Linguistic Institute and for other publicity, and made a small allowance for the expenses of the Director of the Institute. Thanks are due to the College authorities also for their generosity in purchasing for their Library many books needed chiefly for the work of the Institute, and to New York University for the loan of important works from its Library. The other New York libraries also assisted materially by allowing the members of the Institute to use their facilities. The fees paid by the students, which naturally went direct to the City College, were, in addition to the regular fee of $2.50 for Summer Session registration and Library privileges, a fee of $25 for one course and of $50 for two or more courses; but the maximum fee for courses which was charged against teachers in the Institute and in the City College was $25, irrespective of the number of courses attended. The Director presented a report upon the Linguistic Institute 1929 to the Linguistic Society of America at its annual business session, held at Cleveland on December 30, 1929, and his report, which included the plan to hold the Third Session at the College of the City of New York, was received and accepted. The Society then confirmed the action of the Executive Committee in authorizing a Third Session of the Linguistic Institute, and gave to the Executive Committee power to authorize a Fourth Session if that should seem desirable. The Society confirmed the Executive Committee's appointment of Professor Edwin C. Roedder of the College of the City of New York to a position on the Administrative Committee of the Institute, and also approved the plan of the Director to establish an Endowment Fund, the income of which should be available for the current expenses of the Institute. Tentative arrangements with members of the Faculty, made in the preceding months, were now confirmed. The Announcement of the Linguistic Institute 1930, which is Bulletin No. 5 of the Linguistic Society, was distributed in March to members and subscribers of the Linguistic Society, and somewhat later over 7000 copies were sent out by the College of the City of New York. The announcement was repeated in the City College's own Bulletin of Courses of the Summer Session 1930, pages 6 and 42-8. Largely through the efforts of Professor Edward Prokosch of Yale University, President of the Linguistic Society of America, several lectureships of $500 each were founded by individuals and societies. Mr. F. W. Lafrentz established a Lectureship in Old Saxon and Old Frisian; the Germanistic Society of New York established a Lectureship in Old High German; Mr. Ludwig Vogelstein established a Lectureship in Semitics. Lastly, Mr. Albert Blum presented the same sum for a Lectureship to be filled by a French scholar, without designation of the special linguistic field. Obviously the French Lectureship stipend was inadequate without a traveling allowance; but President Robinson promptly and generously made a suitable appropriation from the funds budgeted for the Institute. The four Lectureships were filled as follows: Frank Ringgold Blake, Ludwig Vogelstein Lecturer in Semitics. Jules Marouzeau, Albert Blum French Lecturer. Edward Prokosch, F. W. Lafrentz Lecturer in Old Saxon and Old Frisian. Edwin C. Roedder, Germanistic Society Lecturer in Old High German. Of these appointees, one was an addition to the Faculty which had been announced in Bulletin No. 5: namely Jules Marouzeau, Professeur de Langue et Littérature Latine at the Faculté des Lettres of the University of Paris, and Directeur d'Etudes at the Ecole Pratique des Hautes-Etudes, who arranged to offer a two-hour course, in French, on the following subject: LA LANGUE ET LE STYLE LATINS: I. Les sons du latin. Nature, évolution, tendances. Leur qualité, leur valeur expressive. Accent, quantité, et intonation. II. Les mots. Formation et évolution. Les vicissitudes du vocabulaire latin. Sens, emploi, qualité des mots. Mots vides et mots pleins, intellectuels et affectifs. Doublets et synonymes. III. La phrase. Diverses formes de l'énoncé: groupe, proposition, période. Phrase analytique et phrase synthétique, phrase inorganique et phrase rythmique. Ordre des mots. IV. Le vers. Rapports de la phrase et du vers. Types et clichés. Adaptation des sons et des mots à la forme métrique, rythmique, mélodique. V. Vue d'ensemble sur le développement du latin considéré comme 'Kunstsprache.' There was only one other change in the teaching force, the withdrawal of Professor Ephraim A. Speiser, of the University of Pennsylvania, who was obliged to go abroad before