Abbildungen der Seite

trea'son trai'tor

re li'gion


re cline'

re clin'ing

Chi'na man

fa'vor ite

af flic'tion

ac cus'tom

ac cus'tomed


"For while the treason I detest, the traitor I love." Hoole. Each religion of the world has a sacred book.

To read in a reclining position strains the eyes.

A Chinaman's favorite present to a parent is a coffin.

"The afflictions to which we are accustomed do not disturb us.”

The diagram was well drawn.

[blocks in formation]

"Let honesty be as the breath of thy soul, and never forget to have a penny when all thy expenses are enumerated and paid."- Franklin.

[blocks in formation]

at tract'ive

read'i ness
sym'pa thy
con tent'ment
pro cure'

tor ment'ing

o'ver come' com'bat

la'bor eth

dis'ci pline prac'ti cal wis'dom grace'ful ly ha bit'u al du'ti ful

de port'ment au'to graph mod'ern

con fes'sion



"To be attractive to all sorts of people, one must have great readiness of sympathy."

"Contentment is a pearl of great price; and whoever procures it, though at the expense of a thousand desires, makes a wise and happy purchase.

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"It is tormenting to fear what one cannot overcome.

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"Who hath a greater combat than he that laboreth to overcome self?" Thomas à Kempis.


"Self-control and self-discipline are

the beginnings of practical wisdom."



Nothing sits so gracefully upon children as habitual respect and dutiful deportment toward their parents."

"The taste for collecting autographs is not confined to modern times."

"Confession is cheap, but reformation is often costly."

Plato defined man as a featherless biped.

[blocks in formation]

Ph.D., Doctor of Philosophy.
Ph.G., Graduate of Pharmacy.
R.S.V.P., Please reply.
U.S. M., United States Mail.
U. S. N., United States Navy.

M.C., Member of viz., namely.

M.P., Member of Parliament.


a, ab, abs from, away.


ad (ac, af, al, an, ap, ar, as, at) = to.

[blocks in formation]

dis (di, dif) = asunder, apart, opposite of.

in (ig, il, ir, im) = not, in, into, on.

en (em, el) in, into, on, to make.


sub (suc, suf, sug, sur, sus, sup) = under, after. bi (bis) dis (di) = two, twice.

per (par, pel) = through, thoroughly. inter (intel) = between, among.

su per, sur, hy per, ex tra, pre ter in tra, in tro in, into, within.


pro (pol, pur) = for, forth, forward. ex (e, yc, ef) = out, out of.

sub ter, un der under, beneath.


[blocks in formation]

a = at, to, in, on. over, beyond.

cir cum = around.

non, n = not.

reback, again.

se = apart, aside.

to = at, on.

hem i, sem i = half.
arch= chief.

trans = over.

mis = wrongly.

tri= three.

Alternative height

[blocks in formation]

spellings hight




a ble, i ble, u ble, ble = able or fit to be, worthy. ance, an cy, a cy, i ty, ty, ness = being, state of being. ar, er, or, eer, ier, ent, a ry, ate, ard, an, ian, ean, ive; ist, st, ite: = one who.

al, ac, a ceous, a cious, an, ar, ene, ic, ic al, id, ile, a ry,


o ry, en, ane, ine of, like, or pertaining to.

a cy, age, dom, rick, wick, hood, head, ship, ry, ate= office of

a ry, o ry place where, that which.

ern, ward


= in the direction of.

ee one to whom.

en = made of; past time.

er = more; one by whom.

est = most.

ful, ous, ose, some, lent, y = full, consisting of.

ish, like, ly, y, ic, ic al like, resembling.

[blocks in formation]


to make.

ion, ance, ence, ment, ness, ure = act of, state of being. kin, let, lock, el, en, ule, erel, et, isk, cle, cule, y = little, small.

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