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it impossible for him to be present. The President instructed the Secretary to dispatch the telegram.

The Secretary then reported that Mr. Hall had been elected for the position on the Committee on Publications 1942-4.

The President reported that Mr. Kurath desired to be relieved from his position on the Committee on Publications. In the absence of objections Mr. Kurath's resignation was accepted and recorded. The President then called for nominations for the position on the Committee on Publications for the unexpired term 1942-3. Mr. Malone was duly nominated by three members of the Society. In the absence of further nominations it was voted that the Secretary cast one ballot for the nominee for the unexpired term on the Committee on Publications. The President then announced that all officers had been properly elected and would take office immediately after the conclusion of the meeting on the next day. The President appointed as Committee on Resolutions Mr. Franklin Edgerton, Miss Haas and Mr. Kepke.

The President called on the Secretary to read the proposed amendment to the Constitution which had been distributed to members in printed form one month before the meeting. Its adoption was moved by Mr. Trager and properly seconded. The Secretary presided while Mr. Kent proposed an alteration in wording which would condense the form of the proposed amendment without altering its content. Mr. Trager and Mr. Dyen, two of the proposers of the amendment, indicated their willingness to accept the revised wording. It was moved, seconded, and carried by a two-thirds majority that the amendment with the revised wording be adopted. It was further voted that the outgoing President and the Secretary form a committee to work with the proposers and eliminate any verbal inconsistencies in the amendment. The wording of the revised amendment is as follows:

Amend Article II, Members, as follows:

Change Section 1 to read (changes in italics):

1. There shall be six classes of membership: active members, associate members, life members, benefactors, honorary members, subscribing members. [Sections 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 to remain as now.]

After Section 6, insert two new sections, thus:

7. The wife or husband of any active member may become an associate member on the payment of two dollars and fifty cents as an initiation fee, which shall be considered the first annual fee, and thereafter an annual fee of two dollars and fifty cents. Associate members shall have all the privileges and duties of active members, except the privilege of receiving the publications of the Society; this exception shall not apply to notices or other communications from officers of the Society.

8. An associate member may become an active member upon payment of the full fee of five dollars annually.

[Existing Sections 7, 8, 9 are to be renumbered 9, 10, 11 respectively and follow at this point, remaining otherwise unchanged.]

[Present Section 10 to be renumbered and changed to read:]

12. All classes of members, except associate members, are entitled to [etc., as now]. [Existing Section 11 to be renumbered 13, remaining otherwise unchanged.]

Adjournment was taken at 12:30 P.M.

The Second Session was held on the afternoon of Thursday, January 1, in the Palm Room of the Claypool Hotel. President Kent called the meeting to order at 2:05 and presided throughout the session. About 100 persons were present. Dean S. E. Stout, of Indiana University, delivered an address of welcome to the Society. Papers 6-14 (except 12) and 31 were presented and discussed. Adjournment was taken at 5:15 P.M.

The Annual Informal Dinner of the Society was held on Thursday, January 1, in the Chateau Room of the Claypool. 58 members, guests, and friends of the Society were present.

After the dinner Mr. Kent, the retiring President, presented an address, Retrospect and Prospect. He described the growth of the Society as he had been able to observe it as an officer from the founding to the present time, and in conclusion indicated the problems which lie before a learned society in time of After his address the members of the Society presented him with a set of the Linguistic Atlas of New England, and the following honorary address was read:

Dear Colleague:

During the first sixteen years of the Linguistic Society of America you served as Secretary-Treasurer. During this long term you contributed much more of your time and attention to the interests of the Society than such officials usually do, and you have in no small measure fostered the reputation that the Society has attained. During the seventeenth year of the Society's history it has been fortunate in having you as its President. Now that you are retiring from your long official duties we want to express our sense of obligation to you by a suitable gift. It has seemed appropriate that this gift should be a set of the Linguistic Atlas of New England, the most extensive and probably the most important publication in which the Linguistic Society has had a share.

With it please accept our hearty thanks for your many services to us and to all the members of the Society.

