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similar to those afforded biologists at Woods Hole. Scholars who wish to carry on their own researches where they will have access to the needed books, and where they can experience the stimulus of discussion with scholars of similar interests, will find the Institute of advantage. There will be courses for graduate students, for high school and college teachers of language who feel the need of acquaintance with linguistic science or with the history of a particular language or group of languages, and also for scholars who wish to familiarize themselves with more or less remote bits of linguistic territory in the most economical way. The session of the Institute will last six weeks; but scholars may pursue their researches on the spot during all or any part of the summer.

Fees: Each member of the Institute, except instructors, is subject to an Institute Fee of twenty dollars; this is to cover printing, postage, and other overhead expenses. Those who enroll for one course or more will also be subject to a Tuition Fee of fifty-five dollars. Both fees are payable on or before the first day of the session.

Living Expenses: Suites in Yale dormitories will be available both for


men and for women. Most of these suites consist of two bedrooms and a study, so that two persons must be assigned to a suite. Occupants must furnish bedding and towels. The rental will be $4 per week for occupant. Rooms in town may be had for $4 per week and up. Double rooms cost $6 per week and up. Furnished apartments may be secured at corresponding rates. Meals may be had at an average cost of about 60 cents. Application for accommodations, with specifications of the kind desired, should be made to the Director.

Public Meetings: About twice a week during the session there will be public meetings for the consideration of topics connected with linguistic science. Several of these meetings will be devoted to a single address each, and an open discussion of the ideas propounded by the speaker.


meetings will be devoted to the reading and discussion of brief papers. Any member of the Linguistic Society of America and any person who is to be a member of the Institute may, before June 1, 1929, submit an abstract of a paper that he would like to read at one of these meetings. As far as time permits, such persons will receive places on the program of the session.

Credit: It is the practice of the graduate schools to give credit for work done in the Linguistic Institute upon the terms that apply to work done in another graduate school of recognized standing.

Classes: Unless otherwise noted, classes will meet five times a week. Two courses are expected to occupy a student's entire time. From the descriptions printed below, students will probably be able to determine which courses they can pursue most profitably, but the Director will be glad to confer with them by letter.

Books: Since most of the required books are not kept in stock at the book stores, students should order them at least three weeks ahead, and foreign books should be ordered six weeks ahead. They may be ordered through the Yale Cooperative Corporation, 237 Elm St., New Haven; or Whitlock's Book Store, Inc., 219 Elm St., New Haven. Foreign books may be ordered from G. Reuschel, Room 412, 155 Court St., New Haven.

Registration: All who intend to become members of the Institute are requested to notify the Director as soon as they conveniently can, and to inform him which courses, if any, they expect to follow.

Address: All inquiries should be addressed to the Linguistic Institute, Box 1849 Yale Station, New Haven, Conn.


Introduction to Linguistic Science. Mr. Prokosch.-A survey of the history of the science; a classification of languages with special consideration of the Indo-European group; phonetic trend, phonetic law, and analogical drift; word structure, principles of etymology, outline of comparative syntax. Reading knowledge of German and French essential, acquaintance with Latin and Greek desirable.

Philological Phonetics. Mr. Russell. Special attention will be paid to recent x-ray and other experimental evidence which tends to disprove certain of the traditional ideas as to tongue position in the pronouncing of vowels and also of continuant and stop consonants.

Experimental Phonetics. Mr. Russell.-Individual research upon problems of interest to the members of the course; especially problems presented by language intonation, poetic rhythm or metrics, stress or accent, etc. Some recently devised apparatus, which considerably facilitiates such investigation, will be available.

Psychology of Language. Mr. Esper. The biological and social basis of language; development of speech in the child; the behavior principles involved in linguistic classification and in analogic change; the relations between linguistic and manual behavior; the experimental approach to linguistic problems.

The Sociological Study of Language; A Seminar. Mr. Saleski.— An attempt (1) to define the place of the study of language in the field of Sociology, (2) to build up a systematic outline of sociological problems in language, (3) to determine a general method of attacking these problems, (4) to enter on the investigation of a few such problems, as circumstances may permit.

Sanskrit. Mr. Edgerton.-Elements of the grammar. Lectures on the phonology and morphology from the historic and comparative standpoint. Analysis of easy texts. Text-books: Whitney, Sanskrit Grammar, 2nd ed., Leipzig and Boston; Lanman, Sanskrit Reader,


L. L. Stutzmann, B.A. (Gettysburg), Teacher of German in Schuylkill
College; 125 Railroad St., Palmyra, Pa.
(25; 28)
Pauline Turnbull, B.A. (Syracuse), Assistant Professor of Latin at
Westhampton College, Richmond, Va.

(10; 14) Samuel F. Will, M.A. (Indiana), Instructor in French at Yale University; 251 E. Rock Road, New Haven, Conn. (16) Jean Gray Wright, M.A. (Pennsylvania), graduate student at Bryn Mawr College; Lincoln University, Pa. (17) William F. Wyatt, Ph.D. (Harvard), Professor of Greek at Tufts College; Tufts College, Mass.

(1; 36)

Friedrich Zieglschmid, M.A. (Northwestern), Instructor at Northwestern University; Lunt Library 36, Evanston, Ill.

(1; 28)


1. Introduction to Linguistic Science. MR. PROKOSCH.

Registrants: Mr. Bauer, Mr. Schuster, Mr. Stimson, Mr. Wyatt, Mr. Zieglschmid; for shorter course only, Mr. Flom, Miss Franklin.

2. Philological Phonetics. MR. RUSSELL.
Registrants: Miss Avery, Mr. Schuster.

3. Experimental Phonetics. MR. RUSSELL.
Registrant: Miss Avery.

4. Semantics. This course was withdrawn because of Mr. Petersen's illness and inability to come to New Haven.

5. Some Recent Theories of Linguistic Science. MR. REUNING. Registrants: Mr. Schuster, Mr. Stimson.

6. Linguistic Anthropology. This course was withdrawn when Mr. Goddard was, at his own request because of illness, released from his engagement to conduct it.

7. Methods of Studying Unrecorded Languages. MR. MASON. Registrant: Mr. Stimson.

8. Sanskrit. MR. EDGERTON. Registrant: Mr. Stimson.

9. Pali. MR. EDGERTON.

Registrants: none.

10. Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin. MR. STURTEVANT. Registrants: Mr. Griffin, Miss Kinnirey, Mr. Owen, Miss Turnbull..

11. Greek Dialects. MR. BOLLING.

Registrants: Miss Franklin, Mr. Griffin, Mr. Latimer, Miss McCarthy, Mr. Rowell.

12. The Language of the Homeric Poems. MR. BOLLING. Registrant: Miss Franklin.

13. Oscan and Umbrian. MR. KENT.

Registrants: Mr. Cross, Mr. Scott.

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