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General Abercrombie, Kik

Published by H.D.Symonds, 20, Pater-noster Row, Nov 1.1799.



OCTOBER, 1799.





AVING in our laft Number furnished our readers with a Sketch of the DUKE OF YORK K; we now proceed to notice an officer who, next to his Royal Highness, has the principal command of the army deftined for the reduction of Holland! There is a propriety in fuch a fucceffion of characters, on whom the public eye is now intent; and who are, indeed, engaged in an undertaking the most important of all the events which the prefent melancholy conteft has produced. Whilft the war continues, curiofity muft continue to be excited, and our endeavours fhall be unceafing for its gratification. Memoirs are always interefting, provided the fubject is well chofen, and the incidents properly arranged. We feel a fympathy in the perufal of fuch kind of narratives, and, accordingly, pieces of biography have at all times been held in high eftimation.

SIR RALPH ABERCROMBIE is a native of North Britain, and of a very refpectable family. He has feveral brothers, fome of whom have diftinguished themfelves on the theatre of public life. One of his brothers was killed at the battle of Bunker's Hill, near Boston, VOL. VIII.



in America, in which many brave officers were loft to their country.

The fubject of our Memoirs entered the army about the year 1756, and in the year 1760 he was made Lieutenant, a promotion which his early merit fecured to him. He became Lieutenant-colonel in 1773, and was conftituted Major General in 1787. From thefe feveral advancements, it appears that he paffed regularly through the gradations which are neceffary for emi nence in a military ftation. The time intervening between the appointments, muft have given him an excellent opportunity for acquiring fkill in his profeffion.

In the year 1793, we have been credibly informed he attained to his prefent rank of Lieutenant-general, a ftation in which he has acquitted himself with a confiderable degree of approbation. From this period it feems that his talents have been peculiarly called forth into exercife, and his conduct has juftified the expectations of thofe individuals to whofe patronage he is indebted for his promotions. At the commencement of the prefent war, he went over with the DUKE of YORK, and acted under him with uncommon zeal and ability. Were we to enter into particulars, various engagements might be fpecified in which his bravery was manifefted. Unintimidated he faced the foe, nor did any one nerve remain unexerted for the acquifition of victory. Succefs, however, is not always attendant on the brave; but the brave endeavour to deferve that fuccefs which the fortune of war fometimes denies.

Before we quit this part of our Memoir, it may be proper juft to mention, that at the conclufion of the campaign, when the Duke of York was unfortunate, SIR RALPH ABERCROMBIE had configned to him the fick and wounded of every defcription. The mul tiplied horrors of war cannot be fully imagined. The havoc and deftruction fcattered around by the inftruments of death, must be inconceivable. No perfon can properly conceive the ftate of an army after an unfuc


cefsful campaign, except he become an eye-witnefs of its miferable condition. To alleviate thefe diftreffes was the peculiar province, at that period, of this humane officer. His attention, we understand, on this occafion, to the wants and neceffities of the army, in general, was very great, and is deferving of our warmeft applaufe.

In 1795, SIR RALPH was appointed to undertake many commiffions in the Weft Indies; expeditions to various parts were planned and executed by him with ability. Many of the islands were witneffes of the fteadinefs and perfeverance which he difplayed in the fervice of his country.

Upon his return home, he was foon destined to allay the difcontents of unhappy Ireland. We mean not to enter into the hiftory of the rife and progrefs of the rebellion in that kingdom. But we may fay, and juftice requires it should be faid, that SIR RALPH ABERCROMBIE exerted his utmost efforts to effect the ref toration of tranquillity. He was unwearied in his attempts to conciliate the minds of that distracted people, by calling them to their duty; an office, on any occafion, honourable to humanity.

The prefent expedition to Holland, defigned to reduce the Dutch to their former allegiance to the Prince of Orange, is a great undertaking. To SIR RALPH ABERCROMBIE was the execution of this plan confided; and under his immediate eye, was the first debarkation of 12,000 troops, Auguft 27, at the Helder, effected. We recollect reading the difpatches on that bufinefs, and we remarked his concern for the lofs of feveral individuals who perished on that occafion. He particularly mentions how much he was affected at feeing the boats overfet; not being able to afford any affiftance to these unfortunate perfons. Indeed nothing can be more afflictive to a man of fenfibility, than to perceive his fellow-creatures miferable, and yet not pof

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