the opening of the Institute. His course in Sumerian was withdrawn, and his course on Comparative Grammar of the Semitic Languages was taken over by Professor Blake, in addition to the two which he had already planned; a slight increase in his stipend was made by the City College in view of his cooperation in a difficult situation. The Session was opened on Monday, July 7. The headquarters of the Institute were in Room 209, Main Building, College of the City of New York, 139th Street and Convent Avenue, with the lectures in neighboring rooms. The attendance was better than for either previous session, with sixty students registering and only two courses not elected. The statistics for the three sessions of the Institute are as follows: As in previous years, one of the most valuable features of the session consisted of numerous informal discussions of linguistic problems, and in these visiting scholars who were not members of the Institute frequently participated. The evening lectures also were again a regular part of the session; they were well attended, and were followed by vigorous discussion. The Session came to a close on Friday, August 15, and was pronounced by all a distinct success. The financial report of the Director, given on page 15, shows only the items received and disbursed by the Director of the Institute; the main items were cared for by the College of the City of New York under the agreement with that institution. For purposes of record, it might be noted that the stipends of the teachers amounted to $8100, and that the receipts from fees of students were $2250 and from special lectureship stipends $2000. The Director of the Institute and the Treasurer of the Linguistic Society jointly report that the Endowment Fund of the Linguistic Institute has received the sum of $805.00, by gifts from L. C. Barret, F. R. Blake, G. M. Bolling, Miss E. F. Claflin, E. Cross, E. Gottlieb, R. G. Kent, J. A. Kerns, C. Knapp, H. R. Lang, C. M. Lotspeich, Mrs. A. V. Morris, O. Müller, C. J. Ogden, Mrs. H. P. Pond, E. H. Sturtevant, J. R. Swanton, S. N. Wolfenden, G. & C. Merriam Co. (through P. W. Carhart), G. E. Stechert & Co.; and that this sum has been turned over by the Director of the Institute to the Treasurer of the Society, who has placed it among the invested funds in the care of the Trustees. They also report that further pledges amounting to $1915.00, payable at future dates, have been made by L. C. Barret, R. P. Dougherty, Miss E. A. Hahn, J. A. Kerns, H. Kurath, C. M. Lotspeich, O. Müller, E. Prokosch, E. C. Roedder, R. E. Saleski, A. G. Solalinde, E. H. Sturtevant. The Executive Committee of the Linguistic Society of America, acting under authority given by the Society on December 30, 1929, has voted to hold a Fourth Session of the Linguistic Institute in 1930, and has provisionally continued the present membership of the Administrative Committee of the Institute. The Administrative Committee has already begun making the arrangements for this Fourth Session. All persons wishing to receive further announcements are asked to send their names and addresses to Professor E. H. Sturtevant, Director of the Linguistic Institute, Box 1849, Yale Station, New Haven, Connecticut. MEMBERS OF THE LINGUISTIC INSTITUTE 1930 ADMINISTRATive CommittEE Edgar Howard Sturtevant, Yale University, Director. Reinhold Eugene Saleski, Bethany College, Assistant Director. Edwin C. Roedder, College of the City of New York. Roland Grubb Kent, University of Pennsylvania, Secretary of the Linguistic Society of America. FACULTY AND LECTURERS Frank Ringgold Blake, Associate Professor of Oriental Languages, Johns Hopkins University, LUDWIG VOGELSTEIN LECTURER IN SEMITICS. Franz Boas, Professor of Anthropology, Columbia University. Franklin Edgerton, Professor of Sanskrit and Comparative Philology, Erwin A. Esper, Associate Professor of Psychology, University of Washington. John Lawrence Gerig, Professor of Celtic, Columbia University. H. B. Hinckley, of New Haven, Connecticut. J. Alexander Kerns, Instructor in Classical Languages, New York University. Hans Kurath, Professor of German and Linguistics, Ohio State University. Claude M. Lotspeich, Professor of Comparative and English Philology, University of Cincinnati. Jules Marouzeau, Professor of the Latin Language and Literature at the Faculté des Lettres of the Université de Paris, ALBERT BLUM FRENCH LECTURER. Henri F. Muller, Professor of French, Columbia University. Bennett J. Olli, Instructor in German, College of the City of New York. Louise Pound, Professor of English, University of Nebraska. |