(1, 9, 13) Herbert Gordon Hamme, M.A., Assistant Professor of Romanic Lan- (2, 22, 26, 32) Rachel Sargent Harris, M.A., 29 Summer St., Haverhill, Mass.; graduate student at Brown Univ., and Field-Worker on the Linguistic Atlas. (2, 24, 25, 26, 32) Abraham Holtz, B.A., 1642 Lexington Ave., New York City. (3, 7) Anton Michael Huffert, 15-11 125th St., College Point, Queens, New York City; student at City College of New York. (20) Martin Joos, Alma Center, Wisconsin; Field-Worker on the Linguistic Atlas. (2, 22, 26) Esther R. Keck, M.A., 352 Argyle Rd., Brooklyn, New York; Assistant Instructor in English, Univ. of Wisconsin. (2, 24, 25, 26, 32) James Alexander Kerns, M.A., 54 New St., Dover, New Jersey; Instructor in Latin, Washington Square College, New York Univ. (28) Hans Kurath, Ph.D., Professor of German and Linguistics, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. (2) Mrs. Cecyl Bancroft Lovejoy, M.A., Cambridge School of Drama, Cambridge, Mass.; Instructor in English and Speech, Univ. of Hawaii. (1, 24, 25, 26) Guy Sumner Lowman Jr., Ph.D., 2115 Bascom Place, Madison, Wisconsin; Sterling Fellow, Yale Univ. (2, 26) Barbara Philippa McCarthy, Ph.D., Horton House, Wellesley, Mass.; Instructor in Greek, Wellesley College. (6) Hermann Meier, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of German, Drew Univ., Madison, N. J. (17, 22, 27) Edmund E. Miller, M.A., 205 Flower Ave., Takoma Park, D.C.; Instructor in Modern Languages, Univ. of Delaware. (17, 18, 19, 22) Jesse Mintus, B.A., 1142 Colgate Ave., New York City; graduate student at Columbia Univ. (3) Joshua H. Neumann, Ph.D., 366 New York Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.; Instructor at Brooklyn College. (18) B. J. Olli, Ph.D., 235 W. 107th St., New York City; Instructor in German, College of the City of New York. (2, 13, 15, 18, 22) Anders Orbeck, Ph.D., Professor of English, Univ. of Rochester, Rochester, N. Y. (2, 21, 25) (7, 17) Mario A. Pei, B.A., 502 W. 139th St., New York City; Instructor in Romance Languages, College of the City of New York. (1, 5, 8) Richard Grier Peoples, B.A., Hon. LL.D., Instructor in Latin at (5, 27, 28) James Frederick Rettger, B.A., 340 Ogden St., New Haven, Conn.; graduate student in English, Yale Univ. Charles Cassil Reynard, B.A., Hiram, Ohio; Linguistic Atlas. (2, 24, 25, 26) Field-Worker on the (2, 25, 26, 32) Carlton Cosmo Rice, Ph.D., Professor of Romance Languages, Catawba College, Salisbury, N. C. (2, 4, 13, 14) (2, 13, 14) (13, 14) H. B. Richardson, Ph.D., 50 Pendleton St., New Haven, Conn.; Associate Professor of French, Yale Univ. Louis Sass, M.A., 199 Hendrix St., Brooklyn, New York; Instructor in French, College of the City of New York. Marie Helena Schnieders, M.A., 1680 First Ave., New York City; graduate student at Bryn Mawr College. (3) Frederick S. Sethur, M.A., 1317 Prospect Ave., New York City; Assistant at New York Univ. (21, 22) Madeleine Irène Séverac, 136 West Fourth St., New York City; Instructor in French at Kent Place School, Summit, N. J. (4, 5) Michael Solomon, M.A., 1160 Cromwell Ave., New York City; First Assistant, Classical Languages, DeWitt Clinton High School. (1) Rose C. Stern, M. A., 2355 Morris Ave., Bronx, New York; Teacher of Stenography and Typewriting, Walton High School. (31) (31) Nolan Thorpe, B.S.S., 961 East 26th St., Brooklyn, New York. (3, 27, 29) Lorenzo Dow Turner, Ph.D., Professor of English at Fisk Univ., Nashville, Tenn. (2) Joseph Walker, B.A., 2319 Loring Place, Bronx, New York; graduate student at College of the City of New York and Columbia Univ. (3) William L. Wengraf, 4611 Fifteenth Ave., Brooklyn, New York. (21, 22) Miguel Zapata y Torres, Ph.D., 87 Round Hill, Northampton, Mass.; Associate Professor of Spanish Language and Literature, Smith College. (1, 3) Rose Zeitlin, B.A., 200 W. 109th St., New York City; Instructor in English, Junior High School 37, Bronx. (24) THE COURSES OF THE LINGUISTIC INSTITUTE 1. Introduction to Linguistic Science. MR. STURTEVANT. Registrants: Miss Burke, Mr. Hamme, Mrs. Lovejoy, Mr. Peoples, Mr. Solomon, Mr. Zapata. 