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"Cut off the causes, and the effects will cease.' Dryden. "Good reasons must of force give way to better."-Shakespeare. "Every principle that is a motive to good actions ought to be encouraged.' Addison.

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A defendant defends himself; a defender defends another. "Patrick Henry was beyond doubt the ablest defender of criminals in Virginia."— Wirt.

"The one sole object of education, properly understood, is not to make a gentleman, or a lawyer, or a mechanic, or a farmer, but to draw out to their utmost limits all the susceptibilities of our threefold nature, -intellect, heart, and will; and the product of this true discipline is not a scholar, nor a philosopher, nor an artist, but a fully developed man. - Tuefft.

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Mi gra're [mi gra'tus] = to go from place to place. Nas'ci [na'tus] (na'tur) = to be born.

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ward'robe' jar'di'nière' Ax'min ster chif'fo nier' mold'ing tête'-à-tête' chan'de lier' dra'per y

tab'ou ret


de can'ter coun'ter pane' bric-a-brac'

To delay is to put off action indefinitely; to postpone is to set aside either definitely or indefinitely; to defer is to postpone to some future time for action; to procrastinate is to delay through lack of determination. The indolent procrastinate.

"A lie should be trampled on and extinguished wherever found. I am for fumigating the atmosphere when I suspect that falsehood, like pestilence, breathes around me."- Carlyle.

"Our constitution is in actual operation; everything appears to promise that it will last; yet in this world nothing is certain but death and taxes." -Franklin.

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"What a piece of work is man! How noble in reason; how infinite in faculties; in form and moving how express and admirable! In action how like an angel; in apprehension how like a god; the beauty of the world, the paragon of animals!"- Hamlet.

"Brains and great executive ability are potent factors in man's success, but without the firmest and most thoroughly grounded principles of cardinal honesty they are factors which cannot make for success. It is the combination of great ability and sterling integrity which places men in control of large interests and keeps them there."-Practical Age.

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Quae're re [quae si'tus] (quis, quer,' quest) to seek,

to ask.


No ta're [no ta'tus] = to note, mark.

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chyle callous emigrant enervate chiffonier

despot acidity vicinity miniature advantageous maraud special reveler



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best answer to calumny."

"One positive word is worth a dozen points of



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He is humble who has a lowly feeling of himself as compared with others, modest who places a low estimate upon his own qualifications and will not thrust himself forward, submissive who is yielding and has respect to others.

A king governs by wise and judicious laws; a despot rules by arbitrary decision and is autocratic.

An argument is convincing that directs one's reasoning; conclusive that prevents further discussion; decisive that puts an end to all wavering and determines one's will. Both convincing and conclusive arguments assist in decisive action.

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