This list includes all those who were on the rolls of the Society in 1941. SC before the name indicates Signers of the Call which led to the foundation of the Society, FM indicates Foundation Members, a date indicates the year of election. ASSOCIATED SOCIETIES Indogermanische Gesellschaft, bei W. de Gruyter & Co., Woyrschstr. 13, Berlin, Germany. Société de Linguistique de Paris, à la Sorbonne, Paris V, France. The Philological Society, care of R. L. Turner, Haverbrack, Bishop's Stortford, Herts, England. HONORARY MEMBERS 1933 BOISACQ, ÉMILE, Ph.D., Emeritus Professor at the University of Brussels; 271 Chaussée de Vleurgat, Ixelles-Bruxelles, Belgium. 1933 BROCKELMANN, CARL, Ph.D., Professor of Semitic Linguistics, University of Breslau; Wilhelmsruh 19, Breslau XVI, Germany. 1927 DEBRUNNER, ALBERT, Ph.D., Professor of Indo-European Linguistics and Classical Philology, University of Bern; Schwarztorstr. 36, Bern, Switzerland. 1936 ENDZELIN, JANIS, Ph.D., Professor of Baltic and Comparative Linguistics, University of Riga; Gertrudes Ielā 3, Riga, Latvia. 1935 FRAENKEL, EDUARD, Ph.D., Corpus Christi Professor of Latin, University of Oxford; Corpus Christi College, Oxford, England. 1939 HROZNÝ, BEDŘICH, Ph.D., Professor of Assyriology, Hittitology, and History of the Ancient Orient, Charles University of Prague; Vorechovka 285, Stresovice bei Prag, Bohemia-Moravia. 1927 JESPERSEN, OTTO, Ph.D., Emeritus Professor of English, University of Copenhagen; Lundehave, Helsingör, Denmark. 1936 JONES, DANIEL, Ph.D., Professor of Phonetics, University College, London; 3 Marsham Way, Gerrard's Cross, England. 1937 JUD, JAKOB, Ph.D., Professor of Romance Linguistics, University of Zurich; Guggerstr. 32, Zollikon-Zürich, Switzerland. 1937 KARLGREN, BERNHARD, Ph.D., Professor of Far Eastern Languages and Director of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities, Stockholm; Sveavägen 65, Stockholm, Sweden. 1929 KRETSCHMER, PAUL, Ph.D., Professor of Indo-European Linguistics, University of Vienna; Florianigasse 23, Wien VIII, Ostmark, Germany. 1929 MEINHOF, CARL, Ph.D., Professor of African Linguistic Research in the Colonial Institute and the University of Hamburg; Rothenbaumchaussee 5, Hamburg XIII, Germany. 1929 MENÉNDEZ PIDAL, RAMÓN, Ph.D., Professor of Romance Philology, University of Madrid; Calle de Medinaceli 4, Madrid, Spain. 27 1934 MORSBACH, LORENZ, Ph.D., Emeritus Professor of English Language and Literature, University of Göttingen; Höherweg 10, Göttingen, Germany. 1932 OERTEL, HANNS, Ph.D., Professor of Indic Linguistics, University of Munich; Pienzenauerstr. 39, München XXVII, Germany. 1930 PEDERSEN, HOLGER, Ph.D., Emeritus Professor of Comparative Linguistics, University of Copenhagen; Gersonsvej 69 II, Copenhagen, Denmark. 1927 RIVET, PAUL, Ph.D., Professor of Anthropology, National Museum of Natural History; 61 Rue de Buffon, Paris, France. 1928 SOMMER, FERDINAND, Ph.D., Professor of General and Indo-European Linguistics, University of Munich; Ludwigstr. 22 C, München, Germany. 1930 UHLENBECK, CHRISTIANUS C., Ph.D., Emeritus Professor of Old Germanic Languages and Comparative Linguistics, University of Leiden; Villa Eugenia, Lugano-Ruvigliana, Switzerland. 1932 1932 UNGNAD, ARTHUR, Ph.D., Emeritus Professor of Assyriology, University of Breslau; Burgundenstr. 74, Falkensee bei Berlin, Germany. VAN WIJK, NIKOLAAS, Ph.D., Professor of Balto-Slavic Languages, University of Leiden; Niewstraat 36, Leiden, Netherlands. Died 1941. 1938 VENDRYES, JOSEPH, Ph.D., Professor of Celtic Languages and Literature at the Ecole des Hautes-Études, and Professor of Linguistics in the Faculty of Letters of the University of Paris and the Ecole Normale Supérieure; 95 Boulevard Jourdan, Paris XIV, France. 1927 WYLD, HENRY CECIL, Ph.D., Merton Professor of English Language and Literature, University of Oxford; Merton College, Oxford, England. PERSONAL MEMBERS As far as the data are at hand, this listing gives the member's highest degree taken in course, his academic title or other occupation, his preferred mailing address if not already given in his academic title, and his special field of linguistic interest if not already adequately indicated. Corrections and additions should be sent to the Secretary of the Society. 