Abbildungen der Seite

FM HUNTINGTON, ARCHER M., Author; 1 E. 89th St., New York City. Benefactor, 1927.

FM HURWITZ, WILLIAM A., Ph.D., address unknown.

1926 HYVERNAT, HENRY, S.T.D., Professor of Semitic Languages and Literatures, Catholic University of America; 3405 12th St., N. E., Washton, D. C.

FM ICHIKAWA, SANKI, Professor of English, Tokyo Imperial University; 25 Kitayamabushicho, Ushigome, Tokyo, Japan.

1939 ISSATCHENKO, ALEXANDER V., Ph.D., Privatdocent in Slavic Philology at the University; Vegova 8, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia.

FM JACOB, CARY F., Ph.D., Associate Professor of Spoken English, Smith College; 69 Prospect St., Northampton, Mass.

1936 JACOBS, HADLEY POWELL, B.A., The Cottage, 15 Brentford Road, Cross Roads P. O., Jamaica; Germanic and Creole languages.

1928 JACOBS, MELVILLE, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Anthropology, University of Washington, Seattle, Wash.; American Indian languages. 1940 JEFFERY, ARTHUR, Ph.D., Professor of Semitic Languages, Columbia University; 606 W. 122d St., New York City.

1929 JOHNSON, EDWIN LEE, Ph.D., Professor of Latin and Greek, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn.; Latin and Greek etymology.

1936 JOHNSON, OSCAR EMANUEL, Ph.D., Assistant Editor of the Middle English Dictionary, University of Michigan; 903 Cedar Bend Drive, Ann Arbor, Mich.; medieval English.

1937 JONES, FRANK PIERCE, Ph.D., Instructor in Greek and Latin, Brown University, Providence, R. I.; comparative syntax.

1936 Joos, MARTIN, M.A., Lecturer in German, University College, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ont., Canada; systematic synchronic linguistics.

1939 JOSSELSON, HARRY HIRSCH, A.M., Instructor in English, Wayne University; 13556 Wark Ave., Detroit, Mich.; Indo-European, FinnoUgrian.

1940 KAHANE, HEINRICH R., Ph.D., Teaching Fellow in Comparative Literature, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, Calif.; Mediterranean linguistic geography.

1940 KAHANE-TOOLE, RENÉE (Mrs. Heinrich R. Kahane), Ph.D., University of Southern California, Los Angeles, Calif.; Mediterranean linguistic geography.

1935 KASTEN, LLOYD A. W., Ph.D., Instructor in Spanish, University of Wisconsin; Bascom Hall, Madison, Wis.

1935 KEHLENBECK, ALFRED PAUL, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Modern Languages, Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa; German linguistics, Low German dialects.

FM KELLER, MAY LANSFIELD, Ph.D., Professor of the English Language, Westhampton College, University of Richmond, Va.

1939 KELLOGG, ALLEN B., M.A., 10509 S. Hamilton Ave., Chicago, Ill.; medieval English.

1925 KELLOGG, GEORGE DWIGHT, Ph.D., Professor of Latin, Union College, Schenectady, New York.

FM KELLOGG, ROBERT JAMES, Ph.D., 415 S. Cedar St., Ottawa, Kas.; Hittite. 1928 KENISTON, HAYWARD, Ph.D., Professor of Romance Languages, University of Michigan; 1915 Austin Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich.; Spanish. FM KENNEDY, ARTHUR G., Ph.D., Professor of English Philology, Stanford University; 435 Coleridge Ave., Palo Alto, Calif.

1937 KENNEDY, GEORGE ALEXANDER, Ph.D., Lecturer on Chinese Language and Literature, Yale University; 324 Hall of Graduate Studies, New Haven, Conn.; Chinese dialects.

SC KENT, ROLAND G., Ph.D., Professor of Comparative Philology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa.; general linguistics, Latin, Old Persian. Life Member, 1927.

1929 KENYON, JOHN SAMUEL, Ph.D., Professor of the English Language, Hiram College, Hiram, Ohio.

1930 KEPKE, JOHN, M.A., 1 Grace Court, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Germanic languages. Life Member, 1935.

FM KERNS, J. ALEXANDER, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Classics, Room 644, Washington Square College, New York University, Washington Square East, New York City; Indo-European and Semitic verb-morphology.

1937 KING, EDMUND LUDWIG, M. A., Instructor in Modern Languages, Mississippi State College, State College, Miss.; Spanish.

1935 KINKELDEY, CARL W., Assistant Professor of German, City College, 139th St. and Convent Ave., New York City.

1936 KIRCHHOFF, BODO JONNY, M.A., care of German Dept., University of Southern California, Los Angeles, Calif.; English and Germanic linguistics.

FM KLEIN, EUGENE, 212 South 13th St., Philadelphia, Pa.; Hungarian. 1927 KLEIST, JAMES A., Ph.D., Professor of Classical Languages, St. Louis University, Grand and Pine Blvds., St. Louis, Mo.

