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exceeding the amount standing on the books of the Society on June 1, 1942, to the credit of the current funds of the Linguistic Institute.

2. That the Linguistic Society arrange for a special summer meeting at Chapel Hill during the 1942 session of the Linguistic Institute.

3. That the Committee on Nominations be instructed to submit its report to the Secretary of the Society on or before September 10, 1942.

4. That the Society instruct the incoming President to appoint a committee of three to select the beneficiaries of the Dues Fund for Refugee Scholars.

5. That under the Constitution II.6 Hardin Craig be relieved from further payment of annual dues, without loss of any of the privileges of membership.

The Executive Committee decided not to make any recommendations for election to Honorary Membership.

Other matters were discussed, but did not call for formal action.

The report was ordered to be received and filed. On motion the Society adopted collectively the recommendations of the Executive Committee 1-5 by unanimous consent.

Mr. Bloch, Editor and Chairman of the Society's Committee on Publications, presented the following report, which was ordered to be received and filed:

During the year 1941 the Society has issued the following publications:

Language, Vol. 17, 364 pages.

Language Dissertation No. 32: Philip Scherer, Germanic-Balto-Slavic Etyma; 63 pages. Language Dissertation No. 33: Joseph H. D. Allen Jr.: Portuguese Word-Formation with Suffixes; 143 pages.

Language Dissertation No. 34: William G. Moulton, Swiss German Dialect and Romance Patois; 75 pages.

Bulletin No. 14: The Preparation of Copy for Printing, Proceedings of the Ann Arbor Meeting 1940, Proceedings of the Providence Meeting 1940, List of Members 1940; 70 pages.

Special Publication: Robert A. Hall Jr., Bibliography of Italian Linguistics; 543 pages, bound in buckram.

A rough classification of articles in the current volume of the journal according to the languages treated reveals the following distribution:

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The new format described in LANG. 17.78-9 and Bull. 14.25, increasing the number of 10-point lines per page from 40 to 45 and the length of each line from 4 to 4 inches, has worked out very well and appears to have met with general approval. The relative economy of this format may be judged by the fact that the 364 pages of the journal are the equivalent of approximately 450 pages in the old format.

The first issue of the Society's publication for this year (LANG. 17.1, Bull. No. 14, Diss. No. 32) was printed on paper thinner and smoother than the stock used previously, and at least in theory better able to take ink. Unfortunately, the new stock proved unsuitable in use; and all subsequent issues of the Society's publications have been printed on the old stock. After consultation with Mr. Grover C. Orth, editor of the Waverly Press, and partly on his advice, the Committee on Publications decided to make no further changes.

The stock now used, a 50-pound base paper with 30 percent rag content, is guaranteed to last without yellowing or brittling for at least a generation, and seems in most respects to be definitely superior to other stocks of comparable price.

The Committee have received enough material in the form of articles to give each number of the journal both substance and reasonable variety; but reviews have been more difficult to secure. Although the number of reviews published in the current volume of LANGUAGE is considerably above the average of previous years (30 as compared with about 19), an even larger number is desirable if the journal is to serve the purpose of reflecting and evaluating the new developments in our science. Accordingly, the Committee would urge all members of the Society to cooperate in expanding this phase of our activity by contributing reviews of new books in their fields of special interest. Books sent to the Editor and listed under Publications Received are usually available for review by any qualified member of the Society; but the Committee would especially welcome unsolicited reviews, since not all publishers furnish review copies of their publications, and since the Editor, in any case, cannot personally know the specialists in every field.

As regards reviews, it cannot be too often or too plainly emphasized that their tone and content are exclusively the authors'; the judgments expressed in them must never be interpreted as reflecting the policy of the journal. LANGUAGE is not the organ of any one school of linguistic theory, but of the Linguistic Society as a whole. It may publish controversial views, and occasionally it may seem to give more space to one side of a controversy than to another, if the supporters of that side happen to send in more material; but the Committee on Publication, in their official capacity, have no interest in promoting any special cause beyond the one for whose advancement our Society was organized.

My sincere thanks are due to the other members of this Committee for their collaboration; to Mr. Kent and Mr. Cowan for invaluable assistance in the printing of our publications; to the many other members of the Linguistic Society, my colleagues and friends, for the generous way in which they have always answered my calls for advice; and to Mr. Orth and the staff of the Waverly Press for their efficient service and their friendly cooperation.

