Abbildungen der Seite
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"The virtuous are free from anxiety."

- Confucius.

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"Prosperity getteth friends; adver

sity trieth them."


Economy joined to industry and sobriety is a better outfit for business than a dowry."

Speech is peculiar to man alone. "Man, in distinction from other animals, is particular in his habits. Deeds survive the doer."- Mann.

"Poetry is the breath of beauty."

"Honor and shame from no condition rise;

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Act well your part, there all the honor lies."— Pope.

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Or'do [or'din is] = order, rank.

Vo ve're [vo'tus] (vout) = to promise.
Spec'e re [spec'tus] (speci, spy) = to look.

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can'di date
nom'i nate
Pres'i den cy
Re pub'li can
Dem'o crat
nom'i nee'
re spec'tive
pol'i cy
cam paign'


Of the several candidates nominated for the Presidency of the United States in 1904, Theodore Roosevelt, Republican, and Alton B. Parker, Democrat, were the successful nominees of their respective parties. As a standard bearer, each, in a measure, directed the policy of the campaign through the party committee. In their letters of acceptance, the candidates announced to the public their views on

ac cept'ance the questions at issue.



Fun'de re [fu'sus] (found) = to melt, to pour.
Po ser' (French) = to place.

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dis course'
com'pre hen'sive
re spect'ful
in quis'i tive

ap pease'

be calm'

tur'bu lent pac'i fied

Innocent diversion relaxes the


"A brave man hazards, but not his conscience." Schiller.

"Let your discourse with men of business be short and comprehensive; with men of station respectful, and by no means inquisitive." Washington.

Christ appeased the winds, and the turbulent seas were becalmed. The fretful child was pacified.

"Education begins the gentleman, but reading, good company, and reflection perfect him."

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to fold, bend.

Pli ca're [pli ca'tus] (ple, plicit, plex)
Fors [for'tis] (forc) = strong.

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"A nation is made great only by worthy citizens."

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