1938 ABBOTT, KENNETH MORGAN, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Classical Languages, Ohio State University (217 Darby Hall), Columbus, Ohio. 1940 ADAMEC, CHARLES JOSEPH, Ph.D., Dean and Professor of Classics, Knox College, Galesburg, Ill.; Greek, Latin, Sanskrit. FM ADAMS, ARTHUR, Ph.D., Professor of English and Librarian, Trinity College, Hartford, Conn. 1937 ADAMS, GEORGE C. S., Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Romance Languages, West Georgia College, Carrollton, Ga.; French dialects. 1928 ADAMS, J. H., Kennett Square, Pa. 1937 ADLER, CURTIS, Attorney-at-Law, Hotel St. George, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Semitics, Romance, etymology. 1940 ADOLF, HELEN, Ph.D., 6807 Lawnton Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.; Germanics. 1940 AKHVLEDIANI, T. S., Ul. Perovskoj 14, Tbilisi, U. S. S. R. 1941 AKIN, (Miss) JOHNNYE, Ph.D., Instructor in Speech, Maryville College, St. Louis, Mo. 1929 ALBRIGHT, WILLIAM FOXWELL, Ph.D., Professor of Semitic Languages, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. 1939 ALDERMAN, HARRY JEROHAM, B.A., Library Assistant, New York University; 89 Bruce Ave., Yonkers, N. Y.; Indo-European. 1937 ALEXIS, JOSEPH E. A., Ph.D., Chairman of Dept. of Modern Languages, University of Nebraska; 1811 Pershing Rd., Lincoln, Neb.; Germanics. 1940 ALLEN, ELIZABETH K. (Mrs. Joseph H. D., Jr.), B.A., 704 W. California Ave., Urbana, Ill.; French. 1938 ALLEN, HAROLD B., Ph.D., Assistant Professor of English, San Diego State College; 4202 Norfolk Terrace, San Diego, Calif.; American dialects, Chamorro. 1938 ALLEN, JOSEPH H. D., JR., Ph.D., Instructor in French, University of Illinois; 704 W. California Ave., Urbana, Ill.; Romance linguistics. 1939 ALLEN, MARY DEHAVEN, B.S., Special Librarian, Virginia Theological Seminary, Alexandria, Va.; Semitics, Slavic languages. 1929 ALLISON, CLARA JANET, M.A., Associate Professor of Latin, Michigan State Normal College; 1010 Washtenaw Ave., Ypsilanti, Mich.; general linguistics. FM ALMSTEDT, HERMANN, Ph.D., Professor of Germanic Languages and Chairman of Dept., University of Missouri; 302 Westmount Ave., Columbia, Mo.; Germanic and comparative linguistics. 1940 ANDERSON, GEORGE KUMLER, Ph.D., Associate Professor of English, Brown University, Providence, R. I.; Germanics. 1940 ANDERSON, MARJORIE, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of English, Hunter College; 135 E. 74th St., New York City; Old English. 1926 ANDRADE, MANUEL J., Ph.D., Associate Professor of Anthropology, University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill.; general linguistics. Died Jan. 26, 1941. 1925 ANDREWS, ALBERT LEROY, Ph.D., Professor of Germanic Philology, Cornell University; 409 Mitchell St., Ithaca, New York. 1925 ARMSTRONG, EDWARD C., Ph.D., Emeritus Professor of the French Language, Princeton University; 26 Edgehill St., Princeton, N. J. 1940 ATKINS, PRESTON GEEN, A.B.; 120 E. Cottage Pl., York, Pa.; Germanics. 1940 ATKINS, SAMUEL DE COSTER, Ph.D., Instructor in Classics and Sanskrit, Princeton University; 28 Edwards Place, Princeton, N. J. 1937 AUSTIN, WILLIAM MANDEVILLE, Ph.D., 2733 Yale Sta., New Haven, Conn.; Hittite, Indo-European. 1941 BANTA, FRANK GRAHAM, M.A., Assistant Instructor in German and Latin, University of Maryland, College Park, Md. 1935 BARNHART, CLARENCE L., Ph.B., Dictionary Editor, Scott Foresman and Co., 623 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill.; English language. SC BARRET, LEROY CARR, Ph.D., Professor of Latin, Trinity College, Hartford, Conn.; Sanskrit and Latin. 1939 BARRETT, WILLIAM ROBERT, JR., A.B., 402 S. Church St., Florence, S. C.; Germanics, phonetics. 1941 BARTELMEZ, ERMINNIE, M.A., Graduate Student, Yale University; 301 Prospect St., New Haven, Conn.; Indo-European comparative linguistics. 1940 BARTLETT, ADELINE COURTNEY, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of English, Hunter College; 88 Morningside Drive, New York City; Old English. 1936 BAUGH, ALBERT CROLL, Ph.D., Professor of English, University of Pennsylvania; 4220 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa.; Middle English. 1935 BAUM, PAULL FRANKLIN, Ph.D., Professor of English, Duke University; College Station, Durham, N. C. 1940 BEARE, ROBERT L., Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, Pa.; Germanics, semantics. 