Abbildungen der Seite


When adding a suffix that begins with a vowel, most words ending in ce, ee, oe, and ge retain the e. Some do so to keep the soft sounds of c and g, while others retain the e to preserve the identity of the primitive word. When adding some suffixes with a vowel for the first letter, a few words drop the e.

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so ci'e ty

av'er age em'ploy ee' at tired'

im press' fa'vor a bly

Dress is a factor in business, no less than in society. In this day, the average business man is demanding that his employees be so attired as to impress favorably the persons whom they are required to meet.

The doe led her fawn upon the meadow, begemmed with the dew

be gemmed' drops of early morning.



Scrib'e re [scrip'tus] = to write.



script scrip'ture art'ful ar tist'ic art'less pre scribe'

a scribe'

sub scribe'

Ars, ar'tis art.

"As no man is born an artist, so no man is born an angler."— Izaak Walton. This line is not in script but in print. "All Scripture is given for instruction."

"In a very special sense man is artistic."- Lilly.

To those who fought and died for liberty, we ascribe all praise.

"And now subscribe your names."

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“A word once uttered can never be recalled."

[blocks in formation]

ob serve'

ob serv'er ga'zer

grad'u al con sult' fence

a chieve'

crim'i nal

vi'o late re fus'al


"Every wise observer knows,
Every watchful gazer sees,

Nothing grand or beautiful grows

Save by gradual, slow degrees." "Consult with the old, and fence with the young."

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"Labor well directed will achieve all things."

The criminal violates the law.

"The refusal of praise often indicates a desire for a double portion."


ob serve'

ob serv'ing

a chieve'

a chiev'ing

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Ced'e re [ces'sus] (cede, ceed) = to go, to yield.

pre cede'

ex ceed'

ex cess'

ex cess'ive

pro ceed'ing
suc cess'or

se cede'

re cede'

an'ces tor

"Certain signs of the times precede certain kinds of events.' Cicero.

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"The world's charity does not err on the side of excess."- Matthew Arnold. "Excessive laughter proceeding from a slight cause is folly.". Cervantes.

"The thoughts of man are widened with the process of the suns."-Tennyson. The South seceded from the Union. The waves advance and recede. "The hope of my ancestors endures."

[blocks in formation]

dis solve'

ab sorb'

mu si'cian

man'do lin

gui tar'




coun'sel de spise'


"The rising sun dissolves the frost." "The large cities absorb the wealth and fashion."— Irving.

My friend is a musician, and plays the guitar and mandolin.

The old adage, "A fool and his money are soon parted," has been proven many times over.

"Take time by the forelock."Pittacus.

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[blocks in formation]

Most words ending in silent e retain e, when adding

a suffix that begins with a consonant.

[blocks in formation]
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