There will be courses for graduate students, for high school and college teachers of language who feel the need of acquaintance with linguistic science or with the history of a particular language or group of languages, and also for scholars who wish to familiarize themselves with more or less remote bits of linguistic territory in the most efficient way. Public Meetings: About twice a week during the session there will be public meetings for the consideration of topics connected with the study of language. Several of these meetings will be devoted to a single address each, and an open discussion of the ideas propounded by the speaker. Other meetings will be devoted to the reading and discussion of brief papers. Any member of the Linguistic Society of America and any person who is to be a member of the Linguistic Institute may, before June 1, 1930, submit an abstract of a paper that he would like to read at one of these meetings. As far as time permits, such persons will receive places on the program of the session. Courses: Classes will meet five times a week. Two courses are expected to occupy a student's entire time, although no limit is set upon attendance provided full tuition be paid. From the descriptions printed below, students can probably determine which courses they can pursue most profitably, but the Director will be glad to confer about the matter by letter. Courses marked with an asterisk require no previous training in linguistic science, and are within the ability of first-year graduate students. Credit: It is the practice of the graduate schools to give credit for work done in the Linguistic Institute upon the terms that apply to work done in other graduate schools. Fees: The tuition fees to be charged during the session of 1930 will be $25 for one course and $50 for two or more courses, except that lecturers in the Institute and teachers in the College of the City of New York will be charged no more than $25. The only other fee will be the Summer Session registration and library fee of the College, which amounts to $2.50. Books: Since most of the required books are not kept in stock by the book stores, students should order them at least three weeks ahead, and foreign books should be ordered six weeks ahead. They may be ordered through the Co-operative Store of the College of the City of New York, Convent Avenue and 139th Street, New York City. Foreign books may be ordered from Ephraim Cross, 1847 University Avenue, Bronx, New York City; from G. E. Stechert and Co., 31 East 10th Street, New York City; from A. Bruderhausen, 47 W. 47th Street, New York City; or from E. Steiger and Co., 49 Murray Street, New York City. Living Arrangements: Rooms in the neighborhood of the College are to be had at a wide range of prices, beginning quite as low as in smaller towns. Inquiries should be addressed to Mr. A. L. Rose, Placement Bureau, College of the City of New York, Convent Avenue and 139th Street, New York City. It is suggested that inquirers indicate the approximate prices which they care to pay. There are many restaurants near the College, where meals are served at moderate rates. Registration: Students may register in advance by mail, or at the opening of the session, in the office of the Summer Session in the Main Building of the College of the City of New York. Address: Inquiries should be addressed to the Director of the Linguistic Institute, Box 1849 Yale Station, New Haven, Conn., or to the Director of the Summer Session, College of the City of New York, Convent Avenue and 139th Street, New York City. அ COURSES It is hoped soon to announce one or two additional courses, For the meaning of * before the title of a course, see page 5, under Courses. *Introduction to Linguistic Science. Mr. Sturtevant.-The origin of the science, and some of its chief results. Phonetic law: its importance and some suggested explanations. Analogy: contamination, analogical creation, analogy in syntax. Other changes of form. Change of vocabulary, including word-formation. Change of meaning. A survey of the known languages. Psychology of Language. Mr. Esper. The biological and social basis of language; development of speech in the child; the behavior principles involved in linguistic classification and in analogic change; the relations between linguistic and manual behavior; the experimental approach to linguistic problems. The Study of Dialects. Mr. Roedder.-Dialect research, long regarded as a by-way of linguistics and left to amateurish exploitation, is now acknowledged to be one of the highways, if not indeed the royal road, to the understanding of the living language, and presents a large variety of fascinating problems. Aside from the general interest of the study of living speech, exemplified by the dialects, over against the written forms of the literary language, the course is designed especially for students interested in the various forms of American English, as well as for those expecting to take up the study of the speech forms of one or more of the numerous foreign language settlements in different sections of the United States. *Sanskrit. Mr. Edgerton.-Elements of the grammar. Lectures on the phonology and morphology from the historic and comparative standpoint. Analysis of easy texts. Text-books: Whitney, Sanskrit Grammar, 2nd ed., Leipzig and Boston; Lanman, Sanskrit Reader, Boston. Pali. Mr. Edgerton.-Reading of simple texts; careful analysis of the phonology and morphology of Pali with reference to Sanskrit. A knowledge of Sanskrit is required. Text-book: Andersen, Pali Reader, Copenhagen and London. *Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin. Mr. Bolling.-An introduction to the study of Indo-European languages by the comparative method. The topic under discussion will be the declension of nouns and pronouns. The aim of the course is to initiate students into investigation of this type; but, as nothing is more helpful to them than seeing such work actually in progress, more advanced registrants will be welcome. They will be given opportunity to discuss the problems in which they are interested and to present such conclusions as they may reach. Registrants should be able to read German and French works bearing upon the subject, and should have a knowledge of Greek and Latin. Registrants will do well to provide themselves with one or more of the following books: Hirt, Handbuch der Griechischen Lautund Formenlehre, 2nd ed., Heidelberg (1912); F. Sommer, Handbuch der Lateinischen Laut- und Formenlehre, 2nd and 3rd ed., Heidelberg (1914); A. Meillet and J. Vendryes, Traité de Grammaire Comparée des Langues Classiques, Paris (1924). Greek Dialects. Mr. Sturtevant.-A detailed study of selected dialect inscriptions, with constant attention to dialectic peculiarities, and to the influence of the local dialects upon the literary dialects. Lectures on the relationship of the dialects to one another. Prerequisites: a reading knowledge of Attic or Homeric Greek, and some acquaintance with the method of linguistic science. Text-book: C. D. Buck, Introduction to the Study of the Greek Dialects, revised edition, Boston (1928). The Language of the Homeric Poems. Mr. Bolling.-The course will consist partly of lectures and partly of a linguistic discussion of the twenty-fourth book of the Iliad in the manner of E. Hermann, Sprachwissenschaftlicher Kommentar zu ausgewählten Stücken aus Homer, Heidelberg (1914). Special problems will be assigned for investigation to such students as desire them, and opportunity will be given for the presentation and criticism of the results attained. Students will be expected to be able to read the Homeric dialect, and also scientific German and French. Students should own a text of the poems, preferably Ludwich, Homeri Carmina, Leipzig (1889-1907). Oscan and Umbrian. Mr. Kerns.-A survey of the phonology and morphology of the two chief P-Italic dialects, illustrated by a somewhat detailed grammatical analysis of selected portions of the extant texts. Constant comparison will be made with the phonological and morpho logical phenomena of Latin, with incidental reference to conditions in Celtic, Germanic, and Greek. Prerequisite: some knowledge of historical Latin grammar and an elementary familiarity with the linguistic pattern presented in all the older Indo-European languages. Textbook: C. D. Buck, A Grammar of Oscan and Umbrian, Boston (1904). *Linguistics in High School Latin. Mr. Kerns.-In this course an attempt will be made to present only those aspects of linguistic science a knowledge of which can be most profitably employed by teachers of elementary Latin, and only those facts which are likely to prove of interest to high school students. Studies in the linguistic geography of Europe, past and present; detailed outline of the Indo-European family; a few simple and interesting facts of phonology; systematic study of Latin word-formation; comparative presentation of the lower cardinal numerals and of some of the simpler facts of declension and conjugation. The course will be concluded by a brief summarizing of the losses, the survivals, and the new formations exhibited in Romance conjugation as contrasted with that of Classic Latin. *The Classical Element in English. Mr. Richardson.-An introduction to the phonology of Vulgar Latin and Old French in so far as is necessary to trace the passage of Latin vocabulary into English through French. Familiarity with Latin and modern French is required. *Vulgar Latin. Mr. Muller.-A search in the texts for the advent of the linguistic phenomena which were to bring about the transformation of Latin into Romance. The period studied is that of the fourth to the eighth century. Text-books: W. Heraeus, Silviae vel Potius Aetheriae Peregrinatio ad Loca Sancta, Heidelberg; H. Morf, Auswahl aus den Werken Gregors von Tours, Heidelberg; J. Pirson, Formeln aus der Merowinger- und Karolingerzeit, Heidelberg (all of the above appeared in Winter's Sammlung Vulgärlateinischer Texte). *Old French. Miss Sturdevant.-An introductory course in Old French with especial attention to questions of phonology and word history. Prerequisite: a fair reading knowledge of modern French. An elementary acquaintance with Latin is desirable. Text-books: Bartsch-Wiese, Chrestomathie de l'Ancien Français, 12th ed., Leipzig (1920); Nyrop, Grammaire Historique de la Langue Française, vol. 1, Phonétique, 3rd ed., Copenhagen (1914). *Old Spanish. Mr. Richardson.-A study of Spanish historical grammar, with readings from the Cid and Juan Ruiz. Text-book: R. Menéndez Pidal, Manual Elemental de Gramática Histórica Española, 5th ed., Madrid (1925). |