The Third Session was held on the evening of Thursday, January 1, in the Palm Room of the Claypool. President Kent called the meeting to order at 8:20 P.M., and presided throughout. About 72 persons were present. Papers 16-8 and 29 were presented and discussed. Adjournment was taken at 10:45


The Fourth Session was held on the morning of Friday, January 2, in the Palm Room of the Claypool. President Kent called the meeting to order at 9:25 A.M., and presided throughout. About 60 persons were present. Papers 19-26 (except 20) were presented and discussed. Adjournment was taken at 11:55 A.M.

The Fifth Session was held on the afternoon of Friday, January 2, in the Palm Room of the Claypool. President Kent called the meeting to order at 2:15 P.M., and presided throughout. After paper 27 had been presented and discussed, a business session was held. Mr. Franklin Edgerton, for the Committee on Resolutions, presented the following report, which was unanimously adopted:

The Linguistic Society of America expresses its gratitude to Butler University and Indiana University for their cordial invitation to meet in Indianapolis; to Dean Stout for his friendly address of welcome; to the local Committee on Arrangements headed by Mrs. Margaret T. Fisher for their excellent handling of the arrangements for the meeting; and to the management of the Claypool Hotel and the Indianapolis Convention Bureau for their efficient cooperation in providing every comfort and convenience for the Society and its members, especially through the instrumentality of Captain Eichelsdoerfer and of Mrs. Marian Campbell. All these agencies have contributed in important ways to making this meeting a memorably enjoyable one to all who were present at it.

While the room was being prepared for lantern-slide projection, it was agreed, at the suggestion of Mr. Swadesh, to devote half an hour to a special discussion of the syllabic phonemes of English. Mr. Bloch was requested to lead the discussion and to present in condensed form the interpretation set forth by Mr. Trager and himself in a recent article in LANGUAGE 17.223-46. Mr. Ward, Mr. Sturtevant, Mr. J. H. D. Allen Jr., Mr. Swadesh, Mr. Bloch, Mr. Hockett, Mr. Trager, Mr. Harris, and Mr. Kent participated in a lively discussion, which it was necessary to interrupt in order to continue the meeting, but which it was agreed should be continued at the close of the session if time permitted. Papers 28 and 30 were presented and discussed.

President Kent presented papers 12, 15, 20, 32, 33, and 34 by title in the absence of the authors.

The discussion of the syllabic phonemes of English was resumed and continued until 4:35 P.M., when it was felt best to take adjournment in order to enable the participants to continue their discourse informally.

The complete list of papers presented at the sessions here follows:

R. G. Kent (Univ. of Pennsylvania): Retrospect and Prospect (Presidential Address).

1. T. A. Sebeok (Univ. of Chicago): Correlations in the Hungarian Vocalism. Discussion by Messrs. Hall, Trager, Joos, Bonfante.

2. W. F. Luebke (Univ. of Denver): The Future Tense in English. Discussion by Miss Hahn, Messrs. Kent, Swadesh, Pap, Bevans, Hockett, Kent, Mrs. Kahane-Toole.

3. Bert Emsley (Ohio State Univ.): The First 'Phonetic' Dictionary. Discussion by Messrs. Bloch, Joos, Hanley, Buck.

4. F. G. Cassidy (Univ. of Wisconsin): Unstressed Final o in Wisconsin Speech. Discussion by Messrs. Buck, Hanley, Joos, Marckwardt, Trager, Kent, Bloch, Lotspeich.

5. J. W. Frey (Presbyterian College): Phonemic Problems in Teaching German to Southern Students. Discussion by Messrs. Smith, Pap, Swadesh, Hanley.

6. Helge Kökeritz (Univ. of Minnesota): Shakespeare's night-rule. Discussion by Mr. Luebke.

7. Mary R. Haas (National School of Modern Oriental Languages and Civilizations): The Phonetics of the Thai Language. Discussion by Messrs. Ward, Pap, Bloch, F. Edgerton, Sebeok, López-Morillas, Bonfante.

8. W. P. Lehmann (Univ. of Wisconsin): The IE dh-determinative as Preterite Formant in Germanic. Discussion by Mr. Ornstein.

9. E. H. Sturtevant (Yale Univ.): Hittite Initial hw- Alternating with w-. Discussion by Messrs. Dillon, Ward, F. Edgerton, Bonfante.

10. Martin Joos (Univ. of Toronto): A Phonological Dilemma in Canadian English. Discussion by Messrs. Bloch, Tucker, Swadesh, McDavid, Penzl.