1926 KNOTT, THOMAS A., Ph.D., Professor of English and Editor of the Middle English Dictionary, University of Michigan; 1504 Brooklyn St., Ann Arbor, Mich.

1933 KNUDSON, CHARLES A., Ph.D., Professor of Romance Languages, Hamilton College, Clinton, N. Y.

1933 KOBER, ALICE E., Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Classics, Brooklyn College; 901 Washington Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.

FM KÖNIG, SELMA S., Ph.D., Professor of Modern Languages, Peru State Teachers' College; Campus, Peru, Neb.; comparative linguistics. 1935 KOPPELMANN, HEINRICH LUDWIG, Ph.D., Madoeraweg 51, BataviaCentrum, Netherlands Indies; general linguistics.

1932 KORFMACHER, WILLIAM CHARLES, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Classical Languages, St. Louis University; 8045 Gannon St., St. Louis, Mo. 1938 KOZUMPLIK, WILLIAM ANTHONY, A.M., 5602 Maryland Ave., Jackson Park Sta., Chicago, Ill.; Germanics.

FM KRAUSS, FRANKLIN BRUNELL, Ph.D., Professor of Latin, The Pennsylvania State College, State College, Pa.

SC KROEBER, ALFRED L., Ph.D., Professor of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley, Calif.; American Indian languages. 1936 KUHN, SHERMAN MCALLISTER, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of English, Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College; 230 Walnut St., Stillwater, Okla; English linguistics.

1932 KÜMMERLE, KATHERINE E., Ph.D., First Assistant in Modern Languages, Walton High School, New York City; 91 Vernon Ave., Mt. Vernon, N. Y.; metrics.

FM KURATH, HANS, Ph.D., Professor of German and General Linguistics, Brown University, and Director of the Linguistic Atlas of the United States and Canada; Brown University, Providence, R. I.

1934 KURYLOVICZ, JERZY, Ph.D., Professor at the University of Lwów, Poland.

1939 LAIRD, HILDA CHARLOTTA, B.A., Assistant Professor of German, Queens University, Kingston, Ont., Canada; Gothic.

1940 LANDA, SAMUEL, M.A., Teacher of French in New York City High Schools, 281 E. Broadway, New York City; Romance languages and syntax.

1931 LANE, GEORGE SHERMAN, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Germanic and Comparative Linguistics, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C.

1940 LANG, EDGAR A., Ph.D., Instructor in German Language and Literature, Catholic University of America; 55 W. Broadway, South Boston, Mass.

1939 LANGEBARTEL, WILLIAM WINTER, A.M., 234 S. 38th St., Philadelphia, Pa.; Germanics.

1940 LANSBERG, WILLIAM Ross, A.B., Instructor in French, University of North Carolina (Faculty Club), Chapel Hill, N. C.; Romance linguistics.

1928 LARSEN, HENNING, Ph.D., Professor of English, University of Illinois; 807 W. Oregon St., Urbana, Ill.; Old English, Old Norse.

1938 LEARNED, HENRY DEXTER, Ph.D., Professor of French and Chairman of the Dept. of Modern Languages, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pa.; Vulgar Latin, Romance linguistics.

1932 LEBEL, OMER M., Ph.D., Instructor in Romance Languages, City College, New York City.

1938 LEDGERWOOD, RICHARD C., Ph.D., 545 S. Douglas St., Springfield, Ill.; semantics.

1938 LEETE, WILLIAM ROCKWELL, M.A., 85 Sherman St., Hartford, Conn.;


1938 LEHMANN, WINFRED PHILIPP, B.A., Graduate Assistant in German, University of Wisconsin; Ableman, Wis.

1940 LEICHTY, VERDUN EARLE, M.A., Instructor in English, Michigan State College, East Lansing, Mich.; modern English usage.

1929 LEON, HARRY JOSHUA, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Classical Languages, University of Texas, Austin, Texas.

1928 LEOPOLD, WERNER F., Ph.D., Professor of German, Northwestern University; 1409 Rosalie St., Evanston, Ill.; general linguistics, philosophy of language. Life Member, 1934.

1936 LEVY, HARRY L., Ph.D., Instructor in Greek and Latin, Hunter College; 116 W. 197th St., New York City.

1927 LI, FANG-KUEI, Ph.D., Research Fellow, Academia Sinica, 3 Tien Hua Hang, Kunming, Yunnan, China; Chinese, Tai, Athabascan.

1935 LILIENTHAL, MRS. MARIA, Teacher of German and Russian, Berlitz School of Languages; 2519 S. Lambert St., Philadelphia, Pa. 1940 LILIENTHAL, RUTH MARIE, A.B., 2519 S. Lambert St., Philadelphia, Pa.; Germanics.

