Abbildungen der Seite
[blocks in formation]

pu'tre fy

cor rupt'

se ver'i ty al low'a ble

grat'i fy
cu'ri os'i ty

dis guise'
hu mil'i ty
coun'te nance



Fruits rot, and meats putrefy. "Evil communications corrupt good

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Severity may be allowable when gentleness has no effect.

"History gratifies the curiosity of the reader regarding the Past; modifies his views of the Present; and provides his forecast of the Future." Seeley. "Disguised humility is pride." "An honest countenance is the best passport." - Proverb.

“The oak is the emblem of honor.”





Fran'ge re [frac'tus] (frag, fring, fractur) to break. Mo' dus = measure, manner, fashion.

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"Laughter is the chorus of conversation."-Steele.

[blocks in formation]

com'e dy

re vere'

a pos'tle

ab'di cate
re sign'
re nounce'
al lure'ment
a ban'don

ben e fi'cial

sluggish ness dep're cate rev'e nue

"Comedy drives dull care away." "Let us revere the memory of the apostles." Rivers.

Charles V. abdicated his crown; his minister resigned his office; both renounced the world, its allurements and troubles, and thus abandoned all power.

"Early rising is usually beneficial to health, and sluggishness should be deprecated." — Ellis.

"Economy itself is a great revenue."


"Good humor makes all things tolerable."- Beecher.

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Lu'de re [lu'sus] to play, to laugh at, to sport with. Pes [ped'is]=foot. Pous [pod os'] (Greek)=feet. Cen'tum hundred. Quad'r-=


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

ap'pli ca'tion

ac'cu ra cy
punc'tu al'i ty
dis patch'
ef fi'cient

sim plic'i ty
ex'cel lence
su preme'

as ser'tion


rep'ri mand

dis cuss'


"Attention, application, accuracy, method, punctuality, and dispatch are the qualities required for the efficient conduct of business of any sort.' Smiles.

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"Simplicity is the crowning excellence of art."


"Goodness is the supreme beauty." "Assertion is no proof."- Holder

A parent chides a son; a master reprimands a servant.

"Souls agree, minds discuss."

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"A good conscience is a good pillow."

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