Abbildungen der Seite

1936 SCHERER, PHILIP, Ph.D., Teacher of German, Stuyvesant High School; 941 Washington Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.; Indo-European etymology. 1941 SCHERMAN, LUCIAN, Ph.D., South Hanson, Mass.; languages of India and the Far East.

1931 SCHLAUCH, MARGARET, Ph.D., Professor of English, New York University, Washington Square East, New York City; Germanic languages. FM SCHUTZ, ALEXANDER H., Ph.D., Professor of Romance Languages, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

1935 SCHWARTZ, BENJAMIN, A.M., Chief of the Oriental Division, New York Public Library, 42d St. and 5th Ave., New York City; comparative linguistics, Hittite.

1928 SCOTT, KENNETH, Ph.D., Professor of Latin and Greek, Western Reserve University; Station E, Cleveland, Ohio.

1940 SEAMAN, JOHN NORMAN, J.D., 903 Olds Tower, Lansing, Mich.; American Indian and Bantu languages.

1941 SEBEOK, THOMAS ALBERT, B.A., Department of Anthropology, University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill.; English, Hungarian.

1926 SEHRT, EDWARD HENRY, Ph.D., Professor of German, George Washington University; 2811 35th St., N.W., Washington, D. C.; Germanic linguistics.

1939 SEIFERT, LESTER W. J., Ph.D., Instructor in German, Brown University, Providence, R. I.; Germanics.

1940 SELCKE, BENNO H., Ph.D., 125 W. Monroe St., Petersburg, Ill.; comparative syntax.

FM SELLERS, OVID R., Ph.D., Professor of Hebrew and Old Testament,
Presbyterian Theological Seminary; 846 Chalmers Place, Chicago, Ill.
FM SEMPLE, WILLIAM TUNSTALL, Ph.D., Professor of Classics and Head of
Dept., University of Cincinnati; 315 Pike St., Cincinnati, Ohio.
1931 SENN, ALFRED, Ph.D., Professor of Germanic Philology, University of
Pennsylvania; 112 Penarth Road, Bala-Cynwyd, Pa.; Germanic,

1941 SHAFER, ROBERT, 1921 Walnut St., Berkeley, Calif.

1939 SHAPIRO, SOPHIE H., M.A., 5400 Ingleside Ave., Chicago, Ill.; Germanics. 1935 SHARMA, DHARANI DHAR, Carmichael Hostel, Darjeeling, India.

FM SHAW, JAMES EUSTACE, Ph.D., Professor of Italian and Spanish, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.

1939 SHEEHAN, DANIEL F., M.A., Instructor in English, Michigan State College, East Lansing, Mich.; semantics, Old Irish.

1939 SHERMAN, LESTER C., M.A., Sub-Editor of the Middle English Dictionary, University of Michigan; Angell Hall, Ann Arbor, Mich.

1935 SHEROVER, MAX, President of the Linguaphone Institute, 49 W. 49th St., New York City; auditory methods of language teaching.

1936 SHOHARA, H. HELEN, Ph.D., Instructor in Phonetics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.

1934 SIEBERT, FRANK T., JR., M.D., 127 Merbrook Lane, Merion, Pa.; Algonkin.

1936 SIMPSON, ADELAIDE D., M.A., Instructor in Greek and Latin, Hunter College; 520 W. 114th St., New York City.

1936 SIMSAR, MUHAMMED AHMED, Ph.D., 3242 N. 17th St., Philadelphia, Pa.; Persian, Turkish, Arabic.

1936 SINGLETON, MACK HENDRICKS, Ph.D., Instructor in Romance Languages, Queens College, Flushing, N. Y.; Old Spanish.

1940 SISTER EDWARD MONAHAN, B.S., Emmanuel College, Boston, Mass.; Germanics.

1940 SISTER MARIE ANTOINETTE, Ph.D., Head of Ancient Language Department, Marymount College, Salina, Kas.

1937 SISTER M. ANNE STANISLAUS, Ph.D., Instructor in Latin and Greek, Chestnut Hill College, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Pa.; Greek, Latin, Romance.

