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old preacher indicate his cause not to be the best, and that it will need auxiliaries of a very different nature to support it, or it must fall to the ground.

You say you have published a treatise on atonement, which you think is unanswerable. An encomium from another quarter might have been a little more acceptable. I have read the piece, and have a very different idea of it. By the leave of Providence, perhaps you and the public will know my mind more fully about it before long.

See that you do not preach for filthy lucre; we are very prone to be caught in this snare. "Good advice

can do you no harm."

I close with a word of advice.

Reverend sir-You tell me "in the fear of God that you are not an enemy to me or any other person;" that you wish me happiness, &c. But why need you tell me this? I have just been reading your benevolent epistle. You say, "Good advice can do me no harm." Sir, I think it has not. Perhaps you esteem me a debtor to you for your very friendly admonition, "good advice can do you no harm." Beware of challenging others to dispute with you, and boasting that they "dare not contend with you on fair and open ground" (Epistle, p. 8), and that you "want to find an antagonist" (Epistle, p. 5). Should you ever be overtaken in this matter, don't deny it. "Good advice can do you no harm." Beware of pomposity; we should carry low sails on this tempestuous sea. "Good advice can do you no harm." Learn to distinguish between benevolence and malevolence, and make no great pretence to the former unless you are pretty confident you have it and act it out. 66 'Good advice can do you no harm."

In your next epistle, should you find nothing to employ your pen about but personal invective and matters that you know nothing about, try, according to your promise, to use a little more candour, and not be quite so unmerciful. "Good advice can do you no harm." Sir, your humble servant,




"Happily to steer

From grave to gay, from lively to severe."

TRUTH requires that this part of Mr. Haynes's peculiar character should not be suppressed. It will be evidently difficult for those who were not acquainted with this eccentric and extraordinary man, to see the consistency of his very free indulgence in wit, with a uniform and pervading piety. In the view, however, of those who were intimately acquainted with him, it did not detract either from his Christian or ministerial character. It seemed to come unbidden, and unaccompanied by levity, its usual companion. Though we may deprecate every attempt by others to imitate this quality of his mind, yet any view of his character which does not embrace it will be evidently incomplete. Moreover, it is thought by those who best knew the circumstances of his location, the cunning and obtrusive skepticism, the bold and blasphemous infidelity, with which the region was infested, that this talent gave him an influence which could not otherwise have been acquired, and which inspired the ranks of infidelity with alarm at his approach.

He went one evening into a store where ardent spirits were drunk as well as sold. In his pleasant manner he addressed the company, "How d'ye do ?—

how do you all do here?" The merchant, willing to jest a little, replied-" Oh! not more than half drunk.” "Well, well," said Mr. Haynes, "I am glad there's a reformation begun."

When a revival of religion was in progress in his parish, and Satan gave intimations of dissatisfaction (as he is wont to do at such times), some of his students having been slandered for their zeal and activity, made their complaints to him of what they had suffered, and expected his sympathy and protection. After a pause, Mr. Haynes observed, "I knew all this before." "Why, then," said one, "did you not inform us ?" "Because," said he, "it was not worth communicating; and I now tell you plainly, and once for all, my young friends, it is best to let the devil carry his own mail, and bear its expenses."

It is said that some time after the publication of his sermon on the text, "Thou shalt not surely die," two reckless young men having agreed together to try his wit, one of them said-"Father Haynes, have you heard the good news ?"-"No," said Mr. Haynes, “what is it?”—“It is great news, indeed," said the other, "and, if true, your business is done."-"What is it?" again inquired Mr. Haynes. "Why," said the first, "the devil is dead." In a moment the old gentleman replied, lifting up both his hands and placing them on the heads of the young men, and in a tone of solemn concern, Oh, poor fatherless children! what will be


come of you?”

Mr. Haynes was a strong advocate for an educated ministry, and often expressed his great regret that he had not enjoyed the inestimable privilege of a regular course of study. A young clergyman, in conversation on this subject, sincerely remarked, that he thought ministers without learning succeed well, and that ignorant ones usually do the best. "Wont you tell me, then, sir," said Mr. Haynes, "how much ignorance is necessary to make an eminent preacher ?"

"An important political office was to be filled in Vermont," says a respected correspondent, "and two candidates were before the people, both of whom were avowed and open infidels, and rather notoriously such. These being the favourites of the two political parties, serious people felt embarrassed, and many withheld their votes. On the day of election, when the people were thronging to the polls, Mr. Haynes, being a resident in the same county, had occasion to pass through B

and made me a friendly call. As he rode up to the door, I met him with the cheerfulness and pleasure which his presence was apt to inspire; and feeling curious to know his impressions in regard to the all-absorbing question of the day, and willing also to try his wit, I said, as I took him by the hand, "Well, Father Haynes, did you put in your vote for before you left home? No;' he replied, without the least embarrassment or surprise,-' No;-when there are two candidates up, and one is Satan and t'other the Old Boy, I don't think it is much object to vote.'

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Mr. Haynes was quite remarkable for his catholic spirit towards Christians of all orthodox denominations. As a matter of course, they reciprocated his brotherly kindness. If occasion required, he could, without seeming to give the least offence, by a single brilliant stroke, allay every tendency to disputation An elder of high respectability, of the Baptist denomination, thus accosted him:-"Brother Haynes, I love you much, and I can cheerfully give you the right hand of fellowship, both as a Christian and a gospel minister; but I want you to follow Christ down the banks of Jordan.”—“ 0,” said he, "I am an old man, and the banks of Jordan are a great way off."-" You misunderstand me," replied the elder; "here is the creek close by-what hinders you to be baptized ?"-"Oh, Brother- ," said Mr. Haynes, "that is not Jordan,—that is Otter Creek."

A minister having had his house burnt, and stating the circumstances of the event to Mr. Haynes, he added, that most of his manuscript sermons were consumed with the building. Mr. Haynes replied-" Don't you think, Brother -, they gave more light from the fire than they ever gave from the pulpit ?"

A young man who had embraced the doctrine of universal salvation requested an introduction to Mr. Haynes, for the purpose of asking some questions on certain points of doctrine, when the following dialogue passed between them :

Universalist. “I understand, sir, that you hold that

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