Edward Prokosch, Professor of Germanic Languages, Yale University, F. W. LAFRENTZ LECTURER IN OLD SAXON AND OLD FRISIAN. Karl Reuning, Lektor für Anglistik, University of Breslau. Henry Brush Richardson, Assistant Professor of French, Yale University. Helen H. Roberts, Research Associate in Anthropology, Institute of Human Relations, Yale University. Edwin C. Roedder, Professor of German, College of the City of New York, GERMANISTIC SOCIETY LECTURER IN OLD HIGH GERMAN. Edward H. Sehrt, Professor of German, George Washington University. Alfred Senn, Docent in Indo-European Linguistics, University of Kaunas, Lithuania. Winifred Sturdevant, Lecturer in French, Barnard College, Columbia University. Edgar Howard Sturtevant, Professor of Linguistics, Yale University. REGISTRANTS FOR COURSES Evelyn M. Allen, B.A., 18 Gramercy Park South, New York City; Teacher of Latin, Union City, N. J. (11) Lucile D. Appleby, M.A., Kensington, Md.; Teaching Fellow in English, George Washington University, Washington, D. C. (18) Samuel Baron, B.S., 1764 Anthony Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. (2, 20, 22) George Beecher, B.A., Albemarle Park, Asheville, N.C.; Teacher in Jefferson County (Ky.) Public Schools. (12, 22) Lyman R. Bradley, Ph.D., Instructor in German, New York Univer sity, Washington Sq., New York City. (20, 21) (29) H. M. Buckwald, M.E., 221 East 12th St., New York City. (7) (13) Lynwood G. Downs, A.M., Professor of German, Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa. (2, 3, 23) Walter T. Eickmann, A.B., 446 Twenty-first St., West New York, N. J.; Teacher of Latin and English, Memorial High School. (11, 21) Murray B. Emeneau, B.A., 1910 Yale Station, New Haven, Conn.; Instructor in Classics, Yale Univ. (8, 10) William L. Finkel, M.A., 1116 Hoe Ave., Bronx, New York City; Tutor in Public Speaking and Psychology, and Reader in Philosophy, College of the City of New York. (2) Susan Fowler, A.B., 420 West 118th St., New York City; Teacher of Latin in the Brearley School. (1,9) Catherine Crates Gibert (Mrs. José Gibert), M.A., Associate Professor of Foreign Languages, Colorado State Teachers' College, Greeley, Colo. (1, 4, 6) Martha Jane Gibson, A.M., 301 Prospect St., New Haven, Conn. (2,25) Eugene Gottlieb, Ph.D., Instructor in German, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. (8, 21, 25) Ruth Gruber, A.B., 14 Harmon St., Brooklyn, N. Y.; Fellow in University of Wisconsin. (20) (16) A. Collins Healy, 521 West 124th St., New York City. (1, 2, 9) (10) Abraham Holtz, 1642 Lexington Ave., New York City. (12, 20, 28) (2, 17, 20) City; Chairman of Foreign Languages, Bryant High School. (21) Louis Katzoff, B.A., 424 Pulaski St., Brooklyn, N. Y. John Kepke, M.E., 224 Hancock St., Brooklyn, N. Y. J. A. Kerns, A.M., 101 South 12th St., Newark, N. J.; Instructor in Latin, Washington Square College of the New York University. (8, 21) Margaret E. Landwehr, M.A., Professor in Hillsdale College, Hillsdale, Mich. (1, 20) Dorothy Lasher-Schlitt, M.A., 50 Lincoln Place, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Instructor in German, Hunter College. (3, 17) (20) Max Leive, 1534 St. Lawrence Av., New York City. Rosamond R. Lent, B.L., 540 West 112th St., New York City; Teacher of Latin, Calhoun School, 309 West 92nd St., New York City. (11) Harold Lenz, M.A., 1944 Loring Place, Bronx, New York City; Instructor in German at New York University. (21, 25) James P. Meagher, A.M., 3621 Farragut Road, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Fellow in English at the College of the City of New York. (23, 29) Sanford Brown