1937 SISTER M. CALIXTA GARVEY, Ph.D., Dean and Professor of French, Incarnate Word College, San Antonio, Texas.

1941 SISTER MARY ELLEN GOENNER, Head of German Dept., Trinity College, Washington, D. C.; Germanics.

1941 SISTER MARY ROMANA WALCH, B.A., Instructor in German, Mary E. McCahill Institute, Lake City, Minn.

1938 SISTER MARY SARAH MULDOWNEY, Ph.D., St. Joseph College, 1678 Asylum Ave., West Hartford, Conn.; word order in Late Latin.

1939 SLEETH, CHARLES R., A.M., Professor of English, Greensboro College, Greensboro, N. C.; Old and Middle English.

1925 SMALL, GEORGE WILLIAM, Ph.D., B.Litt. (Oxon.), Professor of English, University of Maine, Orono, Me.; English, general Germanic.

1936 SMITH, HENRY LEE, JR., Ph.D., Instructor in English, Brown University; 122 Elton St., Providence, R. I.; Indo-European and Germanic phonology.

1941 SMITH, HUBERT E., JR., 211 Pyne Hall, Princeton, N. J.; Indo-European. 1929 SMITH, LEON PERDUE, JR., Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Romance Languages and Assistant Dean of Students, University of Chicago (Faculty Exchange), Chicago, Ill.; Old French.

1941 SMITH, MABEL Z., M.A., Teacher of Romance languages, Granite High School; 674 Sixth Avenue, Salt Lake City, Utah; Spanish linguistics. FM SMITH, MARIA WILKINS, Ph.D., P. O. Box 405, Bryn Mawr, Pa.; Avestan. 1941 SMITH, RUSSELL F. W., M.A., Instructor in German, Catawba College, Salisbury, N. C.; Germanics and Indo-European.

1934 SMITH, WILLIAM BERNARD S., A.M., 3510 Macomb St., N.W., Washington, D. C.; Celtic, Indo-Iranian.

1940 SORG, CHARLES HENRY, Ph.D., Instructor of German Language and Literature, Jordan College, Menominee, Mich.; Germanic and general linguistics.

FM SPEISER, EPHRAIM AVIGDOR, Ph.D., Professor of Semitics, University of Pennsylvania; Bennett Hall, Univ. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. 1935 SPERBER, HANS, Ph.D., Professor of German, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

1937 SPITZER, LEO, Ph.D., Professor of Romance Philology, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md.

1936 SPRINGER, OTTO, Ph.D., Professor of Germanic Languages, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa.; Scandinavian, Celtic, semantics.

1930 STANDERWICK, HENRY F., Ph.D., address unknown.

FM STARCK, TAYLOR, Ph.D., Associate Professor of German, Harvard University; 32 Bowdoin St., Cambridge, Mass.; Germanic linguistics.

FM STEMPEL, GUIDO HERMANN, A.M., Professor of Comparative Philology, Indiana University; 723 S. Park Ave., Bloomington, Ind.

1931 STETSON, RAYMOND HERBERT, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology, Oberlin College; 157 N. Professor St., Oberlin, Ohio; experimental phonetics, psychology of language.

FM STINE, HAROLD SAEGER, Ph.D., Professor of English, University of Pennsylvania; 242 E. Durham St., Philadelphia, Pa.

FM STURTEVANT, ALBERT MOREY, Ph.D., Professor of Germanic Languages and Literature, University of Kansas; 924 Louisiana St., Lawrence, Kas.

SC STURTEVANT, EDGAR HOWARD, Ph.D., Professor of Linguistics, Yale University; Yale Graduate School, New Haven, Conn.; Hittite, Greek, Latin, Indo-European, and general linguistics. Life Member 1936. 1939 SULLIVAN, JOHN F., Ph.D., Instructor in German, College of the City of New York; 1735 Summerfield St., Ridgewood, L. I., N. Y. 1936 SÜSSKIND, NATHAN, M.Sc. in Ed., Tutor in German, City College, 139th St. and Convent Ave., New York City; Judaeo-German, Indo-European.

