Abbildungen der Seite

Canada: Ottawa: Library of the Geological Survey.

Canada: Toronto: Library of the University of Toronto.
Canada: Toronto: Library of Victoria University.
England: Cambridge: Library of the University.
England: London: Library of the British Museum.

England: Oxford: J. Thornton and Son, 11 Broad St. (1937)
Finland: Helsingfors: Library of the University of Finland.

Germany: Breslau: Staats- und Universitäts-Bibliothek. (1928)
Germany: Hamburg: Staats- und Universitäts-Bibliothek.

Germany: Rostock: Universitätsbibliothek. (1941)

Germany: Würzburg: Universitätsbibliothek. (1941)

Greece: Athens: Library of the Institute of English Studies, 9 Hermes St. (1940)

India: Calcutta: Library of the University of Calcutta, Senate House. (1930) India: Mysore: Mysore University Library. (1941)

Italy: Rome: Library of the American Academy in Rome, 1432 Architects Bldg., 101 Park Ave., New York, N. Y.

Japan: Fukuoka: Kyushu Imperial University, Literature and Law Dept. (1937)

Japan: Keijo, Chosen: Library of Keijo Imperial University. (1939)
Japan: Kyoto: Nankodo, Kyoto Branch, Teramachi Oike. (1938)
Japan: Sendai: Library of Tohoku Imperial University. (1939)

Japan: Taihoku, Formosa: Library of Taihoku Imperial University. (1936) Japan: Tokyo: Library of the College of Literature, Tokyo Imperial University. (1929)

Java: Batavia Centrum: Bat. Genootschap v. Kunsten en Wet., Konigsplein West 12. (1941)

Netherlands: Amsterdam: Kirberger and Kesper, 153 Rokin and 1 Doelenstraat, 2 copies.


South Africa: Johannesburg: Library of the University of the Witwatersrand. (1935)

South Africa: Potchefstroom: Library of Potchefstroom University College. Switzerland: Basel: Oeffentliche Bibliothek der Universität.

Switzerland: Zürich: Zentralbibliothek. (1935)

U.S.S. R.: Kiev: Akademik M. J. Kalinovich, Ul. Gorkogo 4/6, Kv. 26. (1940) U.S. S. R.: Leningrad: Biblioteka Akademii Nauk, Birgewaja Linija 1. (1931) U. S. S. R.: Leningrad: Nauchn. Biblioteka Im., M. Gorjkogo Pri L. G. U., Vas. Ostr. Universit. Nab. 7/9. (1941)

U. S. S. R.: Leningrad: Institutu Vneshnej Torgovli Bibke, Vasil. Ostrov.,
Tuchkova Nab. 2 A. (1941)

U. S. S. R.: Leningrad: Publitschnaja Biblioteka, Ul. 3 Ijulja 18. (1934)
U. S. S. R.: Moscow: Moskovski Gossudarstvenni Pedagogitsheski Institut,
Inostranich Jazykov, Metrostroevskaja 38. (1938)

U. S. S. R.: Moscow: Gossudarstvennaja Centraljnaja Biblioteka Inostrannoy
Literaturi, Stoleshnikov Pr. 2, Moscow 9. (1939)

U. S. S. R.: Moscow: Institut Istorii, Filosofii i Literatury, Sokoljniki, Rostokinskij Pr. D.13A. (1941)

U.S. S. R.: Moscow: Komitetu po Delam Vysshej Shkoly, Rozhdestvenka 11. (1939)

U. S. S. R.: Moscow: Vsesojuznaja Biblioteka Im. V.I. Lenina, Ul. Marksa i Engelsa 14. (1937)

U.S. S. R.: Stalinabad: Tadzikistanskaja Baza Akademii Nauk, Ordjonikidzeabadskoje Chose 5. (1935)

U.S. S. R.: Tiflis: Institut Istorii i Materjaljnoy Kuljtury, Gruzfiliala Akademii Nauk, Lermontovskaja Ul. 1, Tbilisi, Tiflis. (1937)






[blocks in formation]



President, FRED N. ROBINSON, Harvard University

Vice-President, HAYWARD KENISTON, University of Michigan

Secretary and Treasurer, J. M. COWAN, Intensive Language Program, American Council of Learned Societies

Executive Committee, the preceding, and

Serving through 1943: EINAR HAUGEN, University of Wisconsin

Serving through 1943: RALPH L. WARD, Cornell University
Serving through 1944: EDITH F. CLAFLIN, Barnard College
Serving through 1944: HANS KURATH, Brown University
Committee on Publications

Chairman and Editor: BERNARD BLOCH, Yale University
Serving through 1943: KEMP MALONE, Johns Hopkins University
Serving through 1944: ROBERT A. HALL JR., Brown University
Serving through 1945: M. B. EMENEAU, University of California
Nominating Committee

Serving through 1943: A. L. KROEBER, University of California

Serving through 1944: EDWARD H. SEHRT, George Washington University Serving through 1945: JOHN KEPKE, Brooklyn, New York

Standing Committee on Research

Serving to Feb. 1, 1944: FRANKLIN EDGERTON, Yale University

Serving to Feb. 1, 1945: CHARLES C. FRIES, University of Michigan

Serving to Feb. 1, 1946: HANS KURATH, Brown University

Administrative Committee of the Linguistic Institute

Director: EINAR HAUGEN, University of Wisconsin

Associate Director: E. H. STURTEVANT, Yale University

MYLES DILLON, University of Wisconsin

MILES L. HANLEY, University of Wisconsin

J. HOMER HERRIOTT, University of Wisconsin

W. F. TWADDELL, University of Wisconsin

Delegates to the American Council of Learned Societies

Serving through 1944: GEORGE S. LANE, University of North Carolina

Serving through 1946: W. F. TWADDELL, University of Wisconsin

Delegate to the American Association for the Advancement of Science

GEORGE HERZOG, Columbia University

Delegate to the American Documentation Institute

EDWARD H. SEHRT, George Washington University

Delegate to the Mexican Council for Indigenous Languages

NORMAN A. McQUOWN, Washington, D. C.

Councillor of the Inter-American Society of Anthropology and Geography

J. M. COWAN, American Council of Learned Societies

LANGUAGE is published quarterly by the LINGUISTIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA at the Waverly Press Inc., Mt. Royal and Guilford Avenues, Baltimore, Md. Entered as Second Class Matter March 12, 1927, at the Postoffice at Baltimore, Md., under the Act of March 3, 1879; additional entry as Second Class Matter at the Postoffice at Iowa City, Iowa.

Dues for Personal and Library Memberships in the Society are $5.00 per calendar year; of the dues, $3.00 are set aside for the journal LANGUAGE and its Supplements. To nonmembers, the price of LANGUAGE and its Supplements is $5.00 per calendar year.

Manuscripts for publication, exchange journals, and books for review or listing should be sent to the Editor of LANGUAGE (Bernard Bloch, Yale Graduate School, New Haven, Connecticut).

Applications for membership, library subscriptions, orders for current and back publications, etc., should be addressed to the Secretary of the Society (J. M. Cowan, 2019 Lanier Drive, Silver Spring, Md.).

Made in United States of America

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