Abbildungen der Seite

ca reer re'al ize ma ture'

Par'a dise

"A great career is a dream of youth realized in mature age.

[ocr errors]

"To Adam, Paradise was home; to the good among his descendants, home de scend'ant is paradise."

es'ti mate

un tried'

en'ter prise

in teg'ri ty

es teem'

de ceit'

treach'er y

It is difficult to estimate what profits will result from an untried enterprise.

For integrity of character, the man was highly esteemed.

"Deceit and treachery make no man


ad'vent com pete' e vent'ful



Ve ni're [ven'tus] = to come.
Pet'e re [pe ti'tus] = to ask, seek.

ad ven'ture

com'pe tence
pre ven'tion

im pet'u ous

com pet'i tor re peat'ed ly in com'pe tent

[blocks in formation]

ter'mi nate

em bel'lish

[blocks in formation]

"The best hearts are always the bravest."-Sterne.

[blocks in formation]




an tiq'ui ty pre'cept doc'trine pru'dence pre serve'

mis for'tune dis'count

al low'ance re bate'


"O, many a shaft at random sent Finds mark the archer little meant."

The maxims of antiquity contain the essence of wisdom; the precepts and doctrines of religion are the foundation of right living; the rules of prudence preserve us from error and misfortune; and the laws are the basis of civil society.

Discount is a rebate or an allowance for the payment of a debt before it is due.

"Man is a lover of fiction."

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"Victory belongs to the persevering." - Napoleon. "One to-day is worth two to-morrows. " — Franklin.




Cu ra're [cu ra'tus] to care for, heal.
Pon'e re [pos'it us]= to place.

[blocks in formation]

un furl'


"The storm of contrary wind unfurls

in scrip'tion the banner and thereby makes its in

leg'i ble

a bate'

du'el ing

o'di ous bar'bar ism



et'i quette' reg'u late

cour'te ous

scription more legible."

"Hamilton's death, by making the duel odious, did more to abate it than any other event in history." - Lodge. "Dueling is a relic of barbarism." "Candor looks with equal fairness at both sides of a subject."- Webster.


Etiquette regulates our conduct." "Extend courteous greeting to every one, whatever be his faith."- Jacheel.


Cap'e re [cap'tus] (ceiv, cept, ceipt, ceit) = to take,

[blocks in formation]

"Truth lies at the bottom of the well."—Old Proverb.

ter res'tri al

em'blem at'ic

[blocks in formation]

leg'a cy ex empt'

ob'li ga'tion sus pect'

fi del'i ty ver'i fy as sign'


vex a'tious

es tate'

in her'it val'iant

"No legacy is so rich as honesty." The laws of God exempt no man from the obligation of obedience.

"Let a man believe that you suspect his fidelity, and he will soon verify your opinion."

The troublesome task assigned me not only proved irksome but also extremely vexatious.

"An estate inherited is less valued." "Cowards die many times; the val

iant never taste death but once."

"To thine own self be true; and it will follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man."-Shakespeare.

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