1931 SWADESH, MORRIS, Ph.D., 5482 S. Greenwood St., Chicago, Ill.; linguistic

theory, American Indian languages. Life Member, 1937.

1939 SWANSON, DONALD C. E., Ph.D., Department of Classics, University of
Colorado, Boulder, Colo.; Old Norse, Finno-Ugrian, Greek, Latin.
SC SWANTON, JOHN REED, Ph.D., Ethnologist, Smithsonian Institution,
Washington, D. C.; American Indian languages.

1938 TAVENNER, EUGENE, Ph.D., Professor of Latin and Greek, Washington University (215 Brookings Hall), St. Louis, Mo.

1931 TAYLOR, CHARLES MUNDY, Provident Mutual Life Insurance Co., 46th and Market Sts., Philadelphia, Pa.; general linguistics.

1932 TAYLOR, LILY ROSS, Ph.D., Professor of Latin, Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, Pa.

1938 TEDESCO, PAUL, Ph.D., Institute for Advanced Study (temporary address: 57 Marvel Rd., New Haven, Conn.); Indo-Iranian, Balto-Slavic. 1939 THOMAS, CHARLES KENNETH, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Public Speaking, Cornell University (Goldwin Smith Hall), Ithaca, N. Y.; phonetics.

1932 THORNDIKE, EDWARD LEE, Ph.D., Professor of Educational Psychology, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York City.

1940 TIHANY, LESLIE CHARLES, Ph.D., Harvard University, Cambridge,

Mass.; Finno-Ugrian.

1935 TILLER, FRITZ, Ph.D., Instructor in German, Yale University; 216 Bishop St., New Haven, Conn.; Germanic languages.

1930 TOWLES, OLIVER, Ph.D., Professor of French and Head of Dept., Washington Square College, New York University, New York City.

1929 TOZZER, ALFRED M., Ph.D., Professor of Anthropology, Harvard University; 7 Bryant St., Cambridge, Mass.

1931 TRAGER, GEORGE L., Ph.D., Guggenheim Fellow, Yale University, New Haven, Conn.; general linguistics, Slavic, American Indian.

1938 TREVIÑO, SALOMÓN NARCISO, A.M., Instructor in Spanish, University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill.; experimental phonetics.

1929 TUCKER, R. WHITNEY, Ph.D., Professor of Foreign Languages, Pennsylvania Military College, Chester, Pa.; Latin and Greek.

1931 TURNER, LORENZO Dow, Ph.D., Professor of English Language and Literature, Fisk University, Nashville, Tenn.; speech of Negroes in America.

1930 TWADDELL, W. FREEMAN, Ph.D., Professor of German, University of Wisconsin; Bascom Hall, Madison, Wis.; Old High German.

FM UPPVALL, AXEL JOHAN, Ph.D., Professor of Scandinavian Languages, University of Pennsylvania; College Hall, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa.

1938 UPTON, EDWARD JAY, Box 214, Sandy Creek, N. Y.; Indo-European. 1940 UTLEY, FRANCIS LEE, Ph.D., Instructor in English, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio; Old and Middle English, semantics.

1941 VAN DE WATER, JANICE OAKLEY, A.M., Instructor in Public Speaking, Pembroke College, Brown University, Providence, R. I.

1938 VAN EERDEN, ALBERT, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of German, Princeton

University; 22 Edwards Place, Princeton, N. J.; Germanic linguistics.

VAN HORNE, JOHN, Ph.D., Professor of Spanish and Italian, University of Illinois, Urbana, Ill.

1936 VAN HULSE, CAMIL A. J., Mus.M., 1029 N. Euclid St., Tucson, Ariz.; Persian.

1941 VAUGHAN, ALDEN G., Ph.D., 182 Bowen St., Providence, R. I. 1925 VAUGHAN, HERBERT HUNTER, Ph.D., Professor of Italian, University of

California, Berkeley, Calif.

