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primarily to linguistic scholars. Nevertheless the lectures are likely to interest any person with an elementary knowledge of the method of the science. All who care to attend will be welcome. The lectures will be delivered at eight P.M. on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from July 2 to Aug. 2 inclusive, in the Faculty Room in the Main Building of The College of the City of New York, 139th St. and Convent Ave.

Courses: Classes will meet five times a week. Two courses are expected to occupy a student's entire time, although no limit is set upon attendance provided full tuition be paid. From the descriptions printed below, students can probably determine which courses they can pursue most profitably, but the Director will be glad to confer about the matter by letter. Courses marked with an asterisk require no previous training in linguistic science, but they are of strictly graduate character.

Credit: It is the practice of the graduate schools to give credit for work done in the Linguistic Institute upon the terms that apply to work done in other graduate schools. Credit cannot in any case be secured for more than two courses in a single session.

Fees: The tuition fees to be charged during the session of 1931 will be $25 for one course and $50 for two or more courses, except that lecturers in the Institute and teachers in The College of the City of New York will be charged no more than $25. The only other fee will be the Summer Session registration and library fee of the College, which amounts to $2.50.

Books: Since most of the required books are not kept in stock by the bookstores, students should order them at least three weeks ahead, and foreign books should be ordered six weeks ahead. They may be ordered through the Cooperative Store of The College of the City of New York, Convent Avenue and 139th Street, New York City. Foreign books may be ordered from Ephraim Cross, 1847 University Avenue, Bronx, New York City; from G. E. Stechert and Co., 31 East 10th Street, New York City; from B. Westermann Co. Inc., 13 West 46th St., New York City; from A. Bruderhausen, 47 West 47th Street, New York City: from E. Steiger and Co., 49 Murray Street, New York City.

Living Arrangements: Rooms in the neighborhood of the College are to be had at a wide range of prices, beginning quite as low as in smaller towns. Inquiries should be addressed to Mr. A. L. Rose, Placement Bureau, The College of the City of New York, Convent Avenue and 139th Street, New York City. It is suggested that inquirers indicate the approximate prices which they care to pay.

There are many restaurants near the College, where meals are served at moderate rates.

Registration: Students may register in advance by mail, or at the opening of the session, in the office of the Summer Session, in the Main Building of The College of the City of New York.

Address: Inquiries should be addressed to the Director of the Linguistic Institute, Box 1899 Yale Station, New Haven, Conn., or to the Director of the Summer Session, The College of the City of New York, Convent Avenue and 139th Street, New York City.


It is hoped soon to announce one or two additional courses,
to be conducted by a distinguished French scholar.

For the meaning of * before the title of a course, see page 6, under Courses.

*Introduction to Linguistic Science. Mr. Sturtevant.-The origin of the science, and some of its chief results. Phonetic law: its importance and some suggested explanations. Analogy: contamination, analogical creation, analogy in syntax. Other changes of form. Change of vocabulary, including word-formation. Change of meaning. A survey of the known languages.

Les Problèmes de la Préparation d'un Atlas Linguistique. M. Jud et M. Scheuermeier.-Exposé critique des méthodes et du but des atlas publiés ou en publication. Différences entre l'atlas et les dictionnaires. Les préparatifs d'un atlas. L'enquête sur les lieux. Classification et coördination des matériaux recueillis. Résultats linguistiques. Conférences par M. Jud et exercices pratiques donnés par M. Scheuermeier sur la base du questionnaire du Sprach- und Sachatlas Italiens und der Südschweiz, dont une copie sera remise aux participants.

*Sanskrit. Mr. Edgerton.-Elements of the grammar. Lectures on the phonology and morphology from the historic and comparative standpoint. Analysis of easy texts. Text-books: Whitney, Sanskrit Grammar, 2d ed., Leipzig and Boston; Lanman, Sanskrit Reader, Boston.

Advanced Sanskrit. Mr. Edgerton.-For students who have some knowledge of Sanskrit (as much as can be acquired in thirty lessons) and wish further practice in reading and analysis of texts. Unless students presenting themselves prefer to read some other text, the Bhagavad Gita will be studied. Any edition will suffice; that of W. D. P. Hill (with translation; Oxford Univ. Press) is easily accessible. It would be desirable that students should own or borrow some Sanskrit dictionary; if not that of Monier-Williams (most complete, but expensive), then that of Macdonell (both Oxford Univ. Press). Besides drill in Sanskrit grammar and in Indo-European etymology, the course will attempt to provide an introduction to the philosophic and religious thought of India.

*Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin. Mr. Bolling.-An introduction to the study of Indo-European languages by the comparative method. The topic under discussion will be the consonants of Greek and Latin. The aim of the course is to initiate students into investigation of this type; but, as nothing is more helpful to them than seeing such work actually in progress, more advanced registrants will be welcome. They will have opportunity to discuss the problems in which they are interested and to present such conclusions as they may reach. Registrants should be able to read German and French works bearing upon the subject, and should have a knowledge of Greek and Latin. Registrants will do well to provide themselves with one or more of the following books: Hirt, Handbuch der Griechischen Laut- und Formenlehre, 2nd ed., Heidelberg (1912); F. Sommer, Handbuch der Lateinischen Laut- und Formenlehre, 2nd ed., Heidelberg (1914); A. Meillet and J. Vendryes, Traité de Grammaire Comparée des Langues Classiques, Paris (1924).

The Language of the Homeric Poems. Mr. Bolling.-The course will consist partly of lectures and partly of a linguistic discussion of some portion of the poems in the manner of E. Hermann, Sprachwissenschaftlicher Kommentar zu ausgewählten Stücken aus Homer, Heidelberg (1914). Special problems for investigation will be assigned to such students as desire them, and opportunity will be given for the presentation and criticism of the results attained. Students will be expected to be able to read the Homeric dialect, and also scientific German and French. Students should own a text of the poems, preferably Ludwich, Homeri Carmina, Leipzig (1889-1907).

Oscan and Umbrian. Mr. Carruthers.-A study of the phonology, morphology, and syntax of the principal Italic dialects (apart from Latin), followed by the reading and interpretation of the more important inscriptional remains of each dialect. Text-book: C. D. Buck, A Grammar of Oscan and Umbrian, revised edition, Boston (1930).

*History of the Latin Language. Mr. Carruthers.-A historical survey of the grammatical development of Latin (phonology, morphology, syntax, and vocabulary) from the earliest times, and of the geographical extension of Latin in Western Europe. The different stages of growth and dialectal tendencies will be treated briefly. Text-books: F. Stolz, Geschichte der Lateinischen Sprache, 2nd ed., revised by A. Debrunner, Leipzig (1922); R. S. Conway, The Making of Latin, London (1923); W. M. Lindsay, Short Historical Latin Grammar, 2nd ed., Oxford (1915). *The Phonology and Morphology of Vulgar Latin. Mr. Müller.The development of popular Latin will be traced in texts written in

various localities of the Roman Empire. This course may advantageously be taken in connection with the course next listed, although it may also be followed separately. Prerequisites: a knowledge of Latin and a reading knowledge of German. Text-books: C. H. Grandgent, An Introduction to Vulgar Latin, Boston (1907); W. Meyer-Lübke, Einführung in das Studium der Romanischen Sprachwissenschaft, 3d ed., Heidelberg (1920); W. Heraeus, Silviae vel Potius Aetheriae Peregrinatio ad Loca Sancta, 3d ed., Heidelberg (1928); M. Niedermann, Proben aus der Sogenannten Mulomedicina Chironis, Heidelberg (1910); H. Morf, Auswahl aus den Werken des Gregor von Tours, Heidelberg (1922).

*Readings in Vulgar Latin. Mr. Richardson.-A careful reading of selected texts with observation of the linguistic phenomena underlying the development of the Romance languages. This course may advantageously be taken in connection with the preceding course, although it may also be followed separately. Text-books: W. Heraeus, Silviae vel Potius Aetheriae Peregrinatio ad Loca Sancta, 3d ed., Heidelberg (1928); H. Morf, Auswahl aus den Werken des Gregor von Tours, Heidelberg (1922); J. Pirson, Merowingische und Karolingische Formulare, Heidelberg (1913).

Old French. Mr. Müller.-The phonology, morphology, and syntax of Old French will be studied, attention being given to the dialectic peculiarities of certain texts, and to the influence of local dialects upon the literary language. Prerequisite: a reading knowledge of German. Text-books: Schwan-Behrens, Grammatik des Altfranzösischen, 11th ed., Leipzig (1919); H. Suchier, Die Französische und Provenzalische Sprache, 2nd ed., Strassburg (1906); Bartsch-Wiese, Chrestomathie de l'Ancien Français, 12th ed., Leipzig (1920); G. Wacker, Ueber das Verhältniss von Dialekt und Schriftsprache im Altfranzösischen, Halle (1916).

Old Spanish. Mr. Richardson.-A study of Spanish historical grammar with readings from the Cid and Juan Ruiz. Text-books: Menéndez Pidal, Manual Elemental de Gramática Histórica Española, 5th ed., Madrid (1925); Menéndez Pidal, Poema del Cid (in Clásicos Castellanos, la Lectura), Madrid (1913); Juan Ruiz, Libro de Buen Amor, ed. J. Cejador (in Clásicos Castellanos, la Lectura), Madrid (1913).

*Old and Middle Irish. Mr. Dunn.-The course will serve as an introduction to Celtic Philology and will consist of an outline of the grammar and a study of the glosses, of some Ogham inscriptions, and of selections from early literary texts. Text-books: J. Pokorny, A Historical Reader of Old Irish, Halle (1923); G. Dottin, Manuel d'Irlandais Moyen, 2 vols., Paris (1913); J. Strachan, Stories from the Táin, 2nd ed., Dublin (1928).

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