1927 LITTLE, CHARLES EDGAR, Ph.D., Professor of Classical Languages, George Peabody College for Teachers, Nashville, Tenn.; Latin, Italic dialects.


LITTLEJOHN, REBECCA BOLLING (Mrs. Robert M.), Southampton,
L. I., N. Y. Benefactor, 1927.

1935 LLOYD, HARRIET, A.M., 7100 South Shore Drive, Chicago, Ill.; American English, general linguistics.

SC LOTSPEICH, CLAUDE MEEK, Ph.D., Professor of Comparative and English Philology, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. 1932 LOWMAN, GUY SUMNER, JR., Ph.D., field-worker of the Linguistic Atlas, Brown University, Providence, R. I.; English dialects in the United States.

FM LUEBKE, WILLIAM FERDINAND, Ph.D., Professor of English Language, University of Denver, 2076 S. Fillmore St., Denver, Colo.

1937 LUND, JOHN J., Ph.D., University Librarian, Duke University, Durham, N. C.; Indo-European, Scandinavian.

1927 LURIA, MAX A., Ph.D., Professor of Romance Languages, Brooklyn College; 20 Pierrepont St., Brooklyn, N. Y., Spanish linguistics and dialects.

1936 LYNCH, C. ARTHUR, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Greek and Latin, Brown University, Providence, R. I.

1939 LYTE, HERBERT O., Ph.D., Associate Professor of German, State University of Iowa; 220 Sunset St., Iowa City, Iowa.

1940 MAGNE, Rev. AUGUSTUS, S.J., Externato S. Ignacio, Rua São Clemente 226 (Botafogo), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

1939 MAGOON, WALLACE HERBERT, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Latin and Greek, Michigan State Normal College; 916 Grant St., Ypsilanti, Mich.

1940 MALKIEL, YAKOV, Ph.D., 306 W. 109th St., New York City; Romance and general linguistics.

FM MALONE, KEMP, Ph.D., Professor of English, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md.

1938 MANN, STUART EDWARD, B.A., Room 2, Ministry of Information (personal), London W.1, England: Albanian.

FM MANNING, CLARENCE AUGUSTUS, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of East European Languages, Columbia University; 25 East View Ave., Pleasantville, N. Y.

1937 MANNING, WARREN FRANCIS, M.A., Assistant Professor of French, West Virginia University; 123 S. Walnut St., Morgantown, W. Va.; Romance linguistics.

1932 MARCKWARDT, ALBERT H., Ph.D., Associate Professor of English and Assistant Editor of the Early Modern English Dictionary, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.

FM MARCUS, RALPH, Ph.D., Professor of Semitic Philology in the Jewish Institute of Religion, and Lecturer in Semitic Languages in Columbia University; Philosophy Hall, Columbia University, New York City. 1939 MARSH, GORDON HARPER, B.A., 103 Overlook Terrace, Leonia, N. J.; Indo-European.

1936 MARTI, BERTHE MARIE, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Latin and French, Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, Pa.

1939 MATTHEWS, WILLIAM, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of English, University of California at Los Angeles; 928 Wellesley Ave., West Los Angeles, Calif.

1940 MAUER, JOSEPH ABELE, M.A., Instructor in Latin, Moravian College, Bethlehem, Pa.

FM MAXFIELD, EZRA KEMPTON, Ph.D., George M. Laughlin Professor of the English Language and Literature, Washington and Jefferson College; 311 East Beau St., Washington, Pa.; English and Germanic languages. Died Jan. 8, 1941.

FM MCCREA, NELSON GLENN, Ph.D., Anthon Professor of the Latin Language and Literature, Columbia University, New York City. 1937 MCDAVID, RAVEN IOOR, JR., Ph.D., Assistant Professor of English, Southwestern Louisiana Institute, Lafayette, La.; American dialects. 1929 MCLEAN, CHARLES MOSSMAN, A.M., 3 Chestnut St., Binghamton, N. Y.; semantics, sign language.

1939 MCMILLAN, JAMES B., A.M., Assistant Professor of English in the School of Commerce, University of Alabama; University, Ala.; English linguistics, American English.

1937 MCQUOWN, NORMAN ANTON, M.A., Department of Anthropology, Instituto Politécnico Nacional; Díaz Mirón 296, Mexico, D.F., Mexico; American Indian languages.

1936 MEADER, CLARENCE LINTON, Ph.D., Emeritus Professor of General Linguistics, University of Michigan; 2022 Angell Hall, Ann Arbor, Mich.; biological approach to language study.

1933 MEECH, SANFORD BROWN, Ph.D., 725 Foster St., Evanston, Ill. 1934 MENCKEN, H. L., Author, 1524 Hollins St., Baltimore, Md.; American


1938 MENGES, KARL HENRICH, Ph.D., Visiting Professor in East European Languages, Columbia University, New York City; Turkish and Mongol linguistics and ethnology.

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