Meech, Ph.D., Groton, Conn.; Assistant Professor of English, University of Michigan. (17, 19, 21) Hermann Meier, Ph.D., 234 Harrison St., Passaic, N. J.; Teacher in Brothers College, Madison, N. J. (3, 18, 20, 21, 23) Alfred Milazzo, B.A., 60 First St., New York City. (1, 9, 12) Anthony F. Paura, A.M., 402 Seventy-fifth St., Brooklyn, N. Y. (26, 27, 30, 32) Mario A. Pei, A.B., 502 West 139th St., New York City; Instructor in Romance Languages, College of the City of New York. (19, 27) Sue Reece Pike (Mrs. F. H. Pike), A.B., 510 Audubon Av., New York City; Teacher of Latin, Hoboken Academy, Hoboken, N. J. (11) Frank Matthew Pokorney, M.A., 98-18, 32nd Ave., Corona, New York City. (26, 27) Leon M. Polack, B.A., 466 West 150th St., New York City; Teacher of Hebrew. (20, 21, 28) Mrs. Helen Pope, A.M., 3316 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa.; Instructor in Classics, Brooklyn Branch of Hunter College. (6, 7) Paul Radenhausen, B.A., 3924 Avenue K, Brooklyn, New York; Chairman of the Modern Language Dept., Brooklyn Technical High School. (20) Henrietta Prentiss, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Speech and Dramatics, Hunter College, New York City. (24) C. C. Rice, Ph.D., Professor of Romance Languages, Catawba College, Salisbury, N. C. (5) Henry B. Richardson, Ph.D., 50 Pendleton St., New Haven, Conn.; (9) (18) Harry Rosenfield, 1728 Crotona Park East, New York City. (29) French, Boys High School, Brooklyn. (14) Lola H. Sachs, B.S., 550 Georgia Av., Brooklyn, N. Y.; Assistant in German, New York University. (18) Mary Saleski, Ph.D., Acting Professor of German, Bethany College, Bethany, W. Va. (20) Alfred Senn, Ph.D., Zanavykų Gatvė 7, Kaunas, Lithuania; Docent in Indo-European Linguistics at the University of Kaunas. (32) Madeleine Irène Séverac, B.S., 15 Cornelia St., New York City; Teacher of French, Kent Place School, Summit, N. J. (4, 6, 27) (20) Sadie Shonfeld, B.S., 1 East 107th St., New York City. Sister Lucia O.S.D., B.A., Chartiers Ave., McKees Rocks, Pa.; Teacher of Latin, St. Francis de Sales High School. (1, 6, 13) Sister Mary Wilhelmina O.S.D., B.A., Professor of German, Albertus Magnus College, New Haven, Conn. Robert Sonkin, M.A., 835 Hunts Point Avenue, Bronx, New York City. (19, 21) (23, 25) Henry F. Standerwick, A.M., 400 Convent Ave., New York City; (24, 25) Jacob A. Weiser, A.B., Marion Av., Mt. Vernon, N. Y.; Instructor in Playwriting and Dramatics, College of the City of New York. (29) William L. Wengraf, 4611 Fifteenth Avenue, New York City. (20) THE COURSES OF THE LINGUISTIC INSTITUTE 1. Introduction to Linguistic Science. MR. STURTEVANT. Registrants: Miss Fowler, Mrs. Gibert, Miss Holt, Miss Landwehr, Mr. Milazzo, Sister Lucia. 2. Psychology of Language. MR. ESPER. Registrants: Mr. Baron, Mr. Downs, Mr. Finkel, Miss Gibson, Miss Holt, Mr. Kepke. 3. The Study of Dialects. MR. ROEDDER. Registrants: Mr. Downs, Miss Lasher-Schlitt, Mr. Meier, Mr. Sullivan, Mr. Süsskind. 4. Sanskrit. MR. EDGERTON. Registrants: Mrs. Gibert, Miss Séverac, Mr. Standerwick. 5. Pali. MR. EDGERTON. Registrant: Mr. Rice. 6. Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin. MR. BOLLING. Registrants: Mrs. Gibert, Mrs. Pope, Miss Séverac, Sister Lucia. 7. Greek Dialects. MR. STURTEVANT. Registrants: Miss Byrne, Mrs. Pope. 8. The Language of the Homeric Poems. MR. BOLLING. Registrants: Mr. Emeneau, Mr. Gottlieb, Mr. Kerns. 9. La Langue et le Stile Latins. (ALBERT BLUM LECTURESHIP COURSE; two hours.) MR. MAROUZEAU. Registrants: Miss Fowler, Miss Holt, Mr. Milazzo, Mr. Richardson. 10. Oscan and Umbrian. MR. KERNS. Registrants: Mr. Emeneau, Mr. Holtz. |