Mr. Holmes, as Director of the Linguistic Institute, presented the following report for the Administrative Committee of the Linguistic Institute (Mr. Holmes, director; Mr. E. H. Sturtevant, associate director; Mr. Fries, Mr. Lane, Mr. Pierson, Mr. Linker), which was ordered to be received and filed:

The session of the Linguistic Institute for 1941 was held at the University of North Carolina, in Chapel Hill, from June 12 to July 19. In order to give two semester or three quarter hours of credit, it was necessary to hold the courses six times a week. Thirty courses were offered, including Phonetics and Phonemics, Experimental Phonetics, American Dialects, Introduction to Linguistic Science, Celtic, Sanskrit, Chinese, American Indian Languages, Algonquian, Greek and Latin Grammar, Lithuanian, Akkadian, Comparative Semitic, English, Germanics, Vulgar Latin, Old French, Old Provençal, Old Italian, Old Spanish, and Elementary Greek; Tocharian was also offered, for the second time in the United States. There were ten visiting instructors and seven from the regular faculty of the University of North Carolina. There were forty-five students who did not have the doctor's degree and twenty-two with this degree, making a total of sixty-seven registered students. Nearly all the members of the teaching staff attended courses also. The Introduction to Linguistic Science, given by Mr. E. H. Sturtevant, with the assistance of Mr. G. L. Trager, was the feature course of the session; nearly everyone attended, joining in the very profitable discussions. Five Thursday luncheon discussions were held, and there were four public lectures on Sunday evenings.

In 1942 we are planning to carry on as usual, while at the same time we stand ready to aid in the national war program in any way that may be suggested. Again we expect to have at least thirty courses, with nine visiting instructors and seven members of the Uni

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versity of North Carolina staff. As there was some objection last year to Saturday classes, we shall avoid them in 1942 by holding the Institute over for an extra three days. The American Council of Learned Societies will again grant scholarships for varying amounts but in no case for more than one hundred dollars. In addition it has allotted the Institute a very generous grant for its partial support in 1942.

Mr. Franklin Edgerton, for the Standing Committee on Research (Mr. Edgerton, chairman; Mr. Bloomfield, Mr. Bolling), presented the following report, which was ordered to be received and filed:

The Committee on Research has considered such projects as have been referred to it during the year, but has made no positive recommendations.

The Secretary stated that no report had been received from the Committee on the Application of Linguistic Knowledge to Practical Problems of Teachers of English (Mr. Fries, chairman; Mr. Bloomfield, Mr. Kenyon).

Mr. Sturtevant, for the advisory Committee on the Investment of Linguistic Institute Endowment Funds (Mr. Sturtevant, chairman; Mr. W. F. Edgerton, Mr. Larsen, Mr. Baugh, Mr. Williams, Mr. Cowan), presented the following report, which was ordered to be received and filed:

The Committee has recommended the investments enumerated in the Treasurer's Report.

The Secretary, for the Committee on the Beneficiaries of the Dues Fund, (Mr. Senn, chairman; Mr. Keniston, Mr. Malone), presented the following report, which was ordered to be received and filed:

The Committee reports that the following contributions have been made: one member of the Linguistic Society, who wants to remain anonymous, paid the dues for 1941 for one specifically designated candidate; additional contributions have been made in the amount of $25.00. No new appropriations have been made from this fund in addition to the one already mentioned and specially provided for. The fund holds now $25.00. The committee wishes to extend most sincere thanks to the donors and expects that contributions will continue to come in in the future. Members of the Linguistic Society are urged to contribute to this good cause by sending their contributions to the Treasurer, either designating a specific beneficiary or leaving the decision to the committee.

Mr. Franklin Edgerton, for the Committee on Endowment for the Linguistic Institute (Mr. Edgerton, chairman; Miss Hahn, Mr. Fries), presented the following report, which was ordered to be received and filed:

During the year the Committee has received $506.50 in payments on pledges to the Endowment of the Linguistic Institute. A capital gain of $278.01 to the Linguistic Institute Endowment Fund was realized on the $2,092.00 invested in the U. S. Treasury Bond when that bond was sold. The amount of $3.60 was gained by the sale of A. T. & T. rights. The Executive Committee voted to transfer a $550.00 gift received in 1940 from current funds to Linguistic Institute Endowment, thus bringing the increase in Linguistic Institute Endowment to $1,338.11 for the year 1941. The total amount now in this fund is $4,462.06. There are pledges outstanding in the amount of $484.50.

Mr. Sturtevant, for the Delegates to the American Council of Learned Societies (Mr. Sturtevant, term expiring 1942; Mr. Lane, term expiring 1944), presented the following report, which was ordered to be received and filed:

During the past year the activities of the Council have been directed more than ever before to matters of interest to the Linguistic Society.

The generous support given to the Linguistic Atlas of the United States and Canada since the inception of that project has been continued. During the year the second volume of the New England Atlas has been published, and the Council has pledged $1000, which insures the prompt publication of the third volume when the maps are ready-probably next spring.

It is hoped that adequate support for the next three sessions of the Linguistic Institute can soon be found. In the meantime the Council has guaranteed payment of a subvention of $2000, on July 1, 1942, toward the costs of next summer's session.

During the year the Council has received from the Rockefeller Foundation a generous subvention for intensive instruction in unusual languages, and this is interpreted to mean particularly modern oriental languages. A similar grant is to be devoted to intensive instruction in Chinese, Japanese, and Russian. Both sums are being administered by a committee consisting of Mortimer Graves, Franklin Edgerton, and Howland Shaw.