2. Les Problèmes de la Préparation d'un Atlas Linguistique. M. JUD ET M. SCHEUERMEIER. Registrants: Mr. Bloch, Miss Gibson, Mr. Hanley, Miss Harris, Mr. Joos, Miss Keck, Mr. Kurath, Mr. Lowman, Mr. Olli, Mr. Orbeck, Mr. Rettger, Mr. Reynard, Mr. Rice, Mr. Richardson, Mr. Turner. 3. Sanskrit. MR. EDGERTON. Registrants: Mr. Beecher, Miss Hahn, Mr. Holtz, Mr. Mintus, Miss Schnieders, Mr. Tucker, Mr. Walker, Mr. Zapata. 4. Advanced Sanskrit. MR. EDGERTON. Registrants: Mr. Rice, Miss Séverac. 5. Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin. MR. BOLLING. Registrants: Mr. Beecher, Mr. Doolittle, Miss Hahn, Mr. Peoples, Mr. Raymond, Miss Séverac. 6. The Language of the Homeric Poems. MR. BOLLING. Registrants: Miss Byrne, Miss McCarthy. 7. Oscan and Umbrian. MR. CARRUTHERS. Registrants: Mr. Holtz, Mr. Pei. 8. History of the Latin Language. MR. CARRUTHERS. Registrants: Miss Doolittle, Mr. Peoples. 9. Readings in Vulgar Latin. MR. RICHARDSON. Registrants: Miss Fowler, Mr. Hamme. 10. The Phonology and Morphology of Vulgar Latin; course withdrawn because of the illness of the instructor. 11. Old French; course withdrawn because of the illness of the instructor. 12. Old Spanish. MR. RICHARDSON. Registrants: none. 13. Histoire de la Langue Française. M. FOUCHÉ. Registrants: Miss Galloway, Mr. Hamme, Mr. Olli, Mr. Rice, Mr. Richardson, Mr. Sass. 14. Le Français Populaire et les Patois. M. FOUCHÉ. Registrants: Mr. Rice, Mr. Richardson, Mr. Sass. 15. Old and Middle Irish. MR. DUNN. Registrant: Mr. Olli. 16. Brythonic. MR. DUNN. Registrants: none. 17. Gothic, together with the Elements of Comparative Germanic Grammar. MR. COLLITZ. Registrants: Miss Cornelius, Mr. Eickmann, Mr. Gerberich, Mr. Meier, Mr. Miller, Mr. Pei. 18. Old Norse. MR. SEHRT. Registrants: Miss Dunham, Mr. Gerberich, Mr. Miller, Mr. Neumann, Mr. Olli. 19. Old Saxon. MR. SEHRT. Registrants: Mr. Gerberich, Mr. Miller. 20. Middle High German. MR. ROEDDER. Registrant: Mr. Huffert. 21. History of the German Language. MR. ROEDDER. Registrants: Mr. Beecher, Mr. Orbeck, Mr. Sethur, Mr. Wengraf. 22. German Morphology. MR. PROKOSCH. Registrants: Mr. Bloch, Miss Dunham, Mr. Eickmann, Mr. Gerberich, Mr. Hanley, Mr. Joos, Mr. Meier, Mr. Miller, Mr. Olli, Mr. Sethur, Mr. Wengraf. 23. Old English. MR. ORBECK. Registrant: Mr. Gerberich. 24. History of the English Language. MR. ALEXANDER. Registrants: Mr. Beath, Mr. Bloch, Mr. Eickmann, Miss Harris, Miss Keck, Mrs. Lovejoy, Mr. Rettger, Miss Zeitlin. 25. Modern British and American Pronunciation. MR. ALEXANDER. Registrants: Mr. Beath, Mr. Bloch, Miss Harris, Miss Keck, Mrs. Lovejoy, Mr. Orbeck, Mr. Rettger, Mr. Reynard. 26. History of American Pronunciation. Mr. Orbeck. Registrants: Mr. Beath, Mr. Bloch, Mr. Hanley, Miss Harris, Mr. Joos, Miss Keck, Mrs. Lovejoy, Mr. Lowman, Mr. Rettger, Mr. Reynard. 27. Church Slavonic. MR. SENN. Registrants: Mr. Meier, Mr. Raymond, Mr. Tucker. 28. Comparative Grammar of the Baltic Languages. MR. SENN. Registrants: Mr. Kerns, Mr. Raymond. 29. Hittite. MR. STURTEVANT. Registrants: Miss Hahn, Mr. Tucker. 30. Comparative Grammar of the Semitic Languages. MR. MARCUS. Registrants: none. 31. Hebrew. MR. MARCUS. Registrants: Miss Stern, Mr. Thorpe. [32. English Phonetics. MR. GREET, at Columbia University. Registrants (from the Linguistic Institute): Mr. Beath, Mr. Bloch, Mr. Hanley, Miss Harris, Miss Keck, Mr. Reynard.] |