11. R. L. Ward (Cornell Univ.): Thirteen, Fourteen, and Eighteen in American English. Discussion by Messrs. Voegelin, Bloch, Harris, Kent, Sturtevant, Haugen, Luebke, Marckwardt.

12. A. H. Fry (Catholic Univ. of America): Linguistics is Linguistics. (Presented by title only.)

13. Franklin Edgerton (Yale Univ.): Samprasarana 'emergence; emergent (vowel)'. Discussion by Mr. Buck.

14. C. F. Hockett (Univ. of Michigan): Ambiguity. Discussion by Messrs. Luebke, Larsen, Kent, Sturtevant, Swadesh, Bloch, Haugen, Upton. 15. W. F. Albright (Johns Hopkins Univ.): Accent and Vowel Quantity in Egyptian. (Presented by title only.)

16. Morris Swadesh (Departamento de Asuntos Indígenas, Mexico): Foreign Influences in the Bifurcation of Phonemes, as Illustrated by Recent Tarascan and Middle English. Discussion by Messrs. F. Edgerton, Marckwardt.

17. E. Adelaide Hahn (Hunter College): A New Indo-Hittite IndefiniteInterrogative-Relative Stem. Discussion by Messrs. F. Edgerton, Sturtevant, Bonfante.

18. Z. S. Harris (Univ. of Pennsylvania): Use of Junctures in Linguistic Structure. Discussion by Messrs. Bloch, Cassidy, F. Edgerton, Lounsbury, Voegelin, Swadesh.

19. R. W. Tucker (Pennsylvania Military College): Notes on the Philadelphia Dialect. Discussion by Messrs. Kent, Dyen, Williams, Miss Hahn, Mr. Allen.

20. Ephraim Cross (City College, New York): The Phonology, Phonemes, and Vocabulary of Mexican Spanish. (Presented by title only.)

21. Herbert Penzl (University of Illinois): The Development of the & Phoneme in English. Discussion by Messrs. Joos, F. Edgerton, Ward, Kent, Swadesh, Twaddell, Smith.

22. J. H. Bonfante (Princeton Univ.): A Note on the Armenian Aorist. Discussion by Mr. Upton.

23. R. A. Hall Jr. (Brown Univ.): Latin -ks- in Italian and Its Dialects. Discussion by Messrs. Bonfante, Ward, Springer.

24. G. L. Trager (Yale Univ.): Number, Gender, and Person References in Pennsylvania Windish (Slovene). Discussion by Mr. Kent, Mrs. Kahane-Toole, Messrs. Hall, Pap, F. Edgerton, Tucker.

25. H. M. Hoenigswald (Yale Univ.): The Etruscan Vowel System. Discussion by Mr. Kent.

26. Myles Dillon (Univ. of Wisconsin): Indo-European dhe- in Old Irish.

27. C. F. Voegelin (Indiana Univ.): Results Obtained by Untrained (Missionary) and Trained (Academic) Workers. Discussion by Messrs. Trager, Bloch.

28. L. W. J. Seifert (Brown Univ.): The Diminutive Suffixes of Pennsylvania German. Discussion by Mr. Tucker.

29. Otto Springer (Univ. of Pennsylvania): On Defining the Sources of Colonial Speech. Discussion by Messrs. Hall, Haugen, Seifert, Reed, Kent, Sturtevant, Harris, Cowan, Upton.

30. C. E. Reed (Brown Univ.): German Loan-Words in Pennsylvania English. Discussion by Messrs. Tucker, Smith.

31. R. I. McDavid Jr. (Southwestern Louisiana Institute): Phonological Evidence of Naive Spellings in Southwestern Louisiana. Discussion by Messrs. Frey, Marckwardt, Mrs. Fisher, Messrs. McGalliard, Bloch, Penzl.

32. C. C. Rice (Catawba College): More on kámptein > Sp. cansar, and Greek Etyma in Romance. (Presented by title only.)

33. Alice E. Kober (Brooklyn College): Two Minoan Vowels. (Presented by title only.)

34. D. F. Sheehan (Michigan State College): Loan Words of the Early Modern English Period, 1475-1700. (Presented by title only.)

(signed) J. M. COWAN

[Members of the Linguistic Society of America who find omissions or errors in the printed proceedings of this meeting are requested to send their corrections to the Secretary before June 1, 1942.]

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