Since usable grammars, dictionaries, etc. for some of these languages do not exist, it is necessary first of all to create them, and the committee has wisely decided to insist that this work shall be scientifically sound in order to be as efficient as possible.

Actual instruction is under way in Japanese and Chinese. Implementation has been begun on Siamese, Persian, Malay, and North African Arabic. Plans are approaching completion for similar work on native African languages, Hungarian, Finnish, and Turkish. Several governmental departments and agencies are interested in this work, and it is hoped that in the end it may be largely supported by the government.

The Secretary stated that no report had been received from Mr. Herzog, Delegate to the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

For Mr. Sehrt, Delegate to the American Documentation Institute, the Secretary presented the following report, which was ordered to be received and filed:

As representative of the Society on the Board of the American Documentation Institute, I beg to report that no linguistic work was published in microfilm in 1941.

For Mr. McQuown, Delegate to the Mexican Council for Indigenous Languages, the Secretary presented the following report, which was ordered to be received and filed:

Because of changes in the political scene in Mexico and certain adjustments in government policy in the various official organisms which constituted the chief financial support of the Mexican Council for Indian Languages, especially in view of the abandonment on the part of the Mexican Department of Indian Affairs of the program of education in Indian languages, the activities of the Council have been limited to the purely voluntary work of the various members in perfecting the general alphabet of the Council and in the creation of alphabets for particular languages.

The following alphabets have been discussed and approved in the sessions of the Council during the past year: Otomi, Aztec, Yaqui, Tarahumara, Maya, Tarascan, Zapotec, and Totonac. Although in a few details these alphabets still need perfecting, the Council does not hesitate to recommend them for all scientific and popular use.

The future of the work of the Council is extremely uncertain in view of the lack of official interest in its practical work on the one hand, and because of the instability of the situations of some of its most active members on the other.

It has not yet been possible to publish the Review of the Council, but the Council hopes to print a full report of the work on alphabets which has been carried out in the past year.

Following this report Mr. Swadesh gave a brief account of the linguistic work being done in Mexico, especially the application of phonemic orthographies to unwritten languages.

For Mr. Hull, Delegate to the Fordham University Centennial Celebration, the Secretary presented the following report, which was ordered to be received and filed:

I should like to report to you that as the accredited delegate of the Linguistic Society of America, I had the honor to attend the centennial celebrations of Fordham University, which were held at New York in September of this year. During the three days of these celebrations, I had numerous occasions at various functions to felicitate the authorities of this distinguished seat of learning on the many notable achievements of Fordham, especially in the realm of scholarship, during its century of existence, and, at the same time, to extend to them as well as to the University, which they are serving in such an eminent way, the sincerest wishes of all of the members of our Society for an equally brilliant and prosperous future.

For Mr. Buck, Delegate to the Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration of the University of Chicago, the Secretary presented the following report, which was ordered to be received and filed:

As delegate of the Linguistic Society of America to the Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration of the University of Chicago I returned to Chicago in time to take part in the Linguistic Symposium on Sept. 22. I attended all the functions, social and otherwise, of the main celebration, Sept. 27-9, including the Convocation at which our Professor E. H. Sturtevant was one of the recipients of honorary degrees. The arrangements for the entertainment and comfort of the large body of delegates were notably efficient.

Mr. Edgerton, for the Nominating Committee (Mr. Fries, chairman; Mr. Edgerton, Mr. Kroeber), reported the following nominations:

President, Hans Kurath, Brown University.

Vice-President, E. A. Speiser, University of Pennsylvania.
Secretary-Treasurer, J. M. Cowan, University of Iowa.
Executive Committee 1942-3 (two to be elected)

Einar Haugen, University of Wisconsin

R. L. Ward, Cornell University

Editor, Bernard Bloch, Brown University.

Committee on Publications 1942–4, R. A. Hall Jr., Brown University.
Nominating Committee 1942-4, E. H. Sehrt, George Washington University.

The Secretary reported that all the nominees had stated willingness to serve if elected; that there had been a further nomination, by petition, of Kemp Malone, Johns Hopkins University, for the position on the Committee on Publications 1942-4, and that Mr. Malone had stated that he would serve if elected. Other nominations were called for, and in their absence it was voted that the Secretary be instructed to cast one ballot for all nominees except those for the Committee on Publications 1942-4. It was then voted that polls for the vote for the position on the Committee on Publications be opened at once, to be closed when all those present and desiring to vote had voted. The President appointed Mr. Hockett and the Secretary to act as tellers of the election. While ballots were being distributed Mr. Franklin Edgerton announced that Mr. Fries had been injured in an accidental fall and was consequently unable to attend the meeting. It was voted that a telegram be sent expressing the sympathy of the Society with Mr. Fries on this occasion and the deep regret that his injury made

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