1931 VELTEN, HARRY DE VELTHEYM, Ph.D., Associate Professor of German, Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind.

1934 VOEGELIN, CHARLES FREDERICK, Ph.D., Associate Professor of History, Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind.; American Indian languages, speech of children.

1939 VON GRUNEBAUM, GUSTAVE EDMUND, Ph.D., on the teaching staff of the American Institute of Iranian Art and Archaeology; Hotel Franconia, 20 W. 72d St., New York City; Arabic, Turkish, Persian. 1935 VUYLSTEKER, EMILE AUGUSTE, Ph.D., Professor of French and Spanish and Head of Dept. of Romance Languages, Brenau College; Box 421, Brenau College, Gainesville, Ga.; Romance and Germanic linguistics.

1936 WAGNER, LYDIA E., Ph.D., Instructor in German, University of Nebraska; 1980 Ryons St., Lincoln, Neb.

1933 WARD, RALPH L., Ph.D., Instructor in Classics, Cornell University; 111 Valentine Place, Ithaca, N. Y.

FM WARE, JAMES ROLAND, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Chinese, Harvard University; 12 Boylston Hall, Cambridge, Mass.

1937 WATERMAN, LEROY, Ph.D., Professor of Semitics and Oriental Languages, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.; Assyriology.

1935 WATKINS, MARK HANNA, Ph.D., Professor of Sociology and Anthropology, Fisk University, Nashville, Tenn.; Bantu and Sudanic languages. 1939 WATSON, JOHN W., JR., M.A., 1212 W. Main St., Charlottesville, Va.; Germanic, English.

1938 WEIDMAN, ROBERT H., Ph.D., Assistant Professor of German, University of Wisconsin; Milwaukee Extension Center, 623 W. State St., Milwaukee, Wis.; Middle High German.

1941 WEINREICH, MARCEL E., Docteur de l'Université de Paris, Assistant Professor of Modern Languages and Literatures, University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico; semantics, sociology of language. 1941 WELLEK, RENÉ, Ph.D., Associate Professor of English, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa; Slavonic and English.

1927 WERLING, CAMILLE E., D. en Droit, Professor of French, University of Denver, Denver, Colo.; comparative linguistics.

1929 WESENBERG, T. GRIFFITH, Ph.D., Professor of Romance Languages, Butler University, Indianapolis, Ind.; Provençal.

1933 WHITEHALL, HAROLD, Ph.D., Associate Professor of English, Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind.

1929 WHORF, BENJAMIN L., B.Sc., 320 Wolcott Hill Road, Wethersfield, Conn.; Uto-Aztecan, Mayan, and general linguistics. Died July 26, 1941.

1937 WIESCHHOFF, HEINZ A., Ph.D., Instructor in Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania; Box 15, College Hall, University of Penna., Philadelphia, Pa.; Bantu.

1935 WILLEY, NORMAN L., Ph.D., Associate Professor of German, University of Michigan; 801 Rose Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich.; Germanic linguistics, American Indian languages.


WILLIAMS, CARL OSCAR, Ph.D., Professor of Modern Languages, Grand
Rapids Junior College, Grand Rapids, Mich.; semantics.

FM WILLIAMS, CHARLES ALLYN, Ph.D., Professor of German, University of
Illinois; 801 W. Nevada St., Urbana, Ill.

1936 WILLIAMS, EDNA REES, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of English Language and Literature, Smith College; Dickinson House, Northampton, Mass. 1927 WILLIAMS, EDWIN BUCHER, Ph.D., Professor of Romance Languages, University of Pennsylvania (Bennett Hall), Philadelphia, Pa.; Portuguese.

1935 WILLIAMS, Rev. REVELL, M.A., 307 E. 7th St., Hopkinsville, Ky.; Greek New Testament, Petronius Arbiter.

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