of the Endowment Fund is here appended:

The Trustees of the Endowment Fund report that during the year 1935 the sum of $85.00 has been received for the Endowment Fund of the Society, as Life Membership Fee of John Kepke; and that this sum has been placed in the Five Thousand Dollar United States Treasury Bond, due 1951-55, releasing the same amount of current funds used in the purchase of this bond in 1933. The $5000 Bond is held by the First National Bank of Philadelphia, Centennial Branch, for the Trustees, subject to withdrawal by the Treasurer acting with one other Trustee.

The Endowment Funds are therefore as follows: Linguistic Society of America...

Linguistic Institute....

$1104.00 $2092.00

The funds are thus invested:

1 $5000 Three per cent United States Treasury Bond, 1951-55, purchased for.....

This Bond therefore includes $1741.50 of current funds.


The treasurer reports the receipt of the interest due on this Bond, and that the proportionate part, $64.42, has been placed to the credit of the Linguistic Institute.

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President Bloomfield announced that he had previously appointed as Auditors Mr. Odgers and Mrs. Fleet, and in that they had already examined the accounts and the report of the Treasurer for the period Dec. 22, 1934, to Dec. 21, 1935, and found them correct; whereupon on motion the report of the Treasurer was adopted.

On behalf of the Executive Committee, the Secretary presented the following report:

During the year the Executive Committee, acting by correspondence, fixed the time and place of the present meeting, elected to membership several lists of nominees published in LANGUAGE as elected in 1935, and arranged the program of the present meeting.

The President appointed Professor Franklin Edgerton to succeed himself on the Standing Committee on Research, for a term of three years, ending February 1, 1938; appointed Dr. Earle B. Babcock to represent the Society at the Second Congress of the Association Guillaume Budé, held at Nice, in Easter Week; appointed Professor Hans Kurath and Dr. Murray B. Emeneau as delegates of the Society at the Second International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, held at London, July 22-26; and appointed Professor W. F. Albright and Professor N. J. Reich as delegates of the Society at the Nineteenth International Congress of Orientalists, held at Rome, September 23-28. Dr. Babcock, we regret to report, died shortly before the Congress took place to which he was delegated; but the other delegates were able to attend the respective Congresses.

With the proposal of a revived Linguistic Institute under the leadership of Professor C. C. Fries, of the University of Michigan, the President of the Society, acting under the authority of the Society's vote on December 30, 1933 (see LANGUAGE 10.80), appointed as a Committee of the Society the following: C. C. Fries, Chairman; R. G. Kent, E. H. Sturtevant, N. L. Willey, W. H. Worrell.

The Executive Committee, with the Committee on Publications, met on Thursday, December 26, at 10.00 P.M., in Rooms C-D of the Hotel Astor (eighth floor). Present, President Bloomfield, presiding, and Messrs. Barret, Bolling, Kent; also, by invitation, Messrs. Bassett, Edgerton, Mrs. Fleet, Mr. Götze, Miss Hahn, Messrs. Hanley, Kurath, Nordmeyer, Oldfather, Roedder, Senn, E. H. Sturtevant, Swadesh, Trager.

The reports of the Secretary, of the Treasurer, of the Editor, of the Chairman of the Standing Committee on Research, of the Delegates to the American Council of Learned Societies, and of the Delegates to the International Congresses were informally presented and their contents considered. Additional nominees for membership in the Society were elected.

In accord with its announced intention (see LANGUAGE 11.60), the Executive Committee recommends the adoption of the following amendment to the Constitution of the Society (printed in LANGUAGE 8.78-80):

Insert in the Constitution in Article 2, between Sections 5 and 6 a new Section 6, as follows, renumbering the old Section 6 and later Sections accordingly: Any active member who has retired from the active exercise of teaching or other profession may, on the recommendation of the Executive Committee and the vote of the Society, be relieved from further payment of annual dues without loss of any of the privileges of active membership.

In case of the adoption of this amendment, the Executive Committee recommends that Francis A. Wood, Professor Emeritus of the University of Chicago, be exempted from payment of dues, beginning with the year 1936.

The Executive Committee considered a number of nominations for Honorary Membership, and in accordance with Article II, Section 7 of the Constitution (as numbered after the recommended amendment), it recommends that

Prof. Dr. J. Endzelin, of Riga, Latvia

Dr. Daniel Jones, of London, England

be elected to Honorary Membership.

Prof. E. H. Sturtevant, for the Committee on the Linguistic Institute, in the absence of the Chairman, Prof. C. C. Fries, reported that in April 1935 he and the Secretary of the Society had conferred at Ann Arbor with Prof. Fries and others on the subject of a revived Linguistic Institute; that as a result the Committee has been appointed by the President of the Society, and that the same persons, with the addition of the Director of the Summer School, had been named as a Committee by the University of Michigan; that arrangements were now in progress for a Linguistic Institute in the summer of 1936, with a large number of courses in languages, offered by the local Faculty and two scholars invited from outside, H. Keniston and E. H. Sturtevant, and that others were to be invited; that there was a probability that a series of public lectures on linguistic topics would be given by faculty members and invited scholars. The Executive Committee recommends that a sum not exceeding $300.00, of the current funds of the Linguistic Institute, be placed at the disposal of the Committee, to pay the expense of bringing lecturers to Ann Arbor to give public lectures on linguistic subjects.

On the proposal of Prof. M. L. Hanley, the Executive Committee recommends that the President of the Society be authorized to appoint a Committee of three, to make a written report to the Executive Committee before the next

meeting of the Society, on the present status of college and university courses announced under the name of Phonetics, this to be done in conference with similar committees appointed by other associations.

Dr. George Nordmeyer presented a plan for an annual bibliography of linguistic studies published by American scholars and by scholars resident in the United States and Canada. The Executive Committee recommends that a Committee of three, consisting of the Editor, the Secretary, and Dr. Nordmeyer, be appointed to consider the project, and to put it into effect if it approves itself to them, and involves no expense other than that of printing, within the limits for which the Treasurer certifies that funds are available.

The Executive Committee recommends that the Treasurer be authorized to include in the next price-list of the Society's publications Prof. Hanley's Linguistic Records Nos. 1 and 2 (on Zulu Phonetics), and any other similar linguistic phonographic records which have been scientifically prepared.

The Executive Committee considered a number of other matters, which did not seem however to require formal action.

The Executive Committee asks that the Society express its approval of these actions and recommendations.

The report was ordered to be received and filed.

On motion, the amendment to the Constitution was adopted.

On motion, under the terms of the newly adopted Article II, Section 6, Professor Emeritus Francis A. Wood was relieved of the payment of dues to the treasury of the Society.

On motion, Prof. J. Endzelin and Dr. Daniel Jones were elected to Honorary Membership in the Society.

On motion, a sum of not exceeding $300.00 of the current funds of the Linguistic Institute was placed at the disposal of the Committee on the Linguistic Institute, to pay the expense of bringing lecturers to Ann Arbor to give public lectures on linguistic subjects.

On motion, the President of the Society was authorized to appoint a Committee of three, to make a written report to the Executive Committee before the next meeting of the Society, on the present status of college and university courses announced under the name of Phonetics, this to be done in conference with similar committees appointed by other associations.

On motion, it was voted to appoint a Committee of three, consisting of the Editor, the Secretary, and Dr. George Nordmeyer, to consider the project of a linguistic bibliography of the work of American scholars and scholars resident in the United States and Canada; the Executive Committee's recommendation being amended by the omission of its remaining provisions.

On motion, the Treasurer was authorized to include in the price-list

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