1932 BECHTEL, GEORGE, Ph.D., Instructor in English, Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas; Box 53, Faculty Exchange, College Station, Texas; Greek, Latin, Hittite. 1935 BECHTEL, RUTH MOORE (Mrs. George), Ph.D., College Station, Texas; Greek, Latin, Italic dialects. 1939 BEELER, MADISON SCOTT, Ph.D., Instructor in German, University of California; 1567 Scenic Ave., Berkeley, Calif.; Indo-European, Iranian. 1941 BELT, AMELIA SUSMAN, B.A., 151 11th Ave., Seattle, Wash.; American Indian languages, Winnebago, Tsimshian. 1939 BENCH, MORRIS, M.A., Instructor in Romance Languages, Pennsylvania State College, State College, Pa. 1940 BENDER, ERNEST, 959 N. 6th St., Philadelphia, Pa. SC BENDER, HAROLD H., Ph.D., Professor of Indo-Germanic Philology, Princeton University; 120 Fitz-Randolph Road, Princeton, N. J. 1927 BENSON, ADOLPH BURNETT, Ph.D., Professor of German and Scandinavian, Yale University; 307 Yale Graduate School, New Haven, Conn. 1941 BERG, CORNELIS CHRISTIAAN, Ph.D., University of the Netherlands Indies; Tanah Abang H15, Batavia-Centrum, Java, N.E.I.; Indonesian languages. 1939 BERNARD, JULES EUGÈNE, Ph.D., Instructor in English, University of Texas; Box 2307, University of Texas, Austin, Texas; comparative linguistics. 1940 BERRY, ROBERT MEYERS, M.A., Assistant in German, Brown University (Marston Hall), Providence, R. I. 1941 BEVANS, CALEB ARUNDEL, Ph.D., Instructor in French, University of Chicago; 1360 E. 58th St., Chicago, Ill.; Medieval French. 1940 BLACK, HELEN W., M.A., 1380 Kensington Rd., Grosse Pointe Park, Mich. 1939 BLAIR, CHAUNCEY J., A.B., 8 E. 96th St., New York City; Sanskrit. FM BLAKE, FRANK RINGGOLD, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Oriental Languages, The Johns Hopkins University; 817 E. Belvedere Ave., Baltimore, Md.; Semitic and Philippine languages, and general linguistics. 1940 BLASER, EUNICE MASON (Mrs. Arthur F., Jr.), A.B., 6 Alder Ave., Troy, N. Y. 1941 BLAUVELT, HIRAM B. D., B.A.; 123 Anderson St., Hackensack, N. J.; Dutch, semantics. 1931 BLOCH, BERNARD, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of English, Brown University, and Assistant Editor of the Linguistic Atlas of the United States and Canada; Brown University, Providence, R. I. 1940 BLOK, HENRY P., Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Egyptology, University of Utrecht; Willem de Zwygerlaan 18, Oegstgeest, Netherlands; African languages. SC BLOOMFIELD, LEONARD, Ph.D., Sterling Professor of Linguistics, Yale University, New Haven, Conn. 1941 BLOOMFIELD, MORTON W., Ph.D., Assistant Professor of English, University of Akron, Akron, Ohio; Old and Middle English, general linguistics. SC BOAS, FRANZ, Ph.D., Emeritus Professor of Anthropology, Columbia University, New York City; American Indian languages. FM BOBRINSKOY, GEORGE, Assistant Professor of Sanskrit, University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. 1941 BODMAN, NICHOLAS CLEAVELAND, University Club of Chicago, 76 E. Monroe St., Chicago, Ill.; Sino-Tibetan, American Indian. SC BOLLING, GEORGE MELVILLE, Ph.D., Emeritus Professor of Greek, Ohio State University; The Princeton Inn, Princeton, N. J.; Greek and general linguistics. Life member, 1927. 1939 BOND, GEORGE, M.A., Instructor in English, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas; phonology. 1940 BONFANTE, JULIAN H., D. in Lett., Associate Professor of French, Princeton University, Princeton, N. J.; Indo-European. 1940 BOODBERG, PETER ALEXIS, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Oriental Languages, University of California (415 Library), Berkeley, Calif.; Chinese, cuneiform. 1941 BOTTKE, KARL G., Ph.D., Instructor in French Phonetics and Italian, University of Wisconsin; Box 182, Bascom Hall, Madison, Wis. 1939 BOWMAN, HENRY NEWPHER, M.A., Master in Classics, Lawrenceville School, Lawrenceville, N. J. 1926 BOYSEN, JOHANNES LASSEN, Ph.D., Professor of Germanic Languages, University of Texas; Box 1510, University Sta., Austin, Texas; Germanic syntax. 1929 BRANDSTETTER, RENWARD, Ph.D., Waldstätterhof, Lucerne, Switzerland; Romance languages, Indonesian. 1935 BREE, JOSEPHINE PAULINE, Ph.D., Head of Dept. of Classics, Albertus Magnus College, New Haven, Conn. 1936 BROUGHTON, T. ROBERT S., Ph.D., Professor of Latin, Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, Pa. |