THE LINGUISTIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA cordially invites you to become a member of the Society. THE LINGUISTIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA was founded in 1924 for the advancement of the scientific study of language in all its aspects. Toward this end, it has held annual meetings for personal contracts and the reading of papers; it has established new media of publication for the fruits of linguistic research; it has organized the Linguistic Institute; it is constantly cooperating with other agencies interested in linguistic study. The high standing of the Society is shown by the names of its presidents, Hermann Collitz, Maurice Bloomfield, Carl D. Buck, Franz Boas, Charles H. Grandgent; and by its election to membership in the American Council of Learned Societies. The annual dues are Five Dollars; membership always begins on January 1. Members receive, without additional charge, all the publications of the Society, including Language, which appears quarterly, and the Language Monographs, Language Dissertations, and Bulletins, which are issued at irregular intervals; members alone are elegible to present papers at the meetings and to publish in the several series. The first four volumes of the publications (1925-1928) are still obtainable; they are offered at a special price to new members in 1929. Persons interested in membership in the Linguistic Society should address Prof. R. G. Kent, Secretary, Bennett Hall, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. Labor and correspondence may be saved by including with acceptance of this invitation the dues of the first year of membership; or if further information be desired, complimentary samples of the publications, with a price-list and other data, will on request be sent by the Secretary. The Sixth Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America will be held at Cleveland, Ohio, December 30, 1929, to January 1, 1930. LINGUISTIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA Founded 1924 OFFICERS FOR 1930 President, PROFESSOR EDWARD PROKOSCH, Yale University. Vice-President, PROFESSOR T. A. JENKINS, University of Chicago. Secretary and Treasurer, PROFESSOR ROLAND G. KENT, University of Pennsylvania. Executive Committee, the preceding, and PROFESSOR E. ADELAIDE HAHN, Hunter College. PROFESSOR C. M. LOTSPEICH, University of Cincinnati. PROFESSOR E. C. ROEDDER, College of the City of New York. Committee on Publications: Chairman and Editor: PROFESSOR GEORGE MELVILLE BOLLING, Ohio State To serve through 1930: PROFESSOR Hans KURATH, Ohio State University. To serve through 1931: PROFESSOR Edward SAPIR, University of Chicago. To serve through 1932: PROFESSOR SAMUEL MOORE, University of Michigan. The Linguistic Society of America was founded in December, 1924, for the advancement of the scientific study of language. The Society plans to promote this aim by bringing students of language together in its meetings, and by publishing the fruits of research. It has established a quarterly journal, a series of language monographs, and a series of language dissertations; the last two will appear at irregular intervals, according to the material offered to the Committee on Publications and the funds available for the purpose. Members will receive all in return for the annual dues of Five Dollars. Membership in the Society is not restricted to professed scholars in linguistics. All persons, whether men or women, who are in sympathy with the objects of the Society, are invited to give it their assistance in furthering its work. Application for membership should be made to the Secretary, Professor Roland G. Kent, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. Entered as Second Class Matter at the Postoffice at Baltimore, Maryland. This Journal is published quarterly by the Linguistic Society of America. Members of the Society receive it without extra charge, three dollars of the annual dues being appropriated for this purpose; to others, its price is five dollars per annum. Subscriptions and other business communications should be addressed to Language, or to Roland G. Kent, Treasurer, L. S. A., University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. Manuscripts for publication should be sent to George Melville Bolling, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. STANFORD UNIVERSITY Libraries ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE LINGUISTIC INSTITUTE OF THE LINGUISTIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA THIRD SESSION, JULY 7 TO AUGUST 15, 1930 ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE Edgar Howard Sturtevant, Yale University, Director. Reinhold Eugene Saleski, Bethany College, Assistant Director. Roland Grubb Kent, University of Pennsylvania, Secretary of the FACULTY Frank Ringgold Blake, Associate Professor of Oriental Languages, Johns Hopkins University. George Melville Bolling, Professor of Greek, Ohio State University. Franklin Edgerton, Professor of Sanskrit and Comparative Philology, Yale University. Erwin A. Esper, Associate Professor of Psychology, University of Washington. John Lawrence Gerig, Professor of Celtic, Columbia University. J. Alexander Kerns, Instructor in Classical Languages, New York University. Hans Kurath, Professor of German and Linguistics, Ohio State University. Claude M. Lotspeich, Professor of Comparative and English Philology, University of Cincinnati. Henri F. Muller, Professor of French, Columbia University. Bennett J. Olli, Instructor in German, College of the City of New York. Edward Prokosch, Professor of Germanic Languages, Yale University, F. W. LAFRENTZ LECTURER IN OLD SAXON AND OLD FRISIAN. Karl Reuning, Lektor für Anglistik, University of Breslau. Henry Brush Richardson, Assistant Professor of French, Yale University. Edwin C. Roedder, Professor of German, College of the City of New York, GERMANISTIC SOCIETY LECTURER IN OLD HIGH GERMAN. Edward H. Sehrt, Professor of German, George Washington University. Alfred Senn, Docent in Comparative Linguistics, University of Kaunas, Lithuania. Ephraim A. Speiser, Assistant Professor of Semitics, University of Pennsylvania. Winifred Sturdevant, Lecturer in French, Barnard College, Columbia University. Edgar Howard Sturtevant, Professor of Linguistics, Yale University. GENERAL INFORMATION Purpose: THE LINGUISTIC INSTITUTE was founded to encourage research and study in linguistic science. It is ready to co-operate as far as possible with any scholar or group of scholars in any undertaking that seems likely to increase our knowledge of linguistics or to encourage the pursuit of it. A history of the Institute may be found in Bulletins No. 2 and No. 4 of the Linguistic Society of America, which may be obtained from Professor R. G. Kent, Secretary of the Society, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia; price, 10 and 25 cents respectively. Research: The Institute is in a position to assist research projects which require conference between scholars. A large number of investigations have profited from the discussions, both formal and informal, which have occurred at former sessions, and this feature will be emphasized as much as possible. During the session of 1929 a Conference on a Linguistic Atlas of the United States and Canada was held under the auspices of the American Council of Learned Societies, and the Institute is ready to assist this and similar projects whenever possible. Sessions: The Linguistic Institute holds a session of six weeks' duration each summer. The third session will be held from July 7 to August 15, 1930, at the College of the City of New York, Convent Avenue and 139th Street, New York City. Scholars who wish to carry on their own researches can find almost any books that may be required in the excellent libraries of the City, many of them in the library of the College. The Institute provides unique advantages in the way of discussion with scholars of similar interests. |