The work opened on July 8, and was pursued with the keenest interest and enthusiasm of both Faculty and students. The high grade of all the classes was very noticeable. Nearly all the courses had registrants; but to suit better the needs of his students Professor Russell combined into one his two special courses for teachers of the deaf. The members of the Institute for the Second Session were the three members of the Administrative Committee, twenty-three members of the Faculty (including two special lecturers), and thirty-seven registrants for courses or research; the total number of members after deducting duplications was forty-nine. This was unfortunately a slightly smaller number of registrants than that of the Session of 1928, and it was necessary for the Director to secure a further grant of aid from the American Council of Learned Societies, in order to discharge the obligations of the session. All classes were conducted for thirty hours, five hours a week for six weeks, except in those instances where students wished to leave early and a correspondingly greater number of hours was therefore given during the earlier weeks of the session. The certificates which were granted for transfer of credits all carry with them the assurance of thirty lecture hours. No student received credit for more than two courses, although the number of classes attended was not limited. As in the previous year, the Director and Mrs. Sturtevant gave a reception to the members of the Institute on the first Tuesday of the session, July 9, and the following Friday and Tuesday evenings were occupied by public lectures by members of the Faculty. All were well attended, and were followed by vigorous discussion until the lateness of the hour required the gatherings to disperse. Some weeks before the opening of the session the Director of the Institute conferred with the authorities of the American Council of Learned Societies on the desirability and the possibility of holding at New Haven, in connection with the session of the Institute, a CONFERENCE ON THE PROPOSED LINGUISTIC ATLAS OF THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA. The suggestion met with approval, and the Director, in cooperation with a Committee of the Modern Language Association in charge of the project, proceeded to organize the Conference, the expenses of which were guaranteed by the Council of Learned Societies. To this Conference were invited the Faculty of the Linguistic Institute and certain other members of the Institute who were professors of English; members of the Yale Faculty who were interested in the pro ject; and a considerable number of other scholars from various parts of the country The response was very gratifying, and the meetings were held on August 2 and 3, in Room 115, Harkness Recitation Hall. It is worth noting that several of the earlier lectures before the Linguistic Institute, notably those of July 26 and July 30, had also been on the general topic of American English and its dialects, and had served as a preparation for the Conference. The addresses on the evening of August 2 by Professor Stephenson on The Effect of Movements of Population upon American Dialects, and by Professor Russell on Mechanical Methods of Recording Speech, formed the first session of the Conference. The sessions of August 3 were of a more technical nature and were open only to those specially invited to participate. Professor Karl Young of Yale University was chosen Permanent Chairman, and Mr. Mortimer Graves of the American Council of Learned Societies was elected Secretary. The detail of the proceedings was recorded by Mrs. F. W. Hopkins and Mr. G. K. Strodach, student members of the Institute. The whole Conference was extremely satisfactory in bringing together scholars of different opinions, whose ideas and counsels received expression and were recorded for the use of the Managing Committee soon to be appointed to take charge of the Survey and Dialect Atlas. A detailed account of the Conference, prepared by Professor Hans Kurath of Ohio State University, will be found later in this Bulletin. It was felt by all those connected with the session that it was desirable to continue the LINGUISTIC INSTITUTE if the means to do so should be available. Authorization to do so was secured from the Executive Committee of the Linguistic Society during the latter part of the session. No announcement can be made at this writing as to the future plans of the Institute, but the Committee desires to call attention to some of the peculiar advantages pertaining to its sessions: 1. The different branches of linguistic science are in the work of the LINGUISTIC INSTITUTE not separated from one another, but supplement one another, and are therefore free to develop the greatest possible benefits to the students. But in the universities the various parts of the linguistic field are rigidly divided into separate departments of instruction, and the outlook of the students is restricted. 2. The LINGUISTIC INSTITUTE offers to advanced scholars the opportunity to attend courses not otherwise accessible to them; for the usual summer sessions offer few advanced courses in linguistics, and the college teacher is normally too occupied with teaching to enter courses during the academic term, even if they should be given in his own or a neighboring institution. 3. There is no fashion or precedent preventing mature scholars from taking courses in the LINGUISTIC INSTITUTE, even courses conducted by younger colleagues, as is seen by the enrollment in this year's session. In most universities this practice is virtually unknown, and thus mature scholars are prevented from hearing at first hand the best which their colleagues have to give. 4. THE LINGUISTIC INSTITUTE offers each year certain courses in languages rarely given in any American university at any time, and thereby affords a remarkable opportunity to those who avail themselves of it. The Committee hopes to arrange in future sessions certain courses of a more general appeal to beginning students in linguistic science, and thereby to increase its usefulness to them; as well as to maintain its value to more advanced scholars. MEMBERS OF THE LINGUISTIC INSTITUTE 1929 ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE Edgar Howard Sturtevant, Yale University, Director. Reinhold Eugene Saleski, Bethany College, Assistant Director. FACULTY Frank Ringgold Blake, Associate Professor of Oriental Languages, Johns Hopkins University. George Melville Bolling, Professor of Greek, Ohio State University. George O. Curme, Professor of Germanic Philology, Northwestern University. Raymond Philip Dougherty, Professor of Assyriology and Babylonian Literature, Yale University. Joseph Dunn, Professor of Celtic Languages and Literatures, Catholic University of America. Stefán Einarsson, Instructor in English Philology, Johns Hopkins University. Dean S. Fansler, Associate Professor of English, Brown University. Franklin Edgerton, Professor of Sanskrit and Comparative Philology, Yale University. A. V. Williams Jackson, Professor of Indo-Iranian Languages, Columbia University. T. Atkinson Jenkins, Professor of the History of the French Language, University of Chicago. Roland Grubb Kent, Professor of Comparative Philology, University of Pennsylvania. Hans Kurath, Professor of German and Linguistics, Ohio State University. Milton Metfessel, Professor of Psychology and Speech, State University of Iowa. Kemp Malone, Professor of English, Johns Hopkins University. Otto Müller, Professor of Romance Languages, Gettysburg College. Walter Petersen, Associate Professor of Ancient Languages, University of Florida. Edward Prokosch, Professor of Germanic Languages, Yale University. Henry Brush Richardson, Assistant Professor of French, Yale University. Edwin C. Roedder, Professor of the German Language and Literature, College of the City of New York. G. Oscar Russell, Associate Professor in Charge of Phonetic Laboratories, Ohio State University. Reinhold Eugene Saleski, Professor of German, Bethany College. George M. Stephenson, Professor of History, University of Minnesota. Edgar Howard Sturtevant, Professor of Linguistics, Yale University. REGISTRANTS FOR COURSES OR RESEARCH Clara Janet Allison, A.M. (Columbia), Associate Professor of Latin, (13, 33) (21, 22, 32) (21, 22) Walter Eickmann, A.B. (Upsala College), teacher of Latin, West New York High School, West New York, N. J. Stefán Einarsson, Ph.D. (Oslo), Instructor in English Philology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. (7, 10, 11) (3, 5, 31) O. S. Fleissner, Ph.D. (Munich), Associate Professor of German, Wells College, Aurora, New York. (2, 3, 4, 5) John E. Forsythe, A.B. (Haverford), 22 Oakland Ave., Atlantic City, N. J. (15) Mary E. Fulton, holding Maryland State Teachers certificate and Normal School training certificate for teachers of the deaf; teacher in Western Pennsylvania Institute for the Deaf, Pittsburgh, Pa. (